The point of this thread is to make an agreement among gangs taking part in Town Control (TC) and about Role Playing (RP).
As most of us probably know, the quarrel "to RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?" has been started by Redding case.
Now, the sceptic part of gangs will ask: "why the hell do we need those ugly roleplayers in our towns?!".
So, the answer is simple: the profit.
There is a lot of advantages from having roleplayers in your town:
a) if you let them, they will make marketplace (just like NCR Bazaar) which you can control and take your part of its income
b) do you need some super stims, psycho or other craftable shit but you're to lazy to gather resources by yourself? Now it's not a problem, put it on yours town "task board" and let roleplayers to get it for you, just for some caps
c) put a guard on the entrance in mining site and start gaining 1/4 or 1/2 of all digged ores (you got ores, roleplayer got protection)
And this is just a beggining - your creating vision is your friend!
Now, if you seems to be interested, lets talk about some rules here:
a) min. 1/2 of city income (footlocker content) should be spend for roleplaying aims (like guards, militia, events)
b) protection of players (don't let them kill each other for no reasons, etc.)
So, if you agree with that and you're willing to make it in some towns, hold on a while!
If you really want to have so fancy easy and big profit in your town, you should put your "RP Idea for Town" on forum and let the roleplayers for if they like it or not.
If there will be more than one gang willing to put RP project in same town, roleplayers should vote on forum which one they like more
Watch out, anti-RP gangs!
We have our "Alpha anti anti-RP Team" which will take your town if you wont put RP project in it, make it "none" and let the RP gang control it!
Second thing- it must be conversation, not stupid flame between gangs, so please think before you start flaming