This is going to be a ... random little story, I think. Hah, bet you didn't see that coming. The topic title is also the title that I just came up with for the situation I have in mind. I needed to write something different and give myself a break from some things as well as to just fool around and relax. This is a completely raw thing, written from scratch here. No clue how long I'll make this first part, but I hope it is an enjoyable read. Feedback, as always, is appreciated, especially if its actual feedback and not a comment how you thought it was a song. Don't waste both our time, don't make a pointless comment, and hit the Back button for both our sakes.
Addendum: If you do wish to translate, please be my guest. You already seem to grasp the simple request about saying where it's from, so go for it. The more spread it is the better.
"We're not gonna take it anymore... "
The words that started our rising. No one knows who said it, but he was one of us, one of the people of Gecko...
It was like every other night in Gecko, which suffice to say, was hard, slow, and dangerous. All the time, some raiders, gang, or random asshole would come through to make trouble. And we'd take it. I was trying to talk Woozy into loaning me a drink when the fight that night broke out. The shouts preceded the shooting this time. Gunfire and explosions, it made us wince and try to hide there in the bar as usual. And again, it was over quickly, like it always was. I was brave that night... maybe from the lack of liquor, or I just didn't care anymore, and was peeking through a crack at the front by peeling aside part of the metal sheeting. There they were, the humans again... standing in armor at the front of our town wearing armor and carting their weapons around so arrogantly. Big shiny miniguns, rocket launchers, and so many rifles. Stuff most of us here Gecko only ever got to see when violence visited us.
Then I heard it, "We're not gonna take it anymore!" and I turned my head, unsure but knowing that it came from outside. More of us came to the front of the bar, all gathering and trying to peek through cracks and bullet holes to see who was saying it. There were three of them... friends probably, for I don't see anyone having the bravery to follow that one crying out into the night. No one else joined them, and those three shambled from further in town towards the front, panting with the effort as they tried to move their bodies as fast as possible. And you know what? The humans laughed at them and kept on talking amongst themselves, ignoring the three. It didn't work. A shot rang out, some kind of small caliber weapon, and it pinged off the metal shoulder-pad of one of our 'visitors.' It didn't do a damn thing but annoy them, their collective gaze turning to look at the three ghouls in simple annoyance. The three stood just in front of the bar finally, in a short line with their shoulders to eachother, and waited.
That might have been it, as the humans turned and were talking again, though shifting a little away. The next shot though... broke the still air with a loud bang, definitely a rifle. Heh, the human didn't know what hit him. His head tilted back and his body hit the dirt with a thump, the back of his skull missing. His friends stared stupidly for only a moment and then... our fellow citizens were no more. The massive burst from several heavy weapons tore through the three ghouls, hail bullets more than enough to kill them. Death had to be instant, we all watched as their bodies were torn apart from the assault, laying broken infront of us all. It was too much to see and from somewhere else outside came another shot, striking a man in his arm, snapping through the bone and making him drop the handle of the minigun. Confusion reigned supreme after this... escalating in mere moments from a simple shout to full on massacre.
Gecko isn't a rich town by any means. I mean, we have resources, but we're just Ghouls... we have no need nor can we even use all this stuff these raiders and bandits seem so fond of. But we made them pay. With our obvious weaknesses, we learned to fight using our strengths and what we had an abundance of: many, many rifles of shitty manufacture and obvious reliability. But it was plentiful. And so were we, a town against that gang. They opened up with everything they had on our town this time, but so did we, and we pushed back harder than them, if not for the simple fact that we had our... dignity to protect. Our brothers were dead without any help from any of us and it was too much. So many died that night from both sides but a simple gang just can't really stand toe to toe against an entire town bent on driving them out. Least not when surprised. They left, dragging their wounded that they could, leaving the dead and equipment they seemed to love so much.
