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Author Topic: Critical hits  (Read 26918 times)

Dr. Mentat

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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2011, 08:31:09 am »

It's about game balance, not a frivolous matter of "pkers".
while i decided to use an (admitedly) immature approach to my posting...if you look at the underlying theme, you will notice my post was predominately about balance... yes..criticals are devastating, YET! like i believe i mentioned in my previous post, (which seems to have been edited in your and floodnick's mind to being nothing more then the cries of an angry noob who lost a radscorpion tail,) all sniper builds i have researched appear to sacrifice Hp and damage threshold perks like toughness, to acquire the damage that you cry is unbalanced. No eyeshot blinds 100% of the time....and while the aim shot is taking place, that gives the bg character(correct me if i'm wrong) ample time to move into position and unleash a rocket, m60 burst, that doesnt instantly kill the char, (highly possible...) the sniper/crit char is then locked into a "stick and move" strategy, juggling praying for the crippling shot to save his life, healiing, reloading, and various other actions that one must engage in a real time pvp fight. Now, i will admit my expirence is limited to a 1v1 fight. I will thank you to actually read the posting next time before resorting to the same knee-jerk reactions that permiated my orginal posting. I dont ACTUALLY want to sound like a "poor, poor defenseless bluesuit" do you?
The wasteland isnt harsh..its YOU who sucks!


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2011, 09:07:51 am »

All perks will be reworked upon the wipe. There will be quite big changes.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #77 on: March 20, 2011, 11:50:10 am »

I think we need a new attribute for the armours, reusing something like AC or DR directly isn’t too good. But this attribute would then minus off from the crit chance.

For example a CA, if it had CM (crit minus) of 25, then shooting at the torso with 10 luck, 3* more crits and finesse would be 10+15+10-25 = 10% instead of 35%. (Just random numbers for now, theres no saying CA will be 25.)

You can even have separate helmets, so that aiming to head and eyes can be mitigated by wearing helmets.

Laser snipers will be doomed  ::).

Generally I like these changes though.
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #78 on: March 20, 2011, 12:48:33 pm »

Actually, I was thinking you could go past level 21 with a reformed HP formula, so that you have more HP to begin with, equal HP on level 21 and then gain less HP per level than you would now - so you don't get huge HP but you get access to more perks.

However I would want there to be more desirable perks than you have slots for - it should be a tough descision and you must always regret not being able to take something.

An extra +1 BRD is a choice - don't like it, take something else - other BRD would be exaclty like now so you lose nothing :P

Insta kills have been the same leve for a very long time (2 wipes now?) - anything changing is purely you thinking it.

Avv, if classes are that countering (they wouldnt be) then it would be a matter of mixing your team properly - in a similar way a loner must mix their char.

Rascal, not sure where you are getting any range changes from - only thing I'm thinking of changing is Plasma and Xl70 ... both of those increasing.

Teh best post in this thread :) More perks with the same hp amount that is genius.
Actually if you look now players always have to make a tough decision for what perks to take , if you add more perks and if the players can get +1 in total it would be the same.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #79 on: March 20, 2011, 03:09:35 pm »

Why don't play BG? Because he suxx balls? So why he suxx balls? Maybe because is nerfed to max? Why he is nerfed to max? For balance? What balance if he is useless? Whoaa, there is no balance ingame? Yeah!


And one more thing, i reported my conclusions about Hinkley to Solar via PM around 3-4 months ago. But didnt get answer. What a pity...

Manero i am sorry and i might get banned for this but i do not really care, first of all i must say ur a crying whining bitch. second of all u are deffenatly a noob. Third of all it is open beta things are being tested, do u think snipers were so powerfull 2 wipes ago? no wait a second u havent even played 2 years ago. Dont start jumping with acussations and suggestions without knowing the whole story. I for once have alot of complaints about the game every wipe, and every wipe there is something else, but the devs and gm's.... not "whining lili bitchz like u" they are the ones who acually made the game better and repair everyproblem. Bg's were way overpowered last time i played which was a year ago. Now they made a small balance in beetween SG and BG. I think it is great that players can acually pick beetween a SG pvp and BG pvp character. Before we all picked BG drugged up buffed out monster and everybody would spray across the map until every 1 was dead. Now there is more strategie. I am not saying the snipers were useless back in the day, but in this era they have an upper hand in some situations just like in real life... i am sorry if my post showed alot of emotions and flames on this guy, i need to have a ciggarete... its just hearing all this complaning in EVERY fuckin post just makes me mad ur like my fuckin wife nun is ever perfect for you.... lil girls
Praise Dagonn and Chtulhuu The wastelands worst enemie.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #80 on: March 20, 2011, 03:23:38 pm »


dude... you are telling that you picked avengers for 10k price which fire 500 caps with each burst, also buffed yourself with drugs for like 2k caps some wipes ago, as you do pick now hunting rifle for 600 caps and which  fires 12 caps with each shot and own the same in both  cases, and you find it equal? Now most players would be banned for telling true opinion about such players like you, at least dont talk bullshit if you know nothing.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #81 on: March 20, 2011, 03:28:37 pm »

All perks will be reworked upon the wipe. There will be quite big changes.

So that we can expect some no-minder perks to be nerfed?

Right now there is barelly anything without at least one lifegiver, and everyone who can do called shots needs to pickup better criticals.

I'm just wondering if changes will be towards freedom of choice or rather just rebalancing current builds to yield rougly the same value.

