Total Members Voted: 79
If the art style doesn't fit, we don't include it. Was always like this, will always be like this. Also you can cut your "bla bla" the next time.
this is amusing, somehow you included 3d critters which tottaly don't fit the art style
What's your problem guys? Metal armor is bright too, because it's made of metal AFTER WAR. If almost every pre-war weapon can be crafted, and it's BRAND FUCKING NEW, so why we can't craft bike? There is a post apo game called Fallen Earth, where you can craft ATV, Motorbike, buggy and car like highwayman. You need about 16 hours to craft ATV or Motorbike.
A biker wouldn't let a bike be dirty/messed up- it would be cleaned and polished with anything available- even rags and sand.