Total Members Voted: 61
Why don't we take the special attacks off from barefisted guys and add them in melee/unarmed weapons? Thats because unarmed guy is basically armed with gear that cannot be removed. I can't loot somebody's haymaker but he can loot my p90.
Maybe all the special attacks should be removed? What purpose to they serve?
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
unarmed is good against every weapon just not lsw or avenger, it could be perfectly fit for pvp, and if for example you could have haymaker for 15% crit chance bonus, or piercing strike with 40% crit bonus on mega power fist, it would be decent pvp skill in close encounters for sure, so what we need now is just add it :>
against what? a crippler would cripple your leg and make you never get him, the burster if you get too close he burst you 3 times with a smg and you are dead, the nader wouldn't let you go up, the bgs own at close range, the plasma rifle can kill everything.
how to pro in fonline
Yes, I also read this whilst doing my research for the new perks. There will be one called that, but the effect will be different.
please learn how to pro in fonline then troll in my topics