Other > Survival Guides / Game Help
nvm ...
actually i got a question that is not answered there ...
1) does magnetic personality enable you to have an extra slave ?
2) and what about when you have 1 ch and magnetic ? - you can have then 1 slave on ?
3) and finally i wonder if its possible to cheat the game.. have 9 charisma at 6 lv take magnetic and then at later lv increase charisma XD
(i know its a waste of perk but still interesting XD)
1. yes
2. probably
2. 7 was the cap in f2? I guess it works if you dont overstep it
do NCR rangers ever stop shooting at you for being slaver? or i can feel free to shoot their heads off ... (once i will be strong enough that is ;p )
you could gain ranger reputation for killing slavers and other bandits.
But this could take a while
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