As we know big amount of new players lefts Fonline just after they start, because this is hardcore game, not for everyone, you can be killed anytime, everywhere (almost) and by anyone, whatever you doing. You doing quests, gathering items for craft, you are newbie, or not quite newbie - PKs dont care, NPC either. And of course, after 3-4 deaths -> respawn, without any gain, newbies makes rage quit from Fonline.
So i was wandering about how to make newbie's life easyer, to make them able to get theyr first 5-6 lvls without being killed everytime they trying to do some quest, or gather some stuff for making some kind of item, or so. And i think i found out solution:
Everyone knows how it hard to start as loner in Fonline, especialy if you dont know how works game world around you. So my idea is simple, and clearly visible - there should be some safe places where newbies can start the game.
Now detailed:
I suggest to make 4 locations around the game world, on the north, on the west, on the south and in the middle of map. And make them invisible for other players. There should be some not-hard-to-do quests inside those locations to let players gain 6th lvl (6th because of 2nd perk), some of quest should be with item reward (low level stuff, like leather jackets, hunting rifles etc.). Also, start locations needs theyr own respawn places (shit happens), and maybe some markets with low level stuff. There should not be exit-grids, and you can leave this location only with dialog with some NPC, he says coordinates of closest city (and maybe NCR), and after you leaves, you dont see your start location anymore.
More detailed:
I suggest to pick individual style for each start location:
1) Trapper Village (north, somewhere near klamath)
This is a simple village of trappers in ruins of some pre-war town. 8x bonus healing powders when leaving.
2) Tribal Village (west, somewhere between Redding and Navarro)
Village of tribals living somewhere in mountains. 8x bonus healing powders when leaving.
3) Vault-13 (You know where is it)
5x bonus stim packs when leaving.
4) Scavenger Village (south, somewhere near ruins of L.A)
Village of scavengers, which gathering junk around L.A city. 5x bonus stim packs when leaving.
Start location will define randomly.
PKing in Start Locations:
This is simple, if someone will kill somebody, it means that he is harsh enough for wasteland, so he will be pwned by guards and will respawn in common respawn point in desert, without any bonuses. Killed one, will respawn in start location's respawn point, so he can continue to make his quests.
In that way, players will be able to prepare themselves for haaaaaarsh wasteland. If you'll made all quests, you will leave start location equiped and more or less experienced. As well, It will force players to make and to feel some RP in Fonline.
In perspective, it could be nice to let players choose theyr start location. Then every start location could have bonuses to skills, depends on location wich could be gained by completing some inner quest. Lets say, you can gane some bonus to first aid or doctor skill in Vault-13, bonus to repair or science in Scavengers Village, small guns or melee in Trapper Village, and unarmed or throwing in Tribal village. Also, after 3d model will be added in game, players could get basic skins depending on theyr start location.