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Author Topic: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?  (Read 6748 times)


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2010, 01:25:53 pm »

pessimism seems to be a big problem too.

I know that there are assholes who shoot you if you stand peacefully at town entrance and hang out, but i met more nice people than the "burst to the face as greeting"-ones.

Find those nice people, get to know them. Tell them they're safe here. Give them equipment when needed. Tell them the rules of the towns. Tell them who are troublemakers and raiders. Only like this you can become more and more good people and the bad guys coming to your town wont have a chance anymore (except they are some minigun-metalarmor-gang-lololo-we-pwn-bluesuits-killsquad)

This game, as every other fullLoot openPvP game, gives out a teaching to people who explore it theirselves. It turns you into a primitive person guided by egoistic thought of survival. If you would care less about virtual wealth and more about player friendly relationships we could have bigger ingame communities. The way it is like now every guy who doesnt check the forums or irc will enter such towns like a scared rat and not like someone seeking for companions.

You need to build up a reputation for a town and for a community. Not so much pessimism and more help into building it up. I tried building things up myself but its pretty much impossible for only 1 person. If everyone would appreciate and support such player driven towns they would grow into something big in no-time. but nobody believes in such things, they all go "OMG i will get killed" "OH NOES *insert-gangname-here* will sure destroy this" "WAAAARG i will loose all my stuff" "SIGH This will never go good".
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 01:27:55 pm by Andr3aZ »


  • Mao!Mao!
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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2010, 02:30:48 pm »

Main thing preventing roleplay aint gang wars and tc. It is that random guy with cyrilic name killing everyone in town.
To remove fear from the towns, they have to be secured from both pk loners and from Big Three. The only way to do that is some kind of arrangment. If the big gang is present in the city, the ammount of attacks from little groups is minimalized to some occasional raids, which can never do any serious harm.

The game itself has to encourage roleplay.

This isnt about roleplaying in this kind of way. Nobody in the Broken Hills actualy roleplay some farmer(as far as I know). Its a way how to get some normal players out of NCR and from caves to do trades, crafting and hunting and talking in those cities. Eventualy, there will be bigger playerbase, which potentialy means more betatesters which means better game, filled with more content.

EDIT: Bring back NC! It didnt stopped big alliances, it made consequences for actions almost non existent and it makes such project harder.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 02:41:31 pm by Bantz »


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2010, 02:43:13 pm »

One problem with random pks in unsafe towns is that they are unrecognizable sometimes. When it comes to random people, it's impossible to know whether someone has targetted me and is on the way to shoot me in the eyes or if he's about to say hi.

In reality I should be able to see when someone is rising his gun and starting to point it at my direction. And even when he starts to shoot, it's no way guaranteed that the first goddamn shot is going to actually hit.

This isnt about roleplaying in this kind of way. Nobody in the Broken Hills actualy roleplay some farmer(as far as I know). Its a way how to get some normal players out of NCR and from caves to do trades, crafting and hunting and talking in those cities. Eventualy, there will be bigger playerbase, which potentialy means more betatesters which means better game, filled with more content.

So be it. But who are we players supposed to roleplay as?

Find those nice people, get to know them. Tell them they're safe here. Give them equipment when needed. Tell them the rules of the towns. Tell them who are troublemakers and raiders. Only like this you can become more and more good people and the bad guys coming to your town wont have a chance anymore (except they are some minigun-metalarmor-gang-lololo-we-pwn-bluesuits-killsquad)

While I'm helping these friendly people, my enemies are gathering strength by farming shops and encounters, buying mercs, cars and bases, deploying tents and eventually launching unstoppable raid against my peaceful charity community. Even if we might stand a chance against some random solo pks, the rumours of resistance will spread and eventually the minigun-lololol-metalarmor dudes will appear just for the lulz of it.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • Mao!Mao!
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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2010, 02:54:16 pm »

So be it. But who are we players supposed to roleplay as?

You dont have to roleplay. You just have to play. Look at the players coming to BH. Before I was banished from there, I saw people coming to shops, to mine to craft. Would you call that a roleplay? Other day, I saw same guy talking with the guards, enjoying the game, he was armed and happy, he knew some people, he had a place to stay safely. The game was more fun both for that guy and for the guard, which would instead run through some wasted city, desperate to find some bluesuit.

As for the recognition of PKs...Bring back the NC!


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2010, 03:05:56 pm »

Look at the players coming to BH. Before I was banished from there, I saw people coming to shops, to mine to craft. Would you call that a roleplay?

No. I'd call it metagaming. People do it because the game encourages them to. Roleplay is about stepping in the shoes of wasteland-dweller. The very first reason why this can't work is that nobody's afraid to die.

Other day, I saw same guy talking with the guards, enjoying the game, he was armed and happy, he knew some people, he had a place to stay safely. The game was more fun both for that guy and for the guard, which would instead run through some wasted city, desperate to find some bluesuit.

Maybe the guard was just bored and decided to try something else. Surely his history was full of hoarding and killing but since he had everything, it was no use to blast the other player at the moment. If he didn't control the town or have his tent packed with BAs I bet he'd be out somewhere farming encounters or robbing other players.

As for the recognition of PKs...Bring back the NC!

