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but you're totally screwed when you have slaves, you can't exit the encounters you have to kill everything in your way especially considering the lengths you have to go to fing enslavable people, however i was thinking about getting a couple of cute slaves to guard my camp (if you know what i mean ;), even a cg avatar needs to have some fun sometimes (when i'm not logged on))
Frozen Mind:
I'm slaver for a long time and can tell you it's a bit of fun. Actually there are two things annoying me for now:
1. Slaves accuracy is blocked by missing weapon animations for current skins.
2. There are some bugs like buggy (missing) dialog options.
I wish they could use all animations and have better skills to use energy weapons.
Many interesting suggestions were posted on forum but developers seems to don't care about enough that profession.
well, slavery is always a good breakfast, but exactly which npcs can be enslaved, cause i've heard that female marauders can be enslaved as well.
Female homesteaders have one of the highest slave HP's and can use rippers, fyi.
--- Quote from: gordulan on February 06, 2010, 03:33:28 pm ---well, slavery is always a good breakfast, but exactly which npcs can be enslaved, cause i've heard that female marauders can be enslaved as well.
--- End quote ---
yea i like slavery too its fun like hell
look at http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Slavers for list npc u can enslave there are errors in "Weapons handled" area but still is good to read this if u need quite good info about slavery
Personally im suprissed there is no fallout 2 companion control menu for slaves/mercs.And that slavery is not a profesion like small guns/armorer etc ;/
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