Other > Closed suggestions
Maximum level 41
The level cap could probably be raised to give players more to do, but skill points and hp would have to start to diminish greatly after level 21. We don't need any jack of all trades characters.
--- Quote from: Szef on February 01, 2010, 12:30:35 am ---No! 7 or 5 perks forcing people to make a decision what do they want take. I think it's the best option.
--- End quote ---
oh boy, picking 7 perks out of 15, most of which are broken. Yeah that's amazing game design.
no lvl cap raise will solve the problem of having nothing to do, it will take just more time until you get to that same situation. But game can improve in many things in having what to do, boxing tournaments, high priced combat armor implants, brotherhood of steal, new towns from fallout cut-off continent and so on, and these things would make the real difference and fill fonline with new colors not lvl caps or other extentions.
Rising lvl cap would have an advantage : PvP battles won"t anymore depend on number of players in each team, it will depend on power of your character (until every player of each team got a lvl 41 char but it takes a long time).
So according to this, this could be a good idea.
Yep. 500hp vs. 40hp bluenub. Heh.
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