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Author Topic: Critical hits explained  (Read 13981 times)


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Critical hits explained
« on: January 23, 2010, 01:31:03 pm »

[edit by the dev team] This is wrong, sorry ;) for better info, check

First you need to make difference between CRITICAL CHANCE and CRITICAL HIT.

Critical chance
is a chance to score a critical hit, based on % of your chance and on a dice roll.
So for example, if you have 6% chance for critical hit, its: 6+ random number(dice roll 1-100)
If dice rolled 97 then its 6+97 = 103 Critical hit.
If dice is 93 > 93+6 = 99 Failed to critical hit, and normal hit applies.

You can increase this chance by 10 with finesse and +5 for each more critical perk (max 3)

So a dude with 10 luck finesse and 3x more critical will have: 10+10+15 = 35%    35+65 = 100 critical hit. So needs only 65+ on roll to score critical. Roll is computer based random number.

When you score a critical, there is another roll for critical damage that adds to base weapon damage.

Base weapon damage is the damage given on inv. screen when you equip a weapon.
Living anatomy gives +5 dmg, bonus ranged damage gives +2 dmg. (x2) so from 3 perks you can have 2+2+5 = +9 to base dmg of weapon.

Critical damage works with another dice roll. The dice roll is divided on this values:


You can find their effects and damage modifier here:

How this works. A random dice roll is rolled from 1 to 100, depending on the number it scores, the following critical applies.
For example you get 75 (71-90) on roll, you aimed in left arm:
left arm crippled, armor ignored, double damage

to get 101+ you need Better Critical perk which increases roll by 20%

so you aim in torso, you pass the check for critical hit, you get 90 on roll for critical damage and you have better critical:

20% of 90 is 18 ;   90+18 = 108 >>> super critical >>> damage x3 , instant death.

Torso and eyes give instant death:
If you shot with bb-gun and character has 250hp, he is hit for 250hp.
If he had 1hp he is hit for 1hp.
If you shot with Plasma rifle and he has 1hp, damage will be only the base damage of plasma rifle, so he will then have -29 hp.

Combat armor has helmet so it prevents eye damage. Best aimed shot is in groin against combat armors. But I've been giving good damage in eyes to combat armored players so do as you like.

You can cause instant kill with any weapon, even punching in eyes or torso, that's why I've given bb-gun as example.

PvP with criticals and better critical is like gambling. I suggest to go out with certain damage weapon, and high agility, and leave the critical hits to the game engine.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 05:26:01 pm by Atom »
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2010, 02:18:05 pm »

One thing. Aimed shots got their bonus to critical. So with base 6 Luck (minimum for players using More Crits):

In the past their got
Base 60% for aiming eyes (as I remember) + max 15 (3x More crit) + 6 (LK bonus) +10 (finesse) -> 91% (as I remember..)

Now it's [50%+(5*L)%]*base 60% => 48% + max 15 + 6 + 10 = 79% for typical sniper with finesse (almost 4/5 of shots) and 69% for non-finesse sniper (slightly more than 2/3 of shots) go critical.

Still, It's more difficult at now to achieve an eye-shot.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 02:19:46 pm by Szef »
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2010, 02:26:39 pm »

almost accurate ... few tings

based on pseudocode posted by Atom :
Living anatomy is applied after burst /crit /armor reduction - so it doesnt benefit from burst , crit but is not reduced by armor either.

those are more accurate crit tables then those on wikia
there is said taht better criticals add 20 to roll rather then 20% - not sure if its true..
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 04:46:50 pm by Attero »


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 04:34:47 pm »

2238 critical tables are different to those :)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2010, 04:41:43 pm »

Critical tables have changed for human and someone has post a new one somewhere in this forum. (maybe not the final version)
Less bypass armor, less crippled, less death and some change (dropped weapon, ..)
~~~ Ashes of Phoenix project --> ~~~
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2010, 06:27:53 pm »

this is what i digged up on this forum posted as the crit tables Fonline uses

it was psoted by user and its not said to be final but those tables show how nerfed was critical . while ealier bypass armor happened in any critical aimed at eyes/head with better critical, now it will only happen in 20% of crits for eye/head.

Also most special effects are hard to kick in - if my guess is right and stat check is 1d10 vs target_Stat + modifier - then most of special effects wont happen (expecially thso endurance checks)
that leaves only arm aimed shots to have good effect - however arm criticals are much ahrder to achive (30% crit bonus vs 60 for eyes).
Now add at top of that that finesse add that static 30% DR  - result ?

Enemy dont need tesla vs you, a brotherhood + finesee  = 100% DR and you have only 20% chance to bypass that .... do i have to say lol ?

srlsy while i knew the tables were nerfed i couldnt iamgine it was so haard  - its like "use big guns or be nub" -_-


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2010, 08:53:29 pm »

yes, but you always have that chance to score an instant kill with better criticals :)
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2010, 09:02:43 pm »

yes, but you always have that chance to score an instant kill with better criticals :)
based on those tables i linked you cant have istant kill ...well 4x damage with bypass will hit alot but it will depand on the weapon roll


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2010, 09:05:05 pm »

Those aren't the tables.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2010, 09:14:27 pm »

Those aren't the tables.
well yet the ones from F2 arnt those either .... 


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2010, 09:18:41 pm »

Indeed, they appear to be gibberish
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2010, 09:23:48 pm »

oh comon post real ones ;p

or at least estimate what % of crits can bypass armor , coz without that and w/o AP perk on energy weapons those are ntohign more then criplers...


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2010, 09:36:37 pm »

Magneeto Pistols are armour piercing.

As for how often you can by pass armour. It depends on where you are targetting, who you are targetting and your perks, of course.

As an example, a normal char aiming for the eyes (max accuracy), target luck 6 and luck 6 but without better crits would have ~17% bypass chance each shot.

Any more than that would have to wait until I get home and can edit the spreadsheet I used to make the new table - office isn't activated where I am at the moment, so its read only :P
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2010, 09:43:27 pm »

w8 17% chance of crit or 17% of hit ?

target luck 6 and luck 6 that means there is attacker vs target luck check ? Oo i think it used to be just regular check roll ...

if it would 17% of crit w/o better criticals then it would be smth around 35% with betters ? (dont have real idea what to think about targets luck here)

however its 17% of hit -> eye shot with 6 luck is 48 bonus crit , base crit is 6% - that makes 54% to crit assuming no ther bonuses
then the % to bypasss armor on crit would be 17*100/crit % -> ~34% for 54% crit chances in eyes...

afaik Magneto pisol only penetrates the DT not DR and for energy weapons mostly DR is the pain as for finease fellas its almost alwayes above 60% and up to 120 ...

« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 09:50:08 pm by Attero »


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Re: Critical hits explained
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2010, 09:58:32 pm »

Every shot has 17% chance of being armour bypass.

There is no target vs attacker luck roll, the attacker luck is factored in because I was including the chance for the shot to be a critical.

Magneeto is indeed just piercing (DT/5).
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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