Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Tools and Modifications => Topic started by: Bantz on October 01, 2010, 01:41:01 am

Title: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 01, 2010, 01:41:01 am

Hello wastelanders,
there is a lot of great combat interfaces around. Some changes the aiming screen to make it easier to aim,
in most cases they enlarge the eye area. The SCOPE takes that to the extreme.
( ( (
The usual aiming screen is replaced by very simple picture, that fills the whole window. See the screen&video. You can click anywhere on screen and release the shot, so double click will release it almost instantly. You can also click on the bottom, where there are two areas for arm and for leg, so it doesnt strap you of tactical options. You can escape from aiming screen by clicking to the SCOPED or by pressing escape.

It decreases the time neccesary to aim and given its transparency it does offer full overview of the situation.

Currently, I have it for 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600. You can switch between 800x600 and one of the two others. But the version for 800x600 is not as simple to instal and buggy, so for the moment I present just the two hi-res version.

Default interface users have to first create folders art/intrface in the data folder in your game folder. Then create the faction1024x768.ini, that can be done through
default windows text editor with the following code
for 1280x1024
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768

AimMain=0 0 1280 1024
AimCancel=555 0 667 20
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 964 640 1024
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimRLegText=640 964 1280 1024
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimEyesText=0 0 1280 1024
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 1000 35 1024
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=650 1000 680 1024
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0
for 1024x768
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 727 511 768
AimRLegText=513 727 800 768
AimEyesText=0 0 1024 700
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 739 35 768
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=518 739 548 768
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0
If you are using any custom interface, just add the code to your current .inis. If there is already modified aiming, rewrite the ;===============Aim section with the code.

You need the aiming images that can be downloaded here ( for 1280x1024 and here ( for 1024x768. Paste them into intrface folder.

Now enjoy it by shooting some bad guy.
Feedbacks will be apreciated.

I would like to thank Pretor for help with writing the codes, VSB gang for help with field testing and Ned Logan, whose combat interface gave me the idea in the first place.  

-800x600 version is coming
-the folder is realy named intrface, not interface
-the name faction1024x768.ini works for both resolutions.
-Works well with combat interfaces.
-The best way to use it is in RT.
-It works with any weapon, even with fists.
-I realize that its bit controversial, but given its not against the rules and anyone can use (and I am sure there are other versions around) it without detection, I consider it only fair to post it here.
-Reccomended by 9 out of 10 pvp apes.

-If you want to have all aiming areas (groins, both legs etc.), check out a nice version ( Doctor Eex made.
-Crippler version ( by Drakonis, with cool designers touch.
-Hybrid version  ( Bester, try it out.

-My world map is the one from TLA->see reply no.13 for solution.
-I can see only one digit in aiming percentage->use new fixed codes.
-I have messed up world map speed->see reply no.127

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: borse on October 01, 2010, 06:00:40 am
Very cool! gonna try it out.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: runboy93 on October 01, 2010, 01:48:40 pm
More fun for snipers :D
Looks great custom for FOnline.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: John Ryder on October 03, 2010, 04:22:10 am
Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sius on October 03, 2010, 11:24:51 am
Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)

Here we are again. I would say something but I don't wanna be rude...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: jan0s1k on October 03, 2010, 04:16:52 pm
Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)
You should be banned...
Every interface/modification of animations (like on my mod ;p) are allowed, becouse enigine of this game allow on it...
so don't type lies like this here...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: zato1 on October 03, 2010, 10:47:12 pm
this is useful, but to be honest, if you're already very practiced with the stock aiming model, this is really not going to help you AT ALL, because you're already clicking as fast as you can, the only way to get faster will be to completely automate it.

this will be of great benefit to those fools whining about the aimbots though.  it will help bridge the gap between cheaters and non-cheaters.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: borse on October 04, 2010, 09:42:22 am
works like a charm!
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Lacan on October 04, 2010, 06:41:18 pm
it works fine but for some reason it messes with my Worldmap graphics, most of it is black glitch now )

Do you know what might cause this ? i play windowed, 1024x768 on windows 7.

i'll try to post a screenshot later.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 05, 2010, 12:06:06 am
See reply no.13 for correct fix.

I know the bug, its map from TLA. Its caused by missing code that exchange it for 2238 map. Fixing it was always matter of  trial-n-error aproach for me.

First, dont forget to backup the files I tell you to delete or manipulate with:-).

Do you have the faction.ini in your fonline folder? Then fill it with code
Code: [Select]

Did it help?
No? Try deleting the caches.

