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What character would you play ?

A mutant ! Slow, tough and powerful, that's me !
A ghoul ! Some crazy, slow and highly-intelligent sniper.
A human. A polyvalent char, yes sir !
I would try all of them, I have no favorite race.
I would prefer everyone to play humans characters.

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Author Topic: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?  (Read 21880 times)


  • Keigoris
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2010, 04:23:02 am »

Well for the super mutant  i would sugest allowing them to only wear Leather Jacket (Mutie Skin with the black suit) and Metal Armor (Lieutenant skin from Fallout 1)


Perhaps the devs should take a look at Fallout Tactic Multiplayer Character creator, a lot of good idea are there!You can even customize your own character hair and skin colour ^^ It would allow players to play Dogs, Brahmins as well as deathclaw! hehe  ;D

« Last Edit: April 13, 2010, 09:05:24 pm by Menempo »
Keigoris - "So what?! I'm a Deathclaw in human disguise! that dosen't mean i cannot be an addict to nuka cola!"


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2010, 10:13:34 am »

With the new 3D era, no need to focus on which Fallout skins are already available. It will be easy to make our owns.
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #62 on: April 12, 2010, 04:55:26 pm »

With the new 3D era, no need to focus on which Fallout skins are already available. It will be easy to make our owns.

I want to play as brahmin, dispensing nutritious glowing milk to thirsty wanderers.
Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul ?
« Reply #63 on: April 12, 2010, 05:23:18 pm »

True words - making character being unable to perform some tasks due to stats (like not being able to talk with npcs - that is really rpigish ;), and limiting access to certain perks) is not good way...

So - has engine hard code limits to stats that it can only be from range of 1 to 10?

If not then Here goes SPECIAL from Fo:T for ghouls and super mutants (green values are starting stats):

| 1-3-8 |4-8-13 |1-5-10 |1-4-10 |2-6-10 |1-4-6 |5-7-12 |
Rad resistance: 40%, Poison Resistance - 10%

Super Mutants:
| 5-8-13 |1-5-11 |4-6-11 |1-5-10 |1-3-8 |1-3-8 |1-5-10 |
Rad resistance: 20%, Poison Resistance - 20%, Damage Resistance - 25%

Both races got Perks for every 4th level, and had access to racial traits/perks...

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To Become a Mutant
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2010, 01:21:30 am »

Hello there should be an option to become a mutant via quest (to make things easier) perhaps some doctor willing to try new drug on you and youre the happy volunteer! Of course results turned bad and you became a mutant!

You got hp boost (50% I guess its good?) got bonus to unarmed dmg (melee not available - are there any skins for mutant melee ? Dunno) + carry weight? (spawning carrying alts - dont want) and in other ways the player would face the consequences of being a mutant - no armors for you!

Why would it be good? Fun! Maybe some war meat in TC, but first and foremost introduce some variety in this bluesuit madness...with some green :D. The bonuses would need to be balanced. The mutant form would give more survival rate for beginners while it would be unusable for higher lvls...

Oh yeah, and the reverse, to become a human again could be done by antitode offered by some other doctor ;)


Already discussed to death, in first thread on this board. Merged. /Wipe/
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 02:01:31 am by Wipe »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: To Become a Mutant
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2010, 01:36:40 am »

- You will be slow as hell as you can't run.
- You won't be able to use most of the guns.
- You won't be able to wear armors.
- You will get bored soon (believe me you will) by this and will nag GMs or Devs about to turn your skin back.

Also it's not the first time someone suggested this. Also, lol @ drinking and Antidote and magically turning into human again.


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Re: To Become a Mutant
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2010, 01:53:31 am »

- You will be slow as hell as you can't run.
- You won't be able to use most of the guns.
- You won't be able to wear armors.
- You will get bored soon (believe me you will) by this and will nag GMs or Devs about to turn your skin back.

Also it's not the first time someone suggested this. Also, lol @ drinking and Antidote and magically turning into human again.