And implement npc factions. Then we can have some real enemies who we can rightfully shoot on sight.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2010, 03:58:47 pm »

Metagaming is not only about robbing, but trade and caps- so yes it is possible to create RP, but pesimissm is too big in some cases

Just as reminder: please understand that this topic isn't just proposal of behaving for gangs. Did you read about those "alpha team"?
This is thread to lazy gangs which want only PvP. 
Want towns? Make RP project and post it on forum or your town will be taken by our commandos and given to more intelligent gang.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 04:09:11 pm by Hydro »
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2010, 05:40:43 pm »

i believe that northen towns should look like BHH more or less, thats the ideal i believe, but with diffrent factions. I think that game engine should encourange such things as much as possible like i stated in another thread ( ). Otherwise the cities will just be points to take, an empty points practically, just some NPCs changing the name of the ownership now and then, only name, nothing else.

What game has set up right now though the game system, is a capture the flag pvp game. Thats what the game is set up for currently. There is little set up/fixes for RP in towns. The Raider roleplaying factions are the ones in control of the towns, when raiding factions (often the ones that only are in for the cash) dont care about the towns themselves (makes sense, Raider is a raider). Factions cant really do anything with the towns, they cant adjust militia, they cant manipulate things like taxes. And overally the whole thing is a mess, many things are not regulated ingame aswell, without ingame regulations there is little control and so, it looks like it currently does, Ghost towns.

Another ideas Devs could make use of would be if controlling faction had one vendor whom they could control 100%. They give him stuff for sale and maybe even adjust the prices. The Vendor would also have to clearly say to the wastelander he's dealing with that he represent this or that faction, so new players wont be confused by strange prices this might produce.

Either way, the less things are set up outside the game, the less the game have values to use and devs to manipulate towards a goal they decide themselves.


  • Mao!Mao!
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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2010, 05:44:39 pm »

Just as reminder: please understand that this topic isn't just proposal of behaving for gangs. Did you read about those "alpha team"?
This is thread to lazy gangs which want only PvP. 
Want towns? Make RP project and post it on forum or your town will be taken by our commandos and given to more intelligent gang.
I thought you wanted some constructive discussion, this sound like completly out of place. Keep that to faction announcment, or you will have another useless flamed topic.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2010, 07:17:54 pm »

I thought you wanted some constructive discussion, this sound like completly out of place. Keep that to faction announcment, or you will have another useless flamed topic.
Actually that one was statement someone that is helping me with creating things, but he isn't able to write on forum.

Second thing is that something must be done- and not only voice from vsb, but from other gangs. I would like to see other gangs like ttla or rogues opinion

EDIT: About that don't worry I would rather hold fire/guns to make something constructive than shooting all around- if compromise will be accepted we will help with controlling towns
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 07:21:29 pm by Hydro »
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2010, 07:22:30 pm »

The very first reason why this can't work is that nobody's afraid to die.

Nobody is afraid but when it happens everybody is angry :D

I agree about a thing with Avv : games mechanics should encourage roleplay. As I said, roleplay is not only consisting about talking with other players. Roleplay is...playing a role :D . In a MMORPG it is about playing a role in a world where other people still continue to live and to do things even if you are not connected.
The main problem is there is no mechanics about interaction with other players other than killing and trading (ho yes there is the bunker quest where you need to gather some people...). So players have to create their own politics. Where is the NCR ? The Brotherhood of Steel ? Vault-City and other factions ? How a small gang of 20 people could control half of California ?


  • Mao!Mao!
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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2010, 07:24:05 pm »

One of the main problem I see is players even in the same team are not united. There are players that are for such project, there are players that doesnt care, as long as they get their pvp and there are players that are for globe scale war and no compromise. And then there are personal issues between the gangs and their members, which are not making it easier. Just look at the current topic in the gang issues :).

As for the roleplay, thats something that most of the players wont do.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 07:28:00 pm by Bantz »


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2010, 07:37:33 pm »

One of the main problem I see is players even in the same team are not united. There are players that are for such project, there are players that doesn't care, as long as they get their pvp and there are players that are for globe scale war and no compromise. And then there are personal issues between the gangs and their members, which are not making it easier. Just look at the current topic in the gang issues Smiley.

As for the roleplay, thats something that most of the players wont do.

This is life... and this is what happens when players got too much liberty in a game : almost everything is depending on relationship between players (it should be about relationship between characters) or time-to-spend on the game or what-is-fun-for-me-and-not-for-you...

Players should have more restraints but it seems that Devs still don't understand that they spend a lot of time working on this game and they have the right to restraint players if they want.
Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2010, 08:48:28 pm »

If may I ask what is opinion of TTLA and Rogues about this idea?
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2010, 11:12:10 pm »

You know, TTTLA is not an entity so we have different opinions. I am one of TTTLA and you got my opinion.

Heckler Spray

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Re: To RP or not to RP in Controlled Towns?
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2010, 11:44:23 pm »

Like Pozzo said, every member of our gang (TTTLA) has his own opinion about Role playing in Northern Towns, but as I already told you, we are about to start this kind of project in Redding, so I think I can say TTTLA approve RP Projects in Controlled Towns.

But I'm not sure every major gang would like to do the same, most of them are fighting since more than one year without any reason, for the sake of PvP, it would be hard to change their mind.
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