Other > Closed suggestions
Maximum level 41
hmm the onlz way is when rais the max lvl to Stop HP Raising after lvl 21
--- Quote from: Roachor on February 01, 2010, 01:06:12 am ---oh boy, picking 7 perks out of 15, most of which are broken. Yeah that's amazing game design.
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What's the matter? Don't you like more criticals, better criticals and lifegiver? Are you some sort of Commie?
And I'm against raising the level cap. In some games, having a drastic difference in player level works because there's places where low levels go and places where high levels go. FOnline doesn't have that, so creating a bigger difference in players strength is just going to lead to more one-sided fights.
--- Quote from: Badger on February 01, 2010, 02:25:45 am ---What's the matter? Don't you like more criticals, better criticals and lifegiver? Are you some sort of Commie?
And I'm against raising the level cap. In some games, having a drastic difference in player level works because there's places where low levels go and places where high levels go. FOnline doesn't have that, so creating a bigger difference in players strength is just going to lead to more one-sided fights.
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I have yet to see an even fight in this game.
--- Quote from: Roachor on February 01, 2010, 03:54:33 am ---I have yet to see an even fight in this game.
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Yeah, me neither. Nor do I see it changing anytime soon. I've already resigned myself to being a fish in a barrel.
I mean, what's the alternative? Everyone has more of a chance? Sounds dangerously socialist to me.
--- Quote from: Lexx on February 01, 2010, 01:21:13 am ---Yep. 500hp vs. 40hp bluenub. Heh.
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Matter of time for bluenup
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