Holo is right about this, but I would really like to see an option, where you can choose fights with and without drugs. If you would choose without, after entering arena, all effects would disappear.
+1 very good ideajust like weapon/armor rules u can add drug rules too if they were added to hinkley.There, everyone1's happy now.Right ?...
You know same as everyone that drug build is always better than normal, i mean much better.
But as i said. Now every game is played with "All weapons, all armors" rules. When drugs will be there, it will be like "All weapons, all armors, all drugs" rules. People without drugs will not have game.
Why i should care if somebody want use them in Hikley and creating game only "with drugs" ?As you said, its free PvP for everyone. Thats why drugs should be used only in top TC PvP.
Anyway guy at bar should have only beers, nuka and ciggs.Hes not drug dealer.
Indeed. I agree.