Other > Survival Guides / Game Help
u can be slaver even when u have char 1 ;) and magnetic personality perk u can have then only 1 slave at time but that is not a problem when all u needed is couple slaves for base or tent (have that done that). Izual problem with that is now that slave equip weapon only to unequip it it couple secounds later bottlegger female are good example they CAN use pistols like 9mm and 10mm,14mm(!) even 10mm smg (!!) but uneqip it. So rly there is a problem telling what exacly they can use for sure ( and its not some bug) like ive wrote before holly people/lone wanderer(?) use combat knifes,rippers ive test it on more that 2 (got 1 now with 89hp/ripper in hand) and that is for sure
so theres no chance whatsoever to use the ncr workbench at all after becoming a slaver?
not really its almost like u have paint target mark on your armor when u get in there :P
ah well, i guess that my brand new crafting area will be the hub.
Any plans on this not being the case sooner or later, (i free people from poverty so they can guard my base with ropes. :D )
Is there any way at all to stop em from shooting you though?
What attack style should we set to our mercs in faction base to disallow them from shooting each other (mercs and slaves are of different people) and still protecting our base from intruders (not only enemies which we set on terminal.. you can't just name all possible intruders)? I set a slave to kill but don't touch me or my friends and he attacked a merc of my friend..
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