Other > Closed suggestions

Maximum level 41

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Quentin Lang:

--- Quote ---Level 41? That's probably the most ridicoulous suggestion I've seen here.
--- End quote ---
+1, i totally support you Solar. This is ridicoulous.


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on January 31, 2010, 05:17:53 pm ---+1, i totally support you Solar. This is ridicoulous.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, 41, what a bullshit, all with me: WE WANT MAX LVL 99!

i think that marco is crying because he has 20% outdoor on 21 lvl :D

For that to work you'd need to add a ton of new perks and change the health gain like making lifegiver a one shot bonus instead of per level.

No! 7 or 5 perks forcing people to make a decision what do they want take. I think it's the best option.


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