Let me now if it worked.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: kraskish on October 05, 2010, 10:36:54 am
I dont want to mess around with the files, so the thing here acts like aiming screen but all I can see is 2 columns on the bottom of the screen... ?

Oh I see, but how do you change aiming preset at the right column? Looks nice though, great job
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 05, 2010, 01:08:59 pm
The left column is for arm and right one is for leg. Everything else works as eyes.
If you want something else in the right column, for example groin, switch the codes for arm and groin.
In the end, for 1024x768 it would look like that:

Code: [Select]
AimRArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 727 511 768
AimGroinProc=5 739 20 768

I edited the description in the main topic so it should be clear what does it do :)

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Lacan on October 05, 2010, 06:58:38 pm
hi bantz, thanks for advice !!
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 05, 2010, 10:17:52 pm
Ok, the issue with the TLA world map has been fixed by adding following code to the faction1024x768.ini.

Code: [Select]

Thanks to Lacan for bug report.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Izual on October 06, 2010, 12:46:05 pm
Finally a solution that is not cheat nor a little modification of the actual interface :) I'll gladly use it on my next sniper char.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 07, 2010, 02:41:36 pm
So its approved by fonline staff ?  8)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Jimmy BoyX on October 07, 2010, 03:29:14 pm
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 07, 2010, 03:30:04 pm
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: jan0s1k on October 07, 2010, 03:50:25 pm
it's a feature...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Ghosthack on October 07, 2010, 03:57:47 pm
So its approved by fonline staff ?  8)

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on October 07, 2010, 07:03:42 pm

I would prefer to see them approving FOCD, or if they want, ban it, but add all it's functionality IG.

Holy shit I am afraid of trolling, but couldn't resist
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 07, 2010, 07:10:49 pm
I would prefer to see them approving FOCD, or if they want, ban it, but add all it's functionality IG.
Indeed, but even a small step is better than no step.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Jimmy BoyX on October 07, 2010, 08:15:09 pm
Can you change it to 50%?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 07, 2010, 08:21:29 pm
Can you change it to 50%?
You mean to make the area smaller? It can be done for sure, but someone has to rewrite the codes and stuff. However, if you play on 1280x1024 install the 1024x768 version and there you go-smaller version.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Jimmy BoyX on October 07, 2010, 08:25:14 pm
You mean to make the area smaller? It can be done for sure, but someone has to rewrite the codes and stuff. However, if you play on 1280x1024 install the 1024x768 version and there you go-smaller version.

Yes I mean smaller arena, 50% or smaller.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 07, 2010, 08:31:56 pm
I am planning to release 800x600 version soon, so you will just have to instal it with few adjustments and play on bigger resolution. If you dont want to wait, resize the picture and recode it yourself, its no so hard.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: borse on October 10, 2010, 06:45:44 pm
Thanks, this is the best thing i've done to my fonline folder :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on October 12, 2010, 02:06:33 pm
But its strange hm ? Its same fast as FOCD but FOCD is cheat and this is allowed ...

Today Linnea and MSH told me that we using FOCD. It was useless to convince him that we using this The Scope thingie ...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 12, 2010, 02:09:04 pm
FOCD is a bit slower and its a 3rd party program
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Vindict on October 12, 2010, 02:16:45 pm
so you can only aim for eyes, arms and legs with this thing?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on October 12, 2010, 02:18:46 pm
With setings what you can download here in this thread yes, only to eyes, arms. But you can change it as you wish.

Sarakin : FOCD isnt slower. The Scope need 2 clicks and FOCD only one click. Speed is almost same but FOCD is a bit faster(only a little bit)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: jan0s1k on October 12, 2010, 02:34:39 pm
With setings what you can download here in this thread yes, only to eyes, arms. But you can change it as you wish.

Sarakin : FOCD isnt slower. The Scope need 2 clicks and FOCD only one click. Speed is almost same but FOCD is a bit faster(only a little bit)
nah, if you have old mouse, you must press mouse stronger ;p and then FOCD is a lot faster ;)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 12, 2010, 02:42:09 pm
Sarakin : FOCD isnt slower. The Scope need 2 clicks and FOCD only one click. Speed is almost same but FOCD is a bit faster(only a little bit)
Yes I wanted to write faster, my bad  :-[
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Mudguts on October 12, 2010, 11:39:23 pm
Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on October 13, 2010, 12:47:36 am
Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. Smiley

When you are running TNM updater, you automatically download FOCD.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 13, 2010, 02:54:27 am
When you are running TNM updater, you automatically download FOCD.
What does that have with this thread ?  ;D
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 13, 2010, 04:56:42 am
I'm using windows 7 and I cannot see the area of aiming.