Afterwards... those left still standing gathered around the bloody, mangled remains of the ones who started it. No one knew who they were it seemed, which was typical here. Living the life of a ghoul frequently made one ornery, and a town full of what equalled to grumpy old men really didn't make it easy to make friends. But they did, and died for that friendship, and we let it happen. Some of us cried, those that could, but we all hurt inside and then buried them as heroes in the woods outside town. And then we set to burying the rest of our dead that littered the front of the town. It took all night with our weak bodies, slowly carting each corpse and body part out to the forest. None of us would sleep though no matter how weak we were. Nearing dawn it was finally done and then... what? We were confused and lost, and very, very afraid. We'd done something we never expected, our enemies probably never predicting it either. That may be why we drove them off, on surprise alone. Then what when they returned? They may not be able to kill all of us.... but what if they could? We were only ghouls, with weak of body that crippled some of us beyond the ability to fight.
Some slept as the sun rose, but others, including myself, gathered in the bar... which was becoming our gathering hall too. We talked and talked, arguing over what happened. Some wanted to leave and did so before the meeting was even over, running away like cowards into the wastes. But the majority stayed, because Gecko was our Home, and we weren't going to abandon it. The Heroes died for what they believed. It wasn't fair to let them do it in vain. Hell, nothing was fair anyway. The next day we had sentries and guards, snipers through and through... and waited. The day brought nothing but the glaring sun. But we all knew it wouldn't last, it never did. They'd be back... sometime.
--End Chapter 1--
Ok, I wrote that in about 30 minutes. It went a little differently than what I anticipated, but still, I like how it turned out. Revisions may come later, but I'm posting it as is. Enjoy.

===Chapter 2... Fate
Unity did not last... the citizens of Gecko, some showing their true feelings over the next few days as what they had done began to really sink in. And with that, fear... a rising terror of losing their home, even if they fought to the end for it. A consensus was rising among the population, a cowardly show to the group if, or rather when, they returned, to make amends and forget what happened. I remained true, though... one of few in a group that remained true to the spirit of what we were doing. Didn't matter though in the end, they forced us to leave, under threats of violence. Gecko would again cater to the normies violence and whims, and anyone not wanting to duck and hide had to go.
We did so gladly by that time, our group having seen it coming and had prepared. Scraping together some brahmins and making some caravans, we piled supplies and saved what we could before being forced out. This was the last time I seen Gecko... what I thought had been my home. Some home it turned out to be, though. I suppose I could understand the towns position, not wanting to lose, and hoping the normies won't trounce them on their return. We could have defended it well, with the proper effort.
I get off track... what's done is done, and we are now outcasts, of a place we would have died to defend. One of life's many ironies it showered us with among a litany of others. With our caravans watered greatly and stores of water for the trip, we set South-East, where we knew there was little life in the desert and mountains. Our convoy of exiles must have been a sight, some odd thirty ghouls creeping over the sand, armed to the teeth with what weapons we were proficient with and ammo we could hold. The days began to drag, and we switched to trying to travel at night more often and rest in shelter, if we could find any, during the day. Slowing our pace, and saving our supplies, the group began to argue. Where were we even going? To a lonely grave in the middle of nowhere? True, we didn't really consider it enough, and other than just trying to survive out here against the Raiders and loners who thought ghouls were easy pickings, and the loss of our home, we'd forgotten to even make a destination. Supplies continually being used, water evaporating and being drank... we had to decide What was going to be done.
Luck smiled on us the next day, for once in our miserable existence. After rising a small hill, we brought the convoy to a halt and cloistered them in a dip in the sand. The scout called ahead the leaders, of which I had become a part by this point due to my role in the town defense, and to all our surprise, the scout showed what lay over the hill. A cave, nothing too spectacular... but the scout motioned us to the dirt and sand, and to wait. Moments later, normies came out in full gear of weapons and armor. Better yet, they were the group we were familiar with, the perpetrators of the massacre. There were many, possibly some twenty-odd soldiers down there. We all hid, and waited. Revenge would be ours, we were all agreed on this. But on our terms, with some planning. Letting their war party go to wherever they were heading, we began to make plans, knowing that the trip would take them a day, hopefully longer at least, before they returned.
We may not be able to take that cave for our own... but we would take them for everything they had, and deprive them of what we couldn't use. Revenge, it was on all our lips as we planned...
---Chapter 2 End---
Properly ordered about and such, so this should look better now. Story is still going alot differently than I had planned. I'm not doing any sort of planning, though, so that rather makes sense. I spent less than half an hour on this section, but, I didn't really bother timing it, I just sat down and wrote it, per se. Enjoy.