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Author Topic: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff  (Read 1856 times)


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Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:01:41 pm »

 There is a lot of things in wasteland, that do not have any purpose (magic balls, cards, ... ). There is also a lot of players that like to collect them. Only because of they want them all. Its like kind of collectors fewer.

 So i think, that there could be added new stuff of this kind. We can call it like pre war strange things collecting madness. This stuff could be found in caves, wandering merchants, corpses of death animals (guess how did they get them :) ), ... in general, found by other ways than npc traders or craftable via fix boy.

 But what next? I am not sure. Maybe special collectors perk, if you get all of some stuff serie. But what should be effect of that perk? I dont know exactly. I dont think that raising combat skills is good idea. Players who like collecting another stuff than gauss pistols is the group of players that should be supported by this idea. Maybe get boost to barter, speech, outdoorsman, ... skills, but i think that collecting effort deserves something more. On other way, i think that valuable devs works should not been wasted to only minor group of players taste (no new locations, measures that would need massive balancing). So it should be something simple, not massive works, but still usefull for that players.   

 Maybe special title before name, like "col. Lordus", something that would mean that "hey, this is not only my fifth combat alt, but char i like".

 Or something else.. would you help me to finish this suggestion?
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 10:45:13 pm »

Rewarding players for collecting these random things isn't a bad idea at all. It's something else to do besides fight people.

There could be several "useless" items that, when combined, would be worth a lot of money - f.e. collecting dice, cards, a poker chip and a roulette ball could be sold as a package to the casino for a considerable sum. There's plenty of possible sets like this.
Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 11:18:12 pm »

maybe the more "Tragic" cards you collect the better you are at playing Tragic, and you can win money for playing "Tragic" with random players or NPC's


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Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 03:17:27 am »

I'm sure some of the "Magic" items like the dice could be included with the next Reno overhaul. ;) Agreed with the suggestion from player side of view, but the "problem" is that stuff becomes not so "unusual" after it's more wideably obtainable.
Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 05:32:25 am »

You could have like he said, get some bonus for collecting several combination's of things, and you could make them hard, or unlikely to obtain, or perhaps......... crafting ingredients ?  but then that might cause balance issues.


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Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 07:06:38 am »

If you make these items easier to get by perk, or whatever, they become less collectible.  The best way to be a collector is this:  Other players get items from GMs, quests, weird finds, etc.  Then they auction them on this forum.  Then the collector player plays an outrageous amount for the items, and hoards them at their base.  Nobody seems these items, aside from the rare screenshot, but hey... you HAVE IT!  Crazy!
Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 07:20:27 am »

Here's how I think it should be;

When a character is created he has one item out of 10 pieces from 10 possible sets (to reduce people making character after character) the item is of course random, items can be given from a daily/weekly quest I would go with weekly so they preserve their value. These items can (with a .001%) also be found on higher level critters example deathclaws (let's just say they ate someone and the token didn't digest properly) Nightkins (they're schizo so maybe the queen of hearts looks like his mother and he talks to her) the odd NCR trooper who is also trying to collect the set, remember these are just examples, but I would suggest a very small percent of these being drops.

Also payment can come in the form of second-third tier items, caps, or XP
Re: Collecting unusual and unusable stuff
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 10:55:16 am »

Here's how I think it should be;

When a character is created he has one item out of 10 pieces from 10 possible sets (to reduce people making character after character) the item is of course random, items can be given from a daily/weekly quest I would go with weekly so they preserve their value. These items can (with a .001%) also be found on higher level critters example deathclaws (let's just say they ate someone and the token didn't digest properly) Nightkins (they're schizo so maybe the queen of hearts looks like his mother and he talks to her) the odd NCR trooper who is also trying to collect the set, remember these are just examples, but I would suggest a very small percent of these being drops.

Also payment can come in the form of second-third tier items, caps, or XP
I much more like the ide of useless treasure caves than creature drops. It seems more logical that some rare traic card is hidden in box in cave than in a belly of deathclaw. This could be a start for some minidungeons.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
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