Also, is possible you tell me the codes to do this:

( (

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 13, 2010, 03:02:39 pm

Did you downloaded the picture and put it into correct folder?

As for the codes, it depends on what resolution you want to use. Then its prety simple to do the codes.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 13, 2010, 04:18:56 pm
Did you downloaded the picture and put it into correct folder?

As for the codes, it depends on what resolution you want to use. Then its prety simple to do the codes.
Oops! Forgot to download thhe image.
And the resolution is 1024x768

Ok, works well.
But can you make like that screen? please please please!!  ;D

I am so proud of myself...
( (
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on October 15, 2010, 01:35:33 pm
i consider this cheating. modifying ui in order to eliminate the importance of players reaction time? pathetic. gaining unfair advantage over other players is fucking cheating. either introduce this as a feature to all players or just stop trying to make anything more than a 2d shooter that reqeires no skill from the player. make up your minds devs. do you really want to have players forced to modify the game in order to be competitive with all the kids that 'play' fonline for unreasonable violence?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 15, 2010, 02:01:31 pm
I am so proud of myself...
( (
Good job :D I think your version could actually be better for casual player, that doesnt spend that much time in pvp.

i consider this cheating.
The thing is that you have the option to modify your interface. There are a lot of modified interfaces, some of them are real state of the art but they still give you some advantage. And who is deciding what is acceptable and what is not? Its you? Yes, its definetly advantage. But unfair? Anyone can download&use it. I am giving everyone the oportunity to compete with the people that use something simillar.
And if you think that the game with such things requires no skill, maybe you should go out and train more.   
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 15, 2010, 03:38:59 pm
i consider this cheating. modifying ui in order to eliminate the importance of players reaction time? pathetic. gaining unfair advantage over other players is fucking cheating. either introduce this as a feature to all players or just stop trying to make anything more than a 2d shooter that reqeires no skill from the player. make up your minds devs. do you really want to have players forced to modify the game in order to be competitive with all the kids that 'play' fonline for unreasonable violence?
Let's say that I'm just equaling (or almost) with who uses auto-aiming.

Good job :D I think your version could actually be better for casual player, that doesnt spend that much time in pvp.
No no no...  is for pvp.  :D
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Tankboy on October 15, 2010, 06:36:13 pm
fixd, thx bantz
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on October 15, 2010, 09:27:46 pm
Good job :D I think your version could actually be better for casual player, that doesnt spend that much time in pvp.
The thing is that you have the option to modify your interface. There are a lot of modified interfaces, some of them are real state of the art but they still give you some advantage. And who is deciding what is acceptable and what is not? Its you? Yes, its definetly advantage. But unfair? Anyone can download&use it. I am giving everyone the oportunity to compete with the people that use something simillar.
And if you think that the game with such things requires no skill, maybe you should go out and train more.    
Strangely i havent seen you around during season 2. Look I appriociate your work but every modification like this one just takes the whole 2238 a step closer to a MINDLESS shooter. Previously in Pv,P the guy who can faster click the small 'eyes' would propably have the first shot and bigger chances to beat the opponent.

Not anyone can download it. Not every one knows about this. Not every one likes to modify the original game interface. Not everyone like games that don't require any skill or reflex from the player.... Anyways, what's next- an addon that automatically aggro your name colorized opponent? Wohoo you don't even have to press A and click your enemy, because the add-on gonna do it for you if it recognizes that you have over 90% chance to hit the enemy.

It is an adventage... In matter of fact an unfair one. Let's just take it a step further and just allow aim bots, because it's pretty much the same if not better(since now you actually have a choice at aiming)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on October 15, 2010, 09:31:37 pm
not anyone take pleasure in the extra-pointing with the mouse and the interface defects
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 15, 2010, 09:33:40 pm
Strangely i havent seen you around during season 2. Look I appriociate your work but every modification like this one just takes the whole 2238 a step closer to a MINDLESS shooter. Previously in Pv,P the guy who can faster click the small 'eyes' would propably have the first shot and bigger chances to beat the opponent.

