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What character would you play ?

A mutant ! Slow, tough and powerful, that's me !
A ghoul ! Some crazy, slow and highly-intelligent sniper.
A human. A polyvalent char, yes sir !
I would try all of them, I have no favorite race.
I would prefer everyone to play humans characters.

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Author Topic: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?  (Read 21865 times)

Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2009, 02:40:51 pm »

I think ghouls should not be so slow, make them equal as the mutans speed.
And dont give them +9 per, 8 is Ok, and at least 2 charisma, and maximum of charisma should be 5.

The bonus of them should be, outdoorsman +10%, since they wont use, energy weapons, and big weapons... give them 100% of small weapons, but only rifles and shotguns, no pistols and so on, and give them some basic melee dmg.

My Idea is, they should be slower then the humans, like the mutants, not so strong, and should have low endurance also they should have average high intelligence and very high perception, making them the perfect snipers.
Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2010, 07:01:53 pm »

Why wouldn't they use pistols? They already have the animation and there is no logical reason they wouldn't be able to.
Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2010, 05:44:05 am »

placing a quest for ghouls or in necropolis sounds good,gives a reason to go there i suppose yes?
I would like my enlcave skin please :D


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2010, 04:24:59 pm »

There is an important issue concerning playability with other races:

Fallout 1 & 2 (and thus FOnline) were never meant to support this, SPECIAL system, perks and such are meant to play human only characters
Deathclaws and Super Mutants can be stronger than strongest humans
Ghouls can be far more perceptive, inteligent or lucky than humans (according to canon of course)

And so right now all inhuman characters would have their SPECIAL stats not higher that 10 and that would cripple non human races =/

Before other races could be implemented SPECIAL needs to be reworked (BTW humans could have more than 10 in a statistic f.e. due to drug usage)

PS. I would really LOVE to play other races. I thought that after F:Tactics the next step would be a game where you can play any race. FOnline is my only hope for this

PPS. Ghouls' running speed should be dependable upon their Action points (as well as every critter's in game, living or not)

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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2010, 07:28:48 pm »

Tactics had different maximums and minimums for stats but the same amount of points to use. You could make a powerful melee supermutant but because you have the same amount of points to distribute putting that many into one skill would leave you pretty crippled in other departments. Take ghouls for instance, yes you can have like 13 PE but do you really want to be running around with no hp? The mechanics pretty much remain the same since "overpowering" a stat is a sacrifice for slight improvement. 14 str only adds 4 damage to hth, 12 pe gives you crazy range but you can't surpass the range of your weapon so it's not that much better than 10. In tactics there was only about 3 racial perks per species but it added some variation to the character building aspect which this game seriously needs. With limited working perks and only a few that are worth taking it constricts the ability to make in depth characters.


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2010, 03:01:51 pm »


Those who know mechanics well and made many builds in different fallout systems would hardly ever want their Endurance & Agility as low as 10 when playing a Deathclaw, Perception as low as 10 while playing a Ghoul and in some cases strenght as low as 10 when playing Super mutant (want to carry more big gun ammo than any human ever could)

Second thing is that racial perk really kicks ass, they are far better than human-only perks

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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2010, 03:49:03 pm »

If the game mechanics don't allow special stats over 10 just give ghouls and super mutants (and death claws if implemented) specific bonuses and maluses in form of racial trats/perks:

For example:
When character turns from human to mutant his profile changes as follows:
- -2 Ch, -2 Int (down to minimum 1)
- +2 St, +2 En (up to max 10)
- Gain +5 on melee dmg, +20 Hit points, +20% dmg res and + 4 Dmg treshold, +50 lbs (22 kilos) of carry weight capacity
- Can't wear anything more than leather armors, can't use small guns or pistols

Similarly for ghoul:
- -2 Ch, -2 En, -1St (down to minimum 1)
- +2 Pe, +2 Lk, +1In (up to max 10)
- Gain +5 dmg per ranged attack (like Living anatomy perk), +10 feet of field of vision, +20% poison and rad resistances.
- Lose 10 Hp and cant wear anything more than leather armors, can't use big guns ecc...

Of course theese bonuses/penalties have to be adjusted, but they would allow you to have greater variety even without changing the game mechanic.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 05:10:29 pm by BaffoBeardson »


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2010, 11:52:12 pm »


Wether it's a good or bad idea (talking about stats you've suggested) it has nothing in common with canon!

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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2010, 01:33:27 am »

I don't see any problem with using the tactics non human perks (if that's possible) and racial stat min/maximums. They screwed up the ghouls radiation resistance though. They suffered its negative effects when ghouls are supposed to be healed by it.


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2010, 10:00:39 am »

Well as a ghoul you could have taken "rad child" perk which raised your healing rate when exposed to radiation

Another thing is that as a glowing(one trait) ghoul with Endurance at least 5 your rad resistance is 100 (from what i've calculated)

PS. I dont think that implementing some perks would be a problem, all of them however would...

(BRoF & BHtHA still doesn't work so Super mutant "steady arm" perk which caused burst shots to be 1 AP cheper to perform might be bugged in FO as well)

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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2010, 07:50:26 pm »

Thing is ghouls should never take rad damage and it should of been rad absorption not resistance.


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2010, 04:34:06 pm »

Thing is ghouls should never take rad damage and it should of been rad absorption not resistance.

Not really...

While radiation generally is good for a ghoul's health - if too much of it is built up in ghoul's system it will damage his/her brain

Outcome are crazies, or more in more severe cases ghouls like most of those withinin necropolis in fallout 1 (they could only speak in vowels and only while attacking player)

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2010, 06:04:51 pm »

When character turns from human to mutant his profile changes as follows:
- -2 Ch, -2 Int (down to minimum 1)
- +2 St, +2 En (up to max 10)
- Gain +5 on melee dmg, +20 Hit points, +20% dmg res and + 4 Dmg treshold, +50 lbs (22 kilos) of carry weight capacity
- Can't wear anything more than leather armors, can't use small guns or pistols

Similarly for ghoul:
- -2 Ch, -2 En, -1St (down to minimum 1)
- +2 Pe, +2 Lk, +1In (up to max 10)
- Gain +5 dmg per ranged attack (like Living anatomy perk), +10 feet of field of vision, +20% poison and rad resistances.
- Lose 10 Hp and cant wear anything more than leather armors, can't use big guns ecc...

I think this is quite good.

ofc it's gonna need some balancing but it's reasonable.

can't wait to play as a ghoul or mutant  ;)


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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2010, 06:20:11 pm »

Another one... =/

What's good in f.e. +2 to given statistic if it can't surpass 10 points one way or another? =/

Now i'm still waiting for devs response about possibilities of reworking SPECIAL so the stats could be more than 10

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Re: Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2010, 06:23:48 pm »

Another one... =/

What's good in f.e. +2 to given statistic if it can't surpass 10 points one way or another? =/

Now i'm still waiting for devs response about possibilities of reworking SPECIAL so the stats could be more than 10
* Reconite wonders how much hp an Endurance 20 character would have.
Definitely need players with about 400 hp walking around, don't forget those lifegivers too.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 06:25:32 pm by Reconite »
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