I assume if you are carrying 100 lbs of stuff you already have a backpack.
I know it's been suggested somewhere before, but having backpacks or tools which give you a bonus to carry weight or a skill when held would be nice.I mean, there's supposed to be items like that already. For example the paramedic bag is supposed to give a bonus to first aid when you use it, currently, it doesn't do anything.But with the fact that some skills like science, and repair take such high skills to use, it would make sense that using a tool would increase your chance to repair.Also backpacks would make lovely additions for those mining trips or when you plan to trade a lot of things.It would be like +11kg while held, not that great, and it takes up a free hand, so Stong Back and Pack Rat are still useful perks.
why not a Brahman with a workbench built on the back, or perhaps a carvan, it could take high repair skill to make and be awesome.
Mean vedaras is fail vedaras... Anyway, if you have 80 carry weight, you can carry stuff wich weight is 80. So, if you buy a bag, you put stuff in it and that weight all of a sudden dissapears? No no no, this is for games where carry weight doesnt matter, but inventory slots matter. Games like Diablo, World of Warcraft, Deus Ex.
actually tool is in game and it increases repair, what a surprise!
What a surprise! Because they don't work! There's supposed to be a lot of held items that increase your skills when you use them, and none of them are currently working. So fuck off!