Not anyone can download it. Not every one knows about this. Not every one likes to modify the original game interface. Not everyone like games that don't require any skill or reflex from the player.... Anyways, what's next- an addon that automatically aggro your name colorized opponent? Wohoo you don't even have to press A and click your enemy, because the add-on gonna do it for you if it recognizes that you have over 90% chance to hit the enemy.

It is an adventage... In matter of fact an unfair one. Let's just take it a step further and just allow aim bots, because it's pretty much the same if not better(since now you actually have a choice at aiming)
Well, yeah you have good arguments.
But I won't stay here playing and pretending that no one is using mod or aim-bot...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 15, 2010, 10:24:27 pm
It is an adventage... In matter of fact an unfair one. Let's just take it a step further and just allow aim bots, because it's pretty much the same if not better(since now you actually have a choice at aiming)
Given that devs wanted to implement the aimed shot preset, this doesnt take it anywhere else then their direction. As for the not everyone can download, now at least those who see this can download. Before, anyone could modify it in his own interface, lot of people did actualy and not make it public. This one is the only one avaible for those that dont have the skills to modify it themselves.
And yes, maybe it takes the reflexes away, but still we can use tactic, which is also very important. You can say that with this, its more about tactic then reflexes.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Dark Angel on October 15, 2010, 10:25:13 pm
Youkai i see your version is better give link to download please :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: jan0s1k on October 15, 2010, 10:26:01 pm
Youkai i see your version is better give link to download please :)
nah, create your own..
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 15, 2010, 10:30:43 pm
Youkai i see your version is better give link to download please :)

Dark Angel, please send a pm for stuff like that, you can do it by pressing the little computer down at the players profile.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 15, 2010, 10:59:25 pm
As for me, Im not very happy with these aim-helping modifications, but as was stated, lot of players are using them illegaly and Im thankful to Bantz that he made this and released it publicly.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Michaelh139 on October 16, 2010, 12:21:37 am
Aiming shouldn't have auto aim.

Aiming is overpowered severely, so they should have to click twice to shoot, takes the time to aim over insta shooting.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 16, 2010, 01:12:36 am
Youkai i see your version is better give link to download please :)
I'll Pm you
Is only for resolution 1024x768
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on October 16, 2010, 03:46:57 pm
Drakonis : Most of players using aimbots illegal. Why i must suffer when fighting them ? They have unallowed tool for aiming and when i fight them its almost impossible to destroy them 1 vs 1. This is ONLY thing which is allowed from Devs, everyone can download it, everyone can using it. Its only legal advantage what we have against illegal softwares and players who just DONT WANT play fair.

As i said earlier about Aimbots : Everyone or nobody, nothing more, nothing less.

When someone fight unfair, with AB against me, i dont want be sheep who will get shoot first from AB.  

And this thing allow me it LEGALY ...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sius on October 17, 2010, 01:19:19 pm
I've lol'd at that "everything like this makes FOnline more MINDLESS shooter" "argument". How exactly can less clicking instead of more clicking make game mindless? :D

Only real issue here is the ingame balance but as stated before, those who know "how to" have already done this, those who don't have already downloaded this and those who complain about this have no real interest in PvP what so ever.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Gavin Mc Fee on October 20, 2010, 07:18:00 am
those who don't have already downloaded this and those who complain about this have no real interest in PvP what so ever.

I'd say no interest in pvp as you conceive it. (0% rpg, 100% action oriented).
Fallout deserved so much better than hack n' slash / modern mmo mechanics, powerbuilds, and such.
I started to play with the idea that it would be an online version of the solo Fallout experience.
Or at least that it was going to be, but it will unfortunately never happen.
Well it took me over a year to realize that :p
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: John.Metzger on October 20, 2010, 07:41:01 am
I started to play with the idea that it would be an online version of the solo Fallout experience.
Or at least that it was going to be, but it will unfortunately never happen.
Well it took me over a year to realize that :p

same here. fallout is made by interplay, legendary..
but fonline is made by acting of testers, annoying..

Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)

default is the only fair option.

