Over the games F1, F2, FT worked best of the best people in the computer industry. Unfortunately, the black clouds hanging over FOnline, the team
that trying to milk the Crow went in the direction of the the bull.
My neighbor has a sports car, the perfect finish to which he always cherishes and polished, but it totally does not care which engine is the most important part of in
the car. Engine slaughter, knocking and has many oil leaks. Total disaster!
The same happens here, people are playing the graphic design of weapons and other least important elements of "3D"Why? On what to whom? "3D" in the the
game with isometric projection ... without a comment! A game engine barely runs.
If anyone ever wanted to earn something on this, someone should to take their first for the mechanics of the "characters, statistics, environment, randomness in the
game like (Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate 2), additional random stats for each weapon found: laser sight (+5% to +20% for greater accuracy), this will be a random sight in the weapons. Bonus that gives the sight will be randomized.
You can just write without a the end.
The look, the graphics leave at the end. Nobody is rushing to play this game, for the flashing lights in the rifle or a more fluffy fur on the mutant rat. My advice: a
look at couple of games mmorpg, to borrow a couple of ideas and implemented to this magnificent game. I hope that someone finally wiser in the end, because it really breaks my heart and the blood is boiling. I wish everyone good luck!