So you would need to decide if you want to be crippler, have more chance to cripple but less crit dmg (BG will live longer and have a chance to do dmg/kill before he cripples you)
or crit hitter, way less chance to cripple but you do more dmg when you crit, so if you are lucky, you will kill bg faster then he will kill you. BG's will have more chance he won't get crippled arm so he can fire at you more, and kill you faster than sniper, because sniper could be unlucky.

I'm not sure about Fonline crit tables, but in original crippling was usualy based on luck or endurance rolls.
Creating a perk or trait that would reduce enemy luck and endurance for these rolls while perhaps reducing crit damage modifier or something, would be really nice way to touch things.
Another thing might be to add such weapon perks, which could be even more fun :)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 04:08:30 pm by Johnnybravo »
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #82 on: March 20, 2011, 03:29:34 pm »

dude... you are telling that you picked avengers for 10k price which fire 500 caps with each burst, also buffed yourself with drugs for like 2k caps some wipes ago, as you do pick now hunting rifle for 600 caps and which  fires 12 caps with each shot and own the same in both  cases, and you find it equal? Now most players would be banned for telling true opinion about such players like you, at least dont talk bullshit if you know nothing.

Yes vederas i am saying we have used bg with all its precious ammo, i never saw u pvping some time ago only hanginig around ncr talking to noobs... king of the wasteland as i remember u spamming and trolling every 2 seconds and shouting in ncr????? so dont talk shit i helped u raise ur rep skilll a year ago u fuckin noob.... i still do not understand what u mean by "now hunting rifle for 600 caps and which  fires 12 caps with each shot " 223 ammo was never cheap or easily obtained... bg's ammo was fuckin ridiculously precious as it is now... but i was not talking about the money situation i was talking about PVP chrs... which u obviusly  have no idea about.
Praise Dagonn and Chtulhuu The wastelands worst enemie.


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #83 on: March 20, 2011, 03:33:18 pm »

And one more thing there was way more bugs and ways to make money, i remeber the T-ray bug where u could make 50 k every 5 minutes, the ammo was not a problem nor was the armor for some factions, but the sitution remained the same there was rarely a sniper pvp chr. If u do not agree with me join with the rest of the punks at the back of the line.

Sorry for the double post.
Praise Dagonn and Chtulhuu The wastelands worst enemie.
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #84 on: March 20, 2011, 03:50:28 pm »

Quote from: Vaimortal
Teh best post in this thread :) More perks with the same hp amount that is genius.

Should be a really good update and I am looking forward to it very much  8).
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #85 on: March 20, 2011, 04:18:56 pm »

Manero i am sorry and i might get banned for this but i do not really care, first of all i must say ur a crying whining bitch. second of all u are deffenatly a noob. Third of all it is open beta things are being tested, do u think snipers were so powerfull 2 wipes ago? no wait a second u havent even played 2 years ago. Dont start jumping with acussations and suggestions without knowing the whole story. I for once have alot of complaints about the game every wipe, and every wipe there is something else, but the devs and gm's.... not "whining lili bitchz like u" they are the ones who acually made the game better and repair everyproblem. Bg's were way overpowered last time i played which was a year ago. Now they made a small balance in beetween SG and BG. I think it is great that players can acually pick beetween a SG pvp and BG pvp character. Before we all picked BG drugged up buffed out monster and everybody would spray across the map until every 1 was dead. Now there is more strategie. I am not saying the snipers were useless back in the day, but in this era they have an upper hand in some situations just like in real life... i am sorry if my post showed alot of emotions and flames on this guy, i need to have a ciggarete... its just hearing all this complaning in EVERY fuckin post just makes me mad ur like my fuckin wife nun is ever perfect for you.... lil girls

;D ;D Funny ...

I bet that you play more that 5 years right ? Also, whos you that youre calling others "bitch" ?
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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #86 on: March 20, 2011, 04:26:26 pm »

;D ;D Funny ...

I bet that you play more that 5 years right ? Also, whos you that youre calling others "bitch" ?

I am sorry i do not speak your language only english..... I never said ive been playing for too long i think i started in 4th month of 2009, when these forums werent even open we all used NMA. I have giving lecturing speeches as i am not so good at them becuase i easily get mad. I am just not happy with somebody complaining about small guns and crits  that need to be nerfed. For once a small gun chr has a chance against a bg, and again people bitch... and by bitch i dont mean slut i mean complain......
Praise Dagonn and Chtulhuu The wastelands worst enemie.
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #87 on: March 20, 2011, 04:47:48 pm »

I am sorry i do not speak your language only english..... I never said ive been playing for too long i think i started in 4th month of 2009, when these forums werent even open we all used NMA. I have giving lecturing speeches as i am not so good at them becuase i easily get mad. I am just not happy with somebody complaining about small guns and crits  that need to be nerfed. For once a small gun chr has a chance against a bg, and again people bitch... and by bitch i dont mean slut i mean complain......

Yeah, Small gunner with 223 pistol can easily kill big gunner with 2 burst in row in small room. It is allright ? Do you think that yes ?
Avatar: Equality of rights for ghouls!
Re: Critical hits
« Reply #88 on: March 20, 2011, 04:54:39 pm »

It's not THAT easy, but still possible...


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Re: Critical hits
« Reply #89 on: March 20, 2011, 04:55:43 pm »

For me crit tabels is ok, most snaipers got 'finesse' trait so its mean they have huge chance to shot whit critical but this critical dont mean it's gona be good dmg...
Snaiper Rifle have good dmg only whit bypass but have a lot of blinde (make dmg 100+ its rarely).

For me personally its should be some small boost for Snaiper like dmg: 19-34 or even 20-34.
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