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Author Topic: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark  (Read 6636 times)

Heckler Spray

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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2010, 02:56:33 am »

Sounds good.

-But can you explain a bit more your first suggestion :

Major towns like Redding or Broken Hills could be taken twice a day, and little towns like Modoc and Klamath could be taken 12 times per day, right ? How are we supposed to know that a town has been alreadt taken, and you only have one chance to take it ? Some message in Pipboy, or from the mayor, when you try to take it ?

So, in your system, if a gang wants to keep his town, it will have to defend it. That's the way I think TC is supposed to be, so that's cool.
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2010, 01:04:10 pm »

I like this changes. It is annoying, if we have to stay awake to 3 am to try retake and hold one city against CS, but we fail, because they have more unemployed lazy people with much time in their team.

 Also, idea that disabling NC will solve big gangs problem was stupid, like i said before. We have mumble channels, we know names of our chars from previous eras.. so we are capable to make big alliance. But it is impossible to tag every enemy red, because i noticed, that enemy does not want to stay at one place for a while. :P Also, you have to often erase your previous marked players, if you often play Hinkley.

 I also like changes in TC rewards.. if you hold city, give us instant reward instead of caps/time reward. We can discuss details..
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 01:12:44 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2010, 01:30:13 pm »

oh comeon guys, if you want to insult each other - go to irc or change topic

we all know, TC has been improved - fights are more interesting and everything is going to the right direction
but there is some thing which could be to improved and fixed. im stil lwaiting for post what brings something to disscusion

Yes, if you want things to actually come of a thread don't allow it to become bogged down in pointless gang flame wars, Otherwise it simply gets ignored. It stands a much better chance of acheiving something if reasonable debate occurs and you all come to some consensus.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2010, 03:50:02 pm »

we have seen it before, we had ur namecolorizing and it has been changed, why ? b/c was overpowered, didnt make sense ( as i said people could just dl it from a server and had names of all people ever playing this game ),
also we had ur TC windows, and it wasnt a good idea either, all u want is a big step back,why ?
b/c its easier for u as usual,
at first militia is good then when u are not able to handle it u start saying how bad it is
at first caps spawning in cities are good then when u are not able to take over cities or hold them for long enough u start saying how bad it is ... etc .. etc .. all the time the same
oh u say all i have to do is creat an alt team and abuse ur new great system, all i have to do is take over a city a few times at night and all other people will not be able to do it for the rest of the day ? GREAT IDEA

also about hinkley if u bring the old namecolorizing back u will not be able change the colors of players at all unless u delete the nm every time u enter the arena

also if we talk about changes i would like to make people pay caps if they want to enter Hinkley arena
lets speak about that
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 03:56:11 pm by Ayuta »


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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2010, 04:47:42 pm »

Hinkley is totally another suggestion

Go back to the point: for me, the end of NC was actually a big step back. The good thing would be that in specific situation (arena etc) a server sided NC take place, and we begin to saw some feature like that with restricted to faction NC.
Also, it sound logical to me that someone who kill often people is well know and people know who he is and how recognize him. Even if it wasn't the case, GP>RP, but there is even not this problem here. Now it's just anoying to have to tag evryone, and redo it with all chars. Also, it's pretty imperfect: someone kill you, only one of your char see him red, and only if you manage to tag him, because being tagged is easily avoidable by moving out of range, or just moving, and you can still inform your friends, they simply can't remember all names or russian names.

For TC windows: I really don't know, there were good and bad things about it. it's clearly a problem that a gang can always avoid fight and take back city when noone is here.
What about this: when one of your town is being taken, you can't take another. Also, after a town is taken, it can be attacked during 6 hours.

About the stuff, I would love to see random true PvP stuff (only tier 3) with drugs and, sometimes, a gauss, a HKG11, a vindic, a turbo plasma... ;p
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2010, 05:21:26 pm »

about nm russian leanguage supposed to be removed long time ago, it would fix most of ur problems, and if u relog  u can still use the same nm unless u speak about alting and using other clients then its a big no no,

about TC windows ,we have already tried everything and there is no better system

also about this -
"What about this: when one of your town is being taken, you can't take another."

well as i said, if u cannot do something u want devs to fix it for u,
2 days ago u wanted together with tttla to take over reeding, we had 7 players u had atleast 7 tttla and 8-9 VSB, we did flee frome the battle losing 3-4 guys, later u started taking modoc so we took over reeding b/c vsb wanted Modoc and tttla defended reeding that was taken by them 30 min earlier we crushed both of ur teams one by one, and now u want devs to fix this as well


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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2010, 05:41:32 pm »

Only PK gangs and PK solitairs are afraid of NC.

