If you arguing ad hominem, i dont know how you helping to new players, and i dont know how much newbies was helped out by you, but i know, and this is obvious, that most of new players didnt get any help from you (by the way, including language barrier problem), or from some another guy who-wants-to-help just like you, and 50% of they already left fonline. Just LOOK AROUND YOU! How many people ingame doing the same stuff like you? How many people just want to do the same? Thats right! Ones! And i still dont see any working project aimed on help for new players. While guys like you are chating how could be great to manage such project, new players are still lefts fonline.Know what it means?Means that there should be stabilized system, and the best way of realize it is my suggestion.And also it means, that you just trying to show us how noble are you, or maybe this is the way to get recruits for you gang, or whatever. If this is your way to play this game, you can always find someone to help with something. Noob with 6th level is still noob and needs help.Main point of it is to let players gain 6 levels and get some basic stuff without any danger from PKs in towns, or NPCs on encounters. Noone will force you to make quests inside, if you feel yourself tough enough, you can just leave this location anytime.
Who needs this "suggestions" thread then?! Dont suggest, just go and make it! Isnt it ridiculous?I dont think so ... as i said before, many people left not even started.
I can't help everyone, and I don't help people so they join my gang. And I don't want to show off. Why would I need or want to do so? I'm not showing off, I'm just telling you that players could help each other instead of demanding more from the devs. You could help too (but no, you just ask the Devs to do MOAR work). And what do you mean by "language barrier"?
LoL, you want someone to do some job instead of you? What a lazy bastard... If so, don't expect to this suggestion to be implemented never.
So, you want to say, that every suggestions which was implemented in game, was made by ones who suggested it ? Rediculous again.
Not everything, I didn't told that, but if you want this to be implemented soon - give a dev's some material that they can rely on.
There is already a pretty good "tutorial" in the game. Just talk to Lorraine in Adytum and she'll tell you all the ways to get yourself settled down in the game world.
Yeah, probably. But before you will find and reach Adytum, you will be killed several times for sure.
But there is another problem with this tutorial - it's completely useless because a new player has no idea there is some NPC with tutorial somewhere. The chance that someone will be lucky enough to find it when he starts the game is near 0. He can look it up on wiki, but by then he probably won't need this tutorial anyway.
Yeah! Iam agree with you totaly! Players could help each others, and more than, they SHOULD help each others, but this is utopia. As i said before there is not much such volunteers in game, and they cant handle all newcomers.Again, i dont force anyone to do anything, as you can see, there is still no comments from devs.
In language barrier i mean, that you cant help player if he dont speak same language as you.