I totally agree with Manero. Like him, I used to play a lot as minigunner, and was still doing it at the beginning of the era (and still sometimes, for small engagements...) but now, in TC, it's totally unplayable, sniper will always kill ya from long range, and with a bit of luck at short/middle range too. Laser sniper will surely kill you at middle/long range, and have pretty good chances at short range. Plasma tank will butcher you at close range. Rocketter will never let you approach or shot two time, usually, you die fast from a rocketcrit or 5/6 rockets at same time when deseperately trying to get your range. It's hard to use, cause you have to be always in first line or you will kill one of your mate, the AoE is a penalty more than a bonus, cause it's far easier to shot one of your mate than two ennemies. It also force you to place where you have the best chances to die, and in a rush, or you're first and die before getting ennemy, or you're not first and can't shoot without hurting teamates.
It's very heavy, very expansive to have and feed, and even with "the better DPS" it still happen often to rage behind your computer cause you done two time 60 damage on a metal armor instead of two times 80 (which is already barely enough to kill a sniper) or because your useless stonewall 10EN didn't protected you at all. Coming at point blank, and hitting for 120, or even 200 and be killed by the nasty eyecrit in return...
Really, or give back to avenger stat from FO2, or come back to good old AP ammo... ATM, it's really the worst T3 weapon.