1 RUN - Oh Dammit I forgot muties cant run...hmm... so maybe could boost their DR? :D
2. Not a problem, youre brute power would grant HtH skills basically, yeah I got it
3. read 1
4. Probably, dunno, it could be like it could serve as a tank in TC :D There are some drawbacks, hm but maybe there could be a weapon "only to use by mutants" like some high end one like Bozar? Theres a potential, if not the low-level then it could be end lvl as well :) Of course the lack of running would be the main drawback but some special item to use by mutants would recompensate for lack of speed...

WOOPS I heated up some good old thread. Round 2? :D


Anway.. ghouls and mutants will not be ingame in sooner future.

it was december... is it soon future anyhow now?  :D
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 03:11:17 am by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: To Become a Mutant
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2010, 03:30:28 am »

(...) is it soon future anyhow now?  :D

Definition of word "soon" in FOnline:2238 can be found here.
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2010, 04:24:58 am »

to be honest it doesnt look like our old good f2 anymore .... is there any way to make it look a bit better?
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2010, 06:18:27 am »

Some guy made a mod for CiV 3 adding fallout type things, there was a ghoul and mutant faction with ghouls using lots of wepons like spears and laser guns ang stuff.

Just sayin might be usefull.
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| _________ |,,||_|_||)


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2010, 02:37:05 pm »

i don't think it will be implemented , until we are far in testing the 3d era, since this will need brand new models, animations, placeholders, skins, and of course balance.

In any case, ghouls should be able to run, but suffer from a lack of maximum strength, while enjoying the benefits from an upgraded intelligence
Super mutants will suffer from reduced agility and intelligence, but will have a benefit in the strength and endurance aspects.
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2010, 02:55:46 pm »

i don't think it will be implemented , until we are far in testing the 3d era, since this will need brand new models, animations, placeholders, skins, and of course balance.

In any case, ghouls should be able to run, but suffer from a lack of maximum strength, while enjoying the benefits from an upgraded intelligence
Super mutants will suffer from reduced agility and intelligence, but will have a benefit in the strength and endurance aspects.

Not necessarily, Lexx said ghouls could be made faster, that means, that it is possible to fasten ghouls or mutants (players not mercs). It would be silly to see a Mutant with mauser and honestly, they would do more dmg with unarmed than mauser so new animations are not needed for mutant, as for ghoul, he wouldnt be able to use big guns and its good since I dont think they are animations for ghouls with big guns.

Simply Mutants +unarmed +big guns usage (dunno if boost or not)
Ghouls +PE (maybe?) +Small guns usage (dunno if boost or not)

In compare with the OP post Id rather not intervene with SPECIAL for now, Im just saying it all could be done. And even if fast walking mutant/ghoul would look simply silly and it wouldnt be implemented because of that, then those mutant/ghoul could have some advantages compensating their lack of running...
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2010, 03:37:35 pm »

Well, you have to admit: there is not much end-game content. I think a quest like this to turn you into a different type of character (and possibly back) would definitely help the game grow.

Again, it's just for fun, not really practical for PvP, etc (but what else is there to do at lvl 21?)


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2010, 03:38:52 pm »

Not necessarily, Lexx said ghouls could be made faster, that means, that it is possible to fasten ghouls or mutants (players not mercs). It would be silly to see a Mutant with mauser and honestly, they would do more dmg with unarmed than mauser so new animations are not needed for mutant, as for ghoul, he wouldnt be able to use big guns and its good since I dont think they are animations for ghouls with big guns.

There are Ghoul Sprites who can run (The Scavengers). For all other ghouls its NOT possible to just make them run unless you'll paint a few thousand new pictures for them. (just wait for the 3d critters anyway).


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2010, 05:23:58 pm »

Im just curious... why some of the player want to make new races [ghoul and muti] easy frags on the weastland? No armor, 1 int, no runing - wtf? Imo we should wait to 3d era when muti/ghouls will be able to run and it will be only diffrence of skins. why? Becouse if we boost muti dr/hp/shit know what else - it will not be long before some people will create powerbulds for them. Muti with 400 hp, dr 90% and tesla - Imagine 10 of them playing in tc, nightmare :]

I like the idea of quest to change skin but it should be only diffrence of skins or some mutation bonus [eg +3 str -3 cha] so it would increase some stats above 10 but in the same time make player lost some statistic.

And no fucking potion that change you back to human!
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