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What character would you play ?

A mutant ! Slow, tough and powerful, that's me !
A ghoul ! Some crazy, slow and highly-intelligent sniper.
A human. A polyvalent char, yes sir !
I would try all of them, I have no favorite race.
I would prefer everyone to play humans characters.

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Author Topic: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?  (Read 21879 times)


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #75 on: June 27, 2010, 05:27:33 pm »

maybe an experimental anti-FEV drug, which has a 75% chance of deleting your character permanently, as to simulate genetic breakdown.
Would make you hesitate at when your lvl 21 mutie wants to get a human life.

As for human to ghoul, one should only need to go to the glow and die in a fancy irradiated way. To get cured of ghoulism, one has to take the FEV-injection (swim), this has a 50% chance of deleting your character noting the radiated DNA getting obliterated by the virus (for humans to become super mutants there should be a 25% chance of getting deleted) to become a ghoul from a super mutie, that aint gonna happen, you need to risk your ass for the 75% deletion chance of taking the FEV- retrovirus.

of course this could be inmplemented when the SM & Ghoul 3d player models are in, would make for a nice change seeing a SM in CA, or a ghoul in a LJ

Whatcha think?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 06:12:31 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2010, 05:58:01 pm »

Im just curious... why some of the player want to make new races [ghoul and muti] easy frags on the weastland? No armor, 1 int, no runing - wtf? Imo we should wait to 3d era when muti/ghouls will be able to run and it will be only diffrence of skins. why? Becouse if we boost muti dr/hp/shit know what else - it will not be long before some people will create powerbulds for them. Muti with 400 hp, dr 90% and tesla - Imagine 10 of them playing in tc, nightmare :]

I like the idea of quest to change skin but it should be only diffrence of skins or some mutation bonus [eg +3 str -3 cha] so it would increase some stats above 10 but in the same time make player lost some statistic.

And no fucking potion that change you back to human!

No no if anything muties would have high DR but no drugs would affect them... or less... there should be a meat like they are :D That would be funny, but for HtH and some special item wielding would make a big difference in TC, the drawback would be that youd die more often but deal more damage.

There are Ghoul Sprites who can run (The Scavengers). For all other ghouls its NOT possible to just make them run unless you'll paint a few thousand new pictures for them. (just wait for the 3d critters anyway).

Oh so its even better, why wait if this already could work. I mean muties wouldnt run but would have more HP and DR (drugs effect to be discussed) having a possibility to weild some special end game weapon or maybe even craft and weild.

Ghouls running thats nice, theyd be using riffles the most effectively. As I said or Izual and other they could have some bonus to sniping or crit chance or maybe as well some sepcial weapon or simply easier 7.62mm crafting and boost for AR dmg?

Im just saying it all possible to do now, of course with 3D era mutants could run, but really there could be some idea about implementing this sooner than SOON 3D era ;). Of course ghouls scavengers why not :] AFAIK they were using 10mm and pistols? well then they could have boost to their usage. It all needs more brainstorming :) With the 3D era we could think about something different, but lets do it THEN, when well have 3D era :P
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 06:09:25 pm by kraskish »
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #77 on: June 27, 2010, 06:14:51 pm »

Wait for 3D era, and we'll talk about this again.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #78 on: June 27, 2010, 07:11:19 pm »

Ghouls and Mutants are cool but I think player ghoul/mutants should be able to run like in Fallout Tactics for obvious reasons.


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #79 on: June 27, 2010, 07:17:04 pm »

why not just lock this thread and bury it, this is obviously not gonna happen until the 3d models are done (god knows when).

and besides, vote for me
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #80 on: June 27, 2010, 07:28:15 pm »

why not just lock this thread and bury it, this is obviously not gonna happen until the 3d models are done (god knows when).

and besides, vote for me

I could live with slow ghouls
maybe an experimental anti-FEV drug, which has a 75% chance of deleting your character permanently, as to simulate genetic breakdown.
Would make you hesitate at when your lvl 21 mutie wants to get a human life.

As for human to ghoul, one should only need to go to the glow and die in a fancy irradiated way. To get cured of ghoulism, one has to take the FEV-injection (swim), this has a 50% chance of deleting your character noting the radiated DNA getting obliterated by the virus (for humans to become super mutants there should be a 25% chance of getting deleted) to become a ghoul from a super mutie, that aint gonna happen, you need to risk your ass for the 75% deletion chance of taking the FEV- retrovirus.

of course this could be inmplemented when the SM & Ghoul 3d player models are in, would make for a nice change seeing a SM in CA, or a ghoul in a LJ

Whatcha think?

would be easier if we had clones, simply cause more clone failures and they have to use special vats (in their cities.)

Otherwise understanding majority rules, people don't like to get deleted.


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #81 on: June 27, 2010, 07:30:23 pm »

hey, it's their own fault if they want tochange their race from which they begin.

what I meant was on top of the ability to choose race at the start.

yuippie, 1001 posts, i has suceede in breaking the bar.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 07:32:23 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul ?
« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2010, 08:30:20 pm »

The masters lieutenant was pretty smart too.
This is to clarify some things about super mutants and ghouls

Old thread I know but I do have to jump in and say this about super mutants and ghouls, from the fallout bible:
Chris Taylor wrote:
>>Actually, a dip in FEV has a chance of modifying Intelligence, but it doesn't always
increase it. Some people do gain increased intelligence, a larger majority lose intelligence
and most people remain the same. It also depends if people have enough radiation
damage to be turned into ghouls or super mutants.<<

So, usually you just keep your intelligence as it is and at some very few strange cases you get increased intelligence and sometimes you just get more dumb, it's as easy as that. The lieutenant and marcus just kept their normal intelligence I guess, maybe increased it but I think that is unconfirmed since you need info on how they where before.

To become a ghoul you must already be irradiated, otherwise you'll turn into a supermutie.

I'm not sure but it seems that ghouls keep their intelligence somewhat intact, I think their memory is affected a bit (they simply get bad memory :P)

Chris Taylor: Ghouls are a type of mutant.
Super Mutants are humans with no or minimal radiation damage who have been exposed to FEV.
Ghouls are humans with significant radiation damage exposed to FEV.
glowing ghouls are ghouls that suck up too many rads after they have become ghouls.

These are all quotes from the fallout bible and if you want to follow fallout canon keep these quotes in mind :P
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 08:33:21 pm by bikkebakke »
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #83 on: June 27, 2010, 08:36:50 pm »

There can't be any new supermutants then since everyone is irradiated. I mean logically the radiation would have ended about 130 years ago but whatever. Either way why is this topic still open?


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #84 on: June 27, 2010, 08:51:03 pm »

Okay... Now I lock this since you guys can't just avoid replying. And I will unlock it in proper era.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #85 on: June 28, 2010, 06:29:45 pm »

Not necessarily, Lexx said ghouls could be made faster, that means, that it is possible to fasten ghouls or mutants (players not mercs).

Huh, can't remember this. In general, I am totally against speeding up animations, as it looks ugly, if the speeding up critter isn't a small radscorpion.
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