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Wanna drugs on Hinkley ?

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Author Topic: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs  (Read 4094 times)


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Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:43:13 am »

1. Whats the reason of prohibit drugs into arena ? It should be rather provided by NPC inside (fake ones).
2. Give players ALL weapons/armors/ammo types available!

Why u ask me ?
Because now we have that sick situation where players make specific build just for Hinkley. (p90 burters tanks with 250 hp and 3 burts in a row) Those alts are permanently logged off over Hinkley and used only there. The idea of Hinkley is to have fun/have some quick unlimited fights/ and whats the most important to test alts and train ur PvP skill - how can u do that if  the conditions of fight are totaly different than on regular Town Control fights ? First of all - drugs. There is absolutely no reason for preventing players to use them on arena - again in real fights only total noobs doesnt use them. Now when im going to have some fun on arena with 4 example my sniper (jet,buff,nuke,cigs) i have onyl 8 ap instead od 11 so am able to shoot 1 shot in a row instead of my regular (almost)2. Another thing - weapons, on hinkley big gunners are juz so fcking pathetic. Everyone knows that BG are totally nerfed in general what was signalised by players so many times. But on Hinkley its even worst! -> instead od avenger/lsw we have that funny regular minigun - its damage is good only for shooting mobs on a wasteland. Bazooka then u say ? rly ? with explosive rockets ? buahah adding AP rockets is a must.

Hinkley just by its architecture promots plasma rifle/p90. But with that drugs/weapon/ammo nerf its just making people creating pure hinkley p90 build what would be never use in a regular TC fight.


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 10:50:28 am »

Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2011, 01:02:49 pm »

I agree with everything what was said, but not about drugs. No drugs in Hinkley ...

I explained it somewhere
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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2011, 01:08:30 pm »

About drugs, not sure if it's a good idea.

But why? What will change?

We won't  need a "friend"  logged off on WM  having few packs of drugs in his inventory.

One more . What's the point of testing Drug based powerbuild without drugs.


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2011, 01:13:41 pm »

Yeah, have to get out each 30 min is sooo better for testing... Seriously dudes, I never get what the hell was the problem with drugs.
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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2011, 01:14:24 pm »

Hinkley just by its architecture promots plasma rifle/p90. But with that drugs/weapon/ammo nerf its just making people creating pure hinkley p90 build what would be never use in a regular TC fight.

Its cool that people can make other than TC builds(plasma tanks, p90 bursters, short range cripplers instead of boring as shit long range sniper or critical bazooka however both of them are usefull in Hinkley) and use them somewhere. Its alternate way for those who are bored about tc swarmfights. Its something different and this makes it cool. No drugs, just new weapons and arenas.

I love to make new builds and im happy that Hinkley gives me possibility to invent them.

And last thing, Hinkley is not TC so why regular TC builds should be best there? :) Why people dont use crafter builds for TC? Because want to have the best possible build for TC. Why people make Hinkley builds? The same reason. Hinkley is not TC, TC is not Hinkley. I used to play both, got both kind of builds and i think it is awesome(even if i tried to play regular big gunner at the begin of Hinkley... god i sent to Hinkley my 4 big gunners before i made pure Hinkley build ;D). The more possibilities the cooler game is.

And the very last thing. Dont change Hinkley into TC. Another clock fights. Omg my drugs, omg its over of my drugs wait! Its new type of battlefield. No drugs allowed. Make new build for new conditions. If u are lazy dont play or lose.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 01:36:15 pm by manero »


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2011, 04:29:47 pm »

I already play with drugs in hinkley. Don't worry, for you it won't change anything, it's just gonna avoid some annoyance to me. Anyway TC fight and real fight are totally different, and available weaponry is only a small part in that. Absence of mumble (most of time), the particular map, everyone in BA with 2 weapons, no superstims, no spawn, no zone to guard, no NPCs, nothing to loose... It's pretty different, and add drugs or weapon won't change that.

Omg my drugs, omg its over of my drugs wait!
Won't happen anyway. You have nothing to loose. You're drugs are down? You finish the fight and go to bar. What's the matter? It last 30 min.
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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2011, 05:02:57 pm »

And i think this different is cool I dont need another 'tc like' battlefield, mumble or other ts, spawns, control zones and drugs.  Im bored of this and its great that there is place where tired pvp player can fight(without wasting time for crafting, farming, stupid wm waiting and other shit) for his own without a swarm of companions.

