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--- Quote from: Yamcha on February 03, 2010, 09:22:56 pm ---you could gain ranger reputation for killing slavers and other bandits.
But this could take a while

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remember the change that makes rep decay at 100 / day ?

the reputation will clear out after some time but it doesnt say that they will stop shooting

yeah you're right.
Rep system is pretty strange atm.  - slavers near Den will attack me            ME im a slaver myself...  :P

As I remember you can lead only max 10 people (including you) and/or 4 NPCs, that means 4 slaves too ;) CH/2-1, 10CH->5ch-1 = 4. Haven't tried with magnet yet. But i bet max is 5 if perk work correctly.


--- Quote from: Attero on February 03, 2010, 02:39:54 pm ---
2) and what about when you have 1 ch and magnetic ? - you can have then 1 slave on ?

--- End quote ---

yes i tested it

Whats the min charisma for slaving ? 5 like the wiki stated or 3? 3/2 - 1 = 1/2 slave


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