NastyKhan, i disagree about discontinuing of 3D with CJ.
You see, if we suddenly come to conclusion, that all work we done since the start of the project, was for a naught (just because our playing experience ATM has been worsened by trollbacks on the currently only MMOG project using 3D), the people like Karpov, LutherBlissett, Johnny Bravo, Graf, who are actively contributing in form of models, animations, SDK studies, coding, tutorials, translations, ideas, will probably put the next update on "later than soon" list because of lack of motivation. And, it's not a team which is working on 3D, but a loose bunch of creative people and it is already difficult to push the project forward because of this, IMHO.
I wish, there was a server which could serve a purpose as a beta for the 3d, as a demo version, which could excite the players with customisation and gameplay possibilities and give the 3D developers a boost of motivation. I think, technically it will be possible with both sets of male/female animations by Karpov and a easy customisation interface.
But crippling their selfesteem by saying "there will be no 3D" is contraproductive and preposterous.
Thanks to LutherBlissett for motivation!