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Author Topic: Why play as a big gunner?  (Read 20300 times)

Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2011, 06:30:32 pm »

I really understand your disappointment because I love play BG from ages too. But really dont you see that all professions got almost only 1 usable weapon. Like sniper rifle for snipers, laser forEW and now RL instead of ave for BGs. You can also make another threads about- Why plasma rifle and all fixed sh*t burst rifles are still useless. And about stonewall- yes it save your ass 100% from KDs and as you said 50% from KO its still not so great but better than nothing. I also heard that devs planning something like new perks vs cripples etc so dont loose your hope. Its all about their choices. Even I can say that BGs are now the best choice for TC.


Another advantage of a BG that it doesn't need any LK, so it can be spent in another stats, like PE, AG or EN, so you better start sneaking.

perks dude perks...
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 06:35:32 pm by Deep »

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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2011, 07:06:30 pm »

Looking back in the history of pvp, little actual progress has been made. It's been mostly a cycle of little nerfs and buffs here and there that have just caused some builds and equipments dominate more of less. Even if you overhaul all perks and change damages and ranges for all guns, we'd still be in the same situation. The fact that biggest weight in combat efficiency lies in passive numbers keeps you trapped in the cycle. Balance issues exist in every game, but in fonline they are highlighted due to heavy reliance on constant factors.

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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2011, 07:27:06 pm »

Maybe its more about nerfing critical hits then boosting big gunners, how about removing the eye location? The famous instant kill that brings you to 0 (Even tho you are wearing a BA, have 250 hp, and got shot by a bb gun.) ?

Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2011, 07:33:00 pm »

Doesnt matter. Head is same ...
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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2011, 07:44:03 pm »

Maybe its more about nerfing critical hits then boosting big gunners, how about removing the eye location? The famous instant kill that brings you to 0 (Even tho you are wearing a BA, have 250 hp, and got shot by a bb gun.) ?

Thing with crits is that they take at least a little skill. I personally love the fact that you can try to position yourself in good spot to maximize the chance to do eyeshots. In addition the way crits aren't dependent on your wealth is really great and should be extended to every build and weapon. What's wrong with crits are the ridiculous randomity and awful effects. The effects vary from instakills, -20 ap knockouts, various cripples to zero damage. Especially instakills and knockouts are terrible and shouldn't exist at all. A player doesn't deserve to put someone in totally miserable state by just clicking him once and getting lucky.
Random crits were okay in fallout singleplayer because being a total badass, the chosen one could afford random failures and hilarious effects. He didn't necessarily die if he failed to cripple someone's arm.  

A word about instant shot delivery. The fact that no time is required before the shot is launched after clicking the enemy causes problems in this matter aswell. Even if you attack a sniper from behind, he can eyeshoot you in the matter of the time it takes him to click your char.

Yet another problem with crits are that they pretty much always hit with 95% chance and there's nothing you can do about it.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 07:45:58 pm by avv »
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2011, 07:57:41 pm » I still think this idea was a good one  ;)

It would also give more options to the Devs for Balancing the game.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 07:59:16 pm by kttdestroyer »


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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2011, 08:19:43 pm »

It's sad nowadays I'm more apt to the effects of suppression from a sniper build gives knowing they can hit me from many hexes away without seeing them, rather a BG who fires and uncloaks right in my face wearing bulky metal armor (which is merely funny and sad).
Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2011, 08:29:21 pm »

A player doesn't deserve to put someone in totally miserable state by just clicking him once and getting lucky.
Random crits were okay in fallout singleplayer because being a total badass, the chosen one could afford random failures and hilarious effects.

And, i am unsure they were "random" in fallout. There is a diffrence between random and random. Nothing should be random in a game.


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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2011, 08:31:23 pm »

Since a cloud of lead can't really miss a target, i was assuming that basic damage would be enough.
However, now that you're speaking of it, i wonder why taking a LK1 was suggested to me in first place...


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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2011, 08:46:11 am »

The truth is that previous session was the worse time ever for BGs when snipers was great imba instant killers.

oh yeah I remember my Psycho Bigguner, type of character which had greatest respect, no other class could be compared. If you entered a TB encounter with Psycho BG, and they had no rocket launchers, basically 5 imba ultra pro cool turbo snipers were fucked. The class itself was awesome, BIG damage output, protection from every type of damage except bazooka and ultra low field of vision had its pros and cons. Nowadays bigguners have bazooka, or have just cons.
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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #40 on: January 30, 2011, 01:46:50 pm »

If you moderate knockouts and very high crits ( not really bad idea ) it'd be also wise to moderate bursts at low distance. Now you can charge your AP, run to few hex distance and score high damage without really having to roll luck or aim checks.

Also there are EW snipers, which have to use low tier weapon and that's quite debatable.
Laser rifle should be higher tier and be less reliant on crits ( as every weapon ), otherwise balancing in next session might result in insane 40hp crits in eyes for EW snipers and fighting with 24y Plasma.

Alas there's also flamethrower which is kinda unique and deserves it's spot, esp. when upgraded, but might as EW be more matter of armor balance.
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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2011, 02:24:30 pm »

oh yeah I remember my Psycho Bigguner, type of character which had greatest respect, no other class could be compared. If you entered a TB encounter with Psycho BG, and they had no rocket launchers, basically 5 imba ultra pro cool turbo snipers were fucked. The class itself was awesome, BIG damage output, protection from every type of damage except bazooka and ultra low field of vision had its pros and cons. Nowadays bigguners have bazooka, or have just cons.

so u find it awesome if a class dominates all others? no this is not awesome its unbalanced, all classes should be able to stand each other in one or other way. there should be no dominating class.


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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2011, 03:07:11 pm »

I think Avengers are doing just fine this season, but what concerns me most is the neccessity of stonewall perk. Also ruined economy allows players to use RL in big (remember whining about expensive RL ammo ?), which are IMO the biggest threat to stonewalled big gunner.
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Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2011, 03:11:35 pm »

so u find it awesome if a class dominates all others? no this is not awesome its unbalanced, all classes should be able to stand each other in one or other way. there should be no dominating class.

oh yeah, fact that they see almost nothing, need thousands of caps to move and arent easy to operate is nothing to worry about.

this class was dominating, but only in one kind of situation. AND THATS FUCKIN HOW IT SHOULD BE :>

ps. people who havent played past seasons should be banned for taking part in discussion bout them :>
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 03:14:33 pm by Imprezobus »
Self-proclaimed best guide in the wastes. by MACabra, edit by Frozen Mind
Snackish: pks pks pks. Kilgore: BBS is here, town is safe
Re: Why play as a big gunner?
« Reply #44 on: January 30, 2011, 03:13:31 pm »

so u find it awesome if a class dominates all others? no this is not awesome its unbalanced, all classes should be able to stand each other in one or other way. there should be no dominating class.

Ye, but classes need pros and cons

if BG already have many cons and they keep nerfing the pros, why use it AT ALL?

-heavier guns
-higher AP requirements
-higher ST requirements
-heavy and (for some guns) rare ammo
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 03:15:17 pm by drypoothe »
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