Only real issue here is the ingame balance but as stated before, those who know "how to" have already done this, those who don't have already downloaded this and those who complain about this have no real interest in PvP what so ever.

then have fun with faster shots to a guys head who isn´t interested in supermegaoverpowerpvp. :P

anyway.. autoaim for still overpowered snipers? but no running-attack for unarmed/melee? pathetic.
this game seems to became a lame "mg vs. sniper - 2d counterstrike" shit happends.  :'(
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: OskaRus on October 20, 2010, 03:46:20 pm

then have fun with faster shots to a guys head who isn´t interested in supermegaoverpowerpvp. :P

Speed of this is usefull only in real PvP against same equiped enemies. In PKing, the PKed would stand no chance anyway.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Lordus on October 20, 2010, 05:19:31 pm
The only fair amining system is:

1. use ball mouse, not optic one
2. use 640:480 resolution, because i dont know how to set up higher resolution in russian configure menu
3. wait for enemy player first shot.. it is kind of good manners
4. aim his running body
5. take your monitor to your hands, shake with monitor, turn it 360 degree
6. click on the bodypart you want
7. repeat it again

 Or 2 times click via Scope. Or legalize FOCD, like Cvet = the original Fonline programer and the leader of TLA project, did and you will be able to use same aiming mechanism, like in Fallout Tactics.

 Or play real time game using turn based interface, like you are now.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on October 20, 2010, 05:46:24 pm
in the context of current realities also have scripts
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Yofune on October 20, 2010, 07:28:31 pm
I had some free time so i moded a bit The SCOPE, for my personal preference. I aded some images and in my version you can aim head and groin too.
Instalation is the same as orginal mod. Here's the code you need to add to .ini file:

Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1280x800

AimMain=0 0 1280 800
AimCancel=540 630 740 800
AimHeadText=0 630 540 800
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 400 640 630
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimRLegText=640 400 1280 630
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimEyesText=0 0 1280 400
AimGroinText=740 630 1280 800
AimHeadProc=366 706 430 740
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=320 550 340 570
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=880 480 920 500
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=630 160 650 180
AimGroinProc=890 706 950 736

For now my modification supports only 1280x800 resolutiion (since i mostly play on a widescreen laptop).
I'm not the author of the images, i just googled them and used in my version, so i wanted to say thx to their original authors.
You can download scope.png here: (

PS. If someone have some nicer images for head and groins fell free to post them, i realise that thoes two kinda don't fit to the rest.

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on October 20, 2010, 10:03:49 pm
Can you post a screenshot ?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Yofune on October 21, 2010, 04:53:45 am
Here you go.

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: yoz on October 21, 2010, 07:33:59 am
^^^ Very nice.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on October 21, 2010, 04:48:36 pm
Fixed wrong picture link for 1024x768, now its the correct one.

Thx to Avv for bug report.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on October 21, 2010, 09:04:03 pm
Fixed wrong picture link for 1024x768, now its the correct one.

Thx to Avv for bug report.

Why was wrong? '___'
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Lacan on October 21, 2010, 09:14:39 pm
Ha right it's better now, the red lines wuoldn't appear withouth this change;

Now it's perfect , thanks !
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Jimmy BoyX on October 22, 2010, 08:31:56 am
Very nice but why there're only one hand and one leg?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on October 22, 2010, 11:19:27 am
Very nice but why there're only one hand and one leg?

Why you need second arm and leg ?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on October 22, 2010, 03:03:52 pm
Why you need second arm and leg ?
Second arm: agains people who use one handed weapons, second leg: to slow down someone even more?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on October 22, 2010, 05:19:09 pm
Second arm: agains people who use one handed weapons, second leg: to slow down someone even more?

In next battle i will try it, cripple first leg and arm to someone and then cripple second leg and arm.

I hope that i will not spend 10 minutes in this crippling marathon  8)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Kamilos93 on October 22, 2010, 06:37:25 pm
How can i change SCOPE Sniper to my resolution? I need 1260x900
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on October 22, 2010, 10:36:59 pm
open image in graphic editor(mspaint, for exampl)
then see and measure the coordinates of the edge  lines
and edit code
Code: [Select]
AimMain=0 0 1280 900
AimCancel=540 630 740 800
AimHeadText=x1 y1 x2 y2   <---- aiming area
AimHeadProc=x2-x1-delta y2-y1-delta x2-x1+delta y2-y1+delta <--- percent's text place

for example you can see (1280x950)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Tom Metzger on October 25, 2010, 10:58:23 am
All i can say is FO is heat if u cant stand it get the fu-- out..
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on October 25, 2010, 11:18:24 am
I wonder, why i can't see 95% on eyes, just first digit?

