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Yes. I want this bike to be implemented into the game.
- 64 (80%)
No. I don't agree to implement this bike into the game.
- 16 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 79

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Author Topic: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting  (Read 9326 times)


  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
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Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« on: February 08, 2011, 12:54:14 pm »

Ok. I see you're out of suggestion, so i think the mod in finally completed. Now the time has come for final voting.

If you like it as it is and want it to be implemented - check yes.
Ignore second option. It's only for decoration. If you don't want a bike to be implemented - check no.
If you have any suggestions.. well.. you're a bit late. But you can still post them there: DON'T do this here though.

One more thing: if you feel bored, you can write your proposition for the name of a bike. My personal is Hornet.

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.
Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 12:58:09 pm »

Ho your bike wear my name :)


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 01:50:22 pm »

Look great, it would be cool to have it IG.
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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 01:50:54 pm »

Doesn't fit the general art style.


  • Spartan Pigrat
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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 02:03:41 pm »

blah blah blah Lexx, you should rather ask Khan to change the texture and everything could be alright

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Doctor Eex

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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 02:08:44 pm »

Despite the fact F3 is pretty far away from lovely classics, this - looks more like F bike

And not this -

« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 02:11:17 pm by Doctor Eex »


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 02:13:40 pm »

He's right. The bike needs more 50' design elements, and more massive look.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 02:18:51 pm »

He's right. The bike needs more 50' design elements, and more massive look.

Exactly. Motorcycle should be heavy as hell, because it use fusion power. And it should look like AMERICAN motorcycle


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 02:27:23 pm »

blah blah blah Lexx

If the art style doesn't fit, we don't include it. Was always like this, will always be like this. Also you can cut your "bla bla" the next time.


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 06:06:18 pm »

Doesn't fit the general art style.
what do you mean, it does't fit? it is ok


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2011, 06:21:16 pm »

Fallout scenery has a "painted over"-feeling. Also the bike is too bright and sticks out of the surrounding too much. Additionally, I think the perspective is not 100% correct. It looks somehow wrong to me. (Same goes for the Fallout: Tactics cars too, btw. I don't like them and if I could, I would kick them out of the game.)


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2011, 07:08:57 pm »

Fallout scenery has a "painted over"-feeling. Also the bike is too bright and sticks out of the surrounding too much. Additionally, I think the perspective is not 100% correct. It looks somehow wrong to me. (Same goes for the Fallout: Tactics cars too, btw. I don't like them and if I could, I would kick them out of the game.)
I have to agree. Don't get me wrong. I think it looks really great but yeah... there is something a little bit wrong with perspective and colors. it still needs some work even if it looks amazing right now.
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 07:19:43 pm »

Despite the art style fact (which I already said in the other thread) - why the hell did you open ANOTHER thread? If we see something good to implement we would have asked you if we could use it. You don't have to spawn hundreds of threads with the same content.


  • One man army: Graphic, music and game designer.
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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 02:49:23 pm »

Despite the art style fact (which I already said in the other thread) - why the hell did you open ANOTHER thread? If we see something good to implement we would have asked you if we could use it. You don't have to spawn hundreds of threads with the same content.

There are no hundreds of threads. No even ONE hundred. There is one for development/suggestions and the second for voting about alpha release. In the first topic people was regularly giving me hints and clues. However there was less of them every day, and finally stopped, so i thought that the thing is completed. That's why i decided to make the final voting poll about alpha release and I see nothing wrong in that.

But then.. something weird happened. Out of nowhere a waves of suggestions and critics appeared! And even from GMs and Devs. I mean.. where the hell were they when I was asking for suggestions? And why they are doing it here, despite the fact that i mentioned not to do this here?

Anyway. About the bike itself:
As i said before - this thread is NOT about suggesting. The bike is completed, and no major changes will be done. If you say, you don't like it - very well. Maybe somebody other will. Just stop your maliciousness.

You may also click HERE to see my 3d items and weapons.

~ Sorry for any language bugs. Doing my best.


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Re: Bike (Alpha release ver 1.0) - final voting
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2011, 02:50:40 pm »

Just stop your maliciousness.

Telling why it looks wrong is maliciousness?
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