So Devs/Surf - do not delete alternate way for pvp players. If u add drugs that would be a little more like TC and a little less like Hinkley. I dont whine about drugs because i like to use them ingame but i dont need them everywhere and im sure that i dont need them in Hinkley.

Btw. im sure that jet is not allowed in NCR(not sure about other drugs)  ;D So i dont see any chance to get it inside Hinkley ;D Explenations for RPlayers  ;)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 05:14:53 pm by manero »


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2011, 05:14:38 pm »

I dont get you Manero, probably if they add drugs it will do option "no drugged chars" or something like that (like- no armor). You still can enter already drugged char :P


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2011, 05:15:15 pm »

There'll be no drugs added, but more varied weapon and armor offerings. Maybe we'll add some drug checks so people who smuggle them in/come drugged can't participate. Let's see. :)


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2011, 05:15:38 pm »

Perteks, its fine for me. If u really want to play on drugs use them before enter. So i dont see any point in adding drugs to Hinkley.

There'll be no drugs added, but more varied weapon and armor offerings. Maybe we'll add some drug checks so people who smuggle them in/come drugged can't participate. Let's see. :)

I like the idea. I would like to see how psycho user try to enter guarded gate ;D
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 05:18:50 pm by manero »


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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2011, 05:23:01 pm »

There'll be no drugs added, but more varied weapon and armor offerings. Maybe we'll add some drug checks so people who smuggle them in/come drugged can't participate. Let's see. :)

Cool! You have to get out each 30 min, take your own drugds, and you can't even fight 'cause some guy think drugs are bad and forbade it.
Honestly, if you can forbid it, at least allow to get some at the bar.

If u really want to play on drugs use them before enter. So i dont see any point in adding drugs to Hinkley.
Yeah, and if you really want to fight with avenger, bring your own! (oh shit, you can't, just let allow to bring one and its fine for me).

Note: why ya associate drug to TC? You use BA also in TC, so to have diffrent kind of fight, let's remove it!
Difference between TC and Hinkley have nothing to do with stuff/drugs.

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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2011, 05:31:45 pm »

Stuff and drugs means builds and builds. I want more possible and usefull builds ingame. If u add free drugs for Hinkley i would use(and im sure all other pvp apes) every battle(tc and Hinkley) the same builds. Just for example: easy jet/psycho means that there would be no p90 bursters builds in Hinkley because it would be very easy to get 2 bursts by Minigun and still got a lot of hp(btw. who use p90 anywhere else? no one, so its great that there is at least one place for p90/pancor bursters in fonline 2238 where this guys have funl). And so on... I dont like idea about drugs in Hinkley. Thats all from me.

Conlusion, if free drugs would be available in Hinkley:

+ yeah drugs !

- less unusual pvp builds :'(
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 05:43:12 pm by manero »
Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2011, 06:00:52 pm »

There are BAs in Hinkley. Guess what armor will be most used ? BA

There are Avengers in Hinkley. Guess what gun will be most used by Big Gunners ? Avenger

There are drugs in Hinkley. Guess how will look all builds ?

And what about players which dont have drugged builds ? People which dont need any power drugged build because they just dont participate in TC ? They will cannot participate in Hinkley because they will not have any single chance against people which have ultra builds.

Maybe your argument will be: "But they dont must fight with people which are on drugs, they have posibility to choose what fight they want. Its same as with armor allowing at computer."

But seriously ? What kind of players with what armor/gun do you see in Hinkley matches ? ONLY high tief stuff. Who will be so stupid and will take Leather jacket ? Same with drugs, everyone will have them. And who not ? BURN HIM

« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 06:03:54 pm by Hololasima »
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Re: Balance Hinkley - guns/drugs
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2011, 06:06:42 pm »

Its a paradox because if u add drugs to Hinkley u will limit this place. And make it only for drugs users and that non drugs users who like to be pawned by them hehe. Just like Holo wrote.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 06:13:43 pm by manero »
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