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on October 25, 2010, 01:30:20 pm
bcz u have 60% penalty when firing on the eyes
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on October 25, 2010, 02:15:18 pm
no, it shows 6 instead of 60 and 9 instead of 95.
only 1 digit. any ideas?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on October 25, 2010, 03:03:09 pm
The area given for the tohit is not big enough.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on October 25, 2010, 03:29:28 pm
So, which parameter to adjust to fix that?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on October 25, 2010, 09:59:27 pm
AimHeadProc=366 706 430 740
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=320 550 340 570+10
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=880 480 920 500+10
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=630 160 650 180+10
AimGroinProc=890 706 950 736
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 01, 2010, 08:00:44 am

Resp, you little bit wrong, you suggested to add in vertical dimension however it needed to add in horizontal.

Anyway, i did my own variant of scope, with all body parts located in the same way as on original. The reason - i failed to break 2 arms to stop one hander  firing at me ) And without any icons, as it's easy to remeber where arm or head or groin are ). In green as it more fallout-ish

( (

Uploaded with (

Anyway Bantz thank you for posting such great idea for those who do not want to use FOCD

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: yoz on November 01, 2010, 08:56:08 am
Eex, can you post the code for your aim window.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 01, 2010, 10:04:20 am
Sure, yoz , here you go
Code: [Select]
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=100 0 924 60
AimLArmText=924 0 1024 600
AimRArmText=0 0 100 600
AimRLegText=0 600 412 700
AimEyesText=100 60 924 600
AimLLegText=612 600 1024 700
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=412 600 612 700
AimHeadProc=500 30 530 60
AimLArmProc=975 300 1005 330
AimRArmProc=40 300 60 330
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=200 645 230 675
AimLLegProc=830 645 860 675
AimEyesProc=500 350 530 380
AimGroinProc=500 645 530 675
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: avv on November 05, 2010, 10:33:43 am
It appears that when using this exploit-hax-cheat the new radio doesn't work well. Just try it. It's impossible to push radio interface buttons.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: OskaRus on November 05, 2010, 01:53:49 pm
It appears that when using this exploit-hax-cheat the new radio doesn't work well. Just try it. It's impossible to push radio interface buttons.

Radio works fine for me with this interface. I am using 1024:768 resolution.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: avv on November 05, 2010, 05:40:07 pm
Radio works fine for me with this interface. I am using 1024:768 resolution.

You're right. It was bantz's another hax that made radio usage problematic. It was his Ifix exploit.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: John.Metzger on November 05, 2010, 11:03:27 pm
that means, i have to study that configfiles to get a better interface? lol .. what is wrong with FOnline?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 06, 2010, 01:02:00 am
Joe, if you're suffering with standard interface just pm me, i'll give you this one:

( (

Uploaded with (

And for avv - calling A WAY BETTER INTERFACE a cheat in RPG game means you say this game is not about RPG.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: _Youkai_ on November 06, 2010, 02:13:23 am
Eex, can you pass to me by pm the codes of your interface?
I'm too lazy to do the codes for percentage  :-[
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 06, 2010, 07:15:23 am
Just look a bit upper. I already posted it here  ;)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sius on November 06, 2010, 05:11:06 pm
Its priceless to see how one good idea developed into few excellent interfaces.

And for avv and other cheathunters:

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on November 06, 2010, 07:25:39 pm
This is very nice. I'm using Doctor Eex's version. Thanks Doc!
And thanks Bantz for the general idea :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: GuitarGuy on November 07, 2010, 01:25:25 am
Very good modification. I'll not be orginal - this tool is useful.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Surf on November 07, 2010, 11:26:45 am
And for avv - calling A WAY BETTER INTERFACE a cheat in RPG game means you say this game is not about RPG.

Editing Interface and Imagefiles to net you a faster and easier shoot in senseless PvP ins not about RPG.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Hololasima on November 07, 2010, 03:58:39 pm
Editing Interface and Imagefiles to net you a faster and easier shoot in senseless PvP ins not about RPG.

Senseless, senseless ...

Everything is senseless if it not fit to your visions ...
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on November 07, 2010, 05:37:38 pm
Senseless, senseless ...

Everything is senseless if it not fit to your visions ...
Hololasima, chill down. Even good arguments won't help in this case -.- You will just get more pissed of by trying to prove that you are right. Even if you are, you won't be. I'm with ya, I feel ya pain.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Sarakin on November 07, 2010, 05:46:24 pm
Interface should be editable and customizable, that applies also to hotkeys. Its not our fault, that DEFAULT interface is just crap - at least not suited for RT. Everyone got different taste how should his interface look like. Or fonline doesnt want to be successful game ?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: kttdestroyer on November 07, 2010