 The n.1 reason why devs downgraded NC was that it was the cause of big aliances. I told, that i disagree, but even if it was truth, eliminating of NC will not solve big aliances. Now everybody see that it is truth. It is result of non understanding the exsistance of big gangs/alliances.

 If devs though that erasing NC will erase our relationship among other czech or friendly french players, it is wrong. Also NC downgrade did not solve situation, where CS have one major gang with dozens of players because of Facebook propaganda. => current NC is support for big gangs only

 Instead of focusing on fight, we NON PK players are spamming our mumble communication about unknown names. "Who is drit?" "Is xzy PK or not". It is totaly annoying and it is step back, this will tell you all of VSB/Hawks, TTTLA and other anti PK gangs (and maybe some PK too).

 I dont see anything wrong on downloading existing NC from anti PK gangs, because if karma system is not in the game, the recognition of bastard who parasite on basic players work = PK for stuff, is only prevention.

TC Windows

 Current TC is only good for one big gang. We fought few days before against CS in Modoc. We first won the fight, we captured it. It was at 1:30 AM!!! after this, a lot of our players disconnected and went sleep. After few minutes, CS started to TC Modoc agains. We lost it, because we did not have enough players at 2 o clock AM. Even we will hold it, they will capture it at 12:00 , just because they have more players.

 So please, CS members ,try to be objective. This system sucks.

 Possible solutions: One TC city per team, fixed hour of city taking, windows/cooldowns for TC.

 Russian nicks

 There are o lot of russian players who prefer 2238 instead of TLA and a lot of TLA membres join 2238 if the era in TLA is near end. So erasing of this nicks possibility is bad idea. NC solved this problem well.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 05:50:22 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2010, 05:49:32 pm »

We don't need another discussion about NC, you can use this thread here for this.
Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2010, 06:12:22 pm »

us say its bad that we took it after 1:30 am why dont u say that u started taking it at 00:30 ?
come on man we can make a deal and do our own TC windows, atm there is no fight at all for the whole day all u do is hinkley, and when u start at 1am and got beaten its bad ?
be a man come at 18 pm and we will be there,
as i said we had 7 guys at that time u had many more and lost, so devs have to fix it ?
Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2010, 06:59:30 pm »

all ok 1+ , But without colorzing is ok .

Heckler Spray

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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2010, 12:35:34 am »

Back to the topic :

Main problem is, at the moment, for all of us : there's not enough PvP fights, because no one except big gangs are able to take part in Town Control, and Big Gangs are getting bored. TC is not attractive for "average" factions whereas it's supposed to be the main feature of this game. So it needs to be improved.

I think we should test some of the aforesaid suggestions.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 12:41:17 am by Heckler Spray »
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2010, 12:47:43 am »

Main problem is, at the moment, for all of us : there's not enough PvP fights, because no one except big gangs are able to take part in Town Control, and Big Gangs are getting bored. TC is not attractive for "average" factions whereas it's supposed to be the main feature of this game. So it needs to be improved.
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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2010, 12:52:09 am »

Back to the topic :

Main problem is, at the moment, for all of us : there's not enough PvP fights, because no one except big gangs are able to take part in Town Control, and Big Gangs are getting bored. TC is not attractive for "average" factions whereas it's supposed to be the main feature of this game. So it needs to be improved.

I think we should test some of the aforesaid suggestions.

TC is for big gang, it's normal: control a town is a big deal.
Domination will be soon here for smaller gangs.
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Heckler Spray

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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2010, 02:50:38 am »

Yeah, but you have to admit we (big gangs) are less and less, but average teams still don't take part in TC whereas some of them should be able to strike us. For now we have more 7 vs 7 fights  than 15 vs 15, right ? That's not very big, in my opinion.
During the rush hour, when the server has 350-400 people online, we're just 30-40 max who are fighting for Town Controlling. And it's getting more and more boring to fight against the same guys for months, no ? We need more challenge, more possibilities.
I'm not sure Domination will solve the problem.

Wichura, do you mean this suggestion was good ? If so, yeah, I agree.
Blood is thicker than water.

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Re: Suggestion for TC from MSH and LeMark
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2010, 04:25:11 am »

All the suggestions in the original post are great except maybe the reward system can be reworked. I'd like to have a better reason to control a town, besides having control over the militia and looting a magic box. It still feels too much like an arcade game. It may be a bit too ambitious, but I'd like to see town control actually have an impact on the wasteland and the economy in some way. For example, having the option to control uranium refinement prices in Broken Hills, or cutting off the supply entirely. Obviously this isn't a fully fleshed out suggestion, but I'm just throwing it out there.
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