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Author Topic: Supermutants are killing the PvP  (Read 7380 times)


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 04:22:12 pm »

Graf you talking about you char can be a mutie?

I think it was good if is like in fallot tatics. In ther you can have more of 10 on EN and ST with mutie, have diferent perks, and you have more damage resistance. But you can take only one perk for 4 lvl´s and can wear only armors to mutie.

Soory for off-topic  :-[
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 06:57:35 pm by Signorini »


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 04:23:23 pm »

My Youtube channel.

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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 07:46:10 pm »

In 2238, the master isn't dead, even though the crater suggests the opposite. ;)

I had no idea about that, Surf. Is that information supposed to be public? Can I read it anywhere? I would love to catch up on that kind of details.


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 07:47:34 pm »

I had no idea about that, Surf. Is that information supposed to be public? Can I read it anywhere? I would love to catch up on that kind of details.

The story is pretty much in flux, nothing is set in stone, but the Master being alive would be much better ;)
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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 07:56:26 pm »

On topic: ffs, what's the problem, you can go and buy mutie too!

 Yes, we can! .. ehm :)

 We play pvp because of fun, take equip, group team, enter city and fight.. if we win, it is the icing on the cake. But supermutants ruins this experience. Even we will be able to kill enemy, what kind of victory is that. One click from the world map? Come on. Its like orgasm without women, you can enjoy it once, twice, than it is boring. So i dont understand why those gangs frequently uses supermutants.

 What kind of fun they have, if they kill their enemy in few seconds, instead of many minutes lenght battle. Look at some sport, like hockey. If one team dominate other by score 10:0, it is not entertaining as it could be if score would be 3:2 where winner team is loosing most of their match, but in last few minutes, they scored goals and at the end they won.

 Also, in our team, we dual log only to transport chars to battlefield, we are not using second chars as a backup main battle characters or supermutants leader. I dont believe that any supermutant leader wait on world map over the city and waits for right moment to commit suicice during the TC. It is always dual logged char. And because there is no way how to eliminate it, only real solution is to change game mechanics somehow.


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2010, 09:50:45 am »

This is off-topic.
omfg, Izual, your topic are LOCKED! What's the matter of redirecting to a different topic, where I can't write my opinion?
p.s. And wtf, why did you deleted my post, according to what I said above?

Quote from: Signorini
Graf you talking about you char can be a mutie?

I think it was good if is like in fallot tatics. In ther you can have more of 10 on EN and ST with mutie, have diferent perks, and you have more damage resistance. But you can take only one perk for 4 lvl´s and can wear only armors to mutie.
[offtop]Yep, I'm just saying that I saw that kind of thing already implemented on the one of the Fonline servers and wanna see this one
Oh, btw, being a mutie shouldn't give give any advantages to the SPECIAL, imho. Free armor is already enough[/offtop]
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 10:06:20 am by Graf »


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2010, 01:56:12 am »

Im already dead from 10 super mutants. We and my frieds in reno, the rougues attack with 5 guys, we kill all. Them come back again with more guys, i think +-10 we kill somes, and them run to up, nobody of us are dead, we will will again easy, in this time enter 2 guys with 10 super muties. i give one shoot and was killed liked all of my friends. Now i undersand your idea.


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2010, 02:02:01 am »


Yeah ins't funny anymore  :-[  dunno if was 10, maybe "freaking focking alot" of muties may discribe.

Suggestion: Make class "mutant" use 5 slot or somenthing like that, instead of 2 slot.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 02:12:13 am by _Youkai_ »
Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2010, 04:48:06 am »


Yeah ins't funny anymore  :-[  dunno if was 10, maybe "freaking focking alot" of muties may discribe.

Suggestion: Make class "mutant" use 5 slot or somenthing like that, instead of 2 slot.

 This will not solve the problem. In my country, we get netbook free if you buy lawn mower. Many people got old computer, laptop.. Look at the statistics. Rogues are mostly polish players, same like Chosen soldiers. They often use mutants, it is fact. And their nation populate wasteland mostly.. So even you will lower the number you need at one char, they will use 5 alts instead of 2 alts. Of course, if they fast relog (i dont tell they are doing this), they can in few seconds attack with second wave. Of course you will complicate this, but problem will not be solved.

 I realy dont know, why there must be something like this proffesion. It does not help smaller gang agaisnt bigger, it only helps big PK gangs (who gave mutants order to not kill their mates, but everyone else) to kill everyone.

 So whats the point?

 I heard that Fortress is almost unaccesible during PK gangs player peak, because of supermutants waiting on the world map over that place.



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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2010, 05:30:56 am »

Of course this could solve the problem.

What? Are ou saying that the fact that they have 2 PC or 2 Notebook is simple to do dual log? This do not change ip by what i know.
Even if they use proxy, they will need to use 4 proxy to got 5 mutants by player. I don't think that is easy to play in 5 windows.


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2010, 12:08:45 pm »

Rogues are mostly polish players, same like Chosen soldiers.
Nope, it's like 50% Russian, 40% Polish and 10% others. While CS are 100% (I guess) Polish gang.
Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2010, 06:13:31 pm »

Of course this could solve the problem.

What? Are ou saying that the fact that they have 2 PC or 2 Notebook is simple to do dual log? This do not change ip by what i know.
Even if they use proxy, they will need to use 4 proxy to got 5 mutants by player. I don't think that is easy to play in 5 windows.

 Heh.. dont be naive. Do you realy think i am posting this n.1 suggestions and i am new player here. It is so easy to .... violate that rules. Better than ignore it is to accept that this kind of behaviour is here, devs cant do anything with this, so rather change game mechanics. There could still exist dogs, slaves.. but supermutant mercs? why?? just there is no reason why to have computer buddy.
Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2010, 02:49:03 pm »

Still unbalanced?!!?!?!?!

I had over 4(?) months of break in FO.. and really .. in that whole period of time ... nobody tried .. to make .. well? Maybe a supermutants taking 2 of total slots that leader character has?!

4 men or 2 muties, simple wash & go.


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Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2010, 03:52:55 pm »

Make the supermuties react slowly, like in a Unity encounter.
Re: Supermutants are killing the PvP
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2010, 04:01:03 pm »

Make the supermuties react slowly, like in a Unity encounter.
Speech skill against mercs ^_^
Than more speech than more invisible you're for them when you enter location or they enter location. They are stupid NPCs, you know, you can use speech% to make them not shoot you for some time. It'll make impossible artillery use for muties, even minimal speech (5%) should give something like 1-2 seconds, then create a progression so if you have like 100% speech you'll have ~8-10 seconds to be invisible for mercs on current location when you enter it, or invisible for every merc that enters location where you're at already. However shooting mercs should remove this "invisibility" instantly, so it'll only make you escape/hide/get a position before die.
Also it can affect every other NPC on random encounters, depending on how bad is your reputation with current faction and how many of them there, so high speech will make encounter like now (very very very slow reaction), and low speech will force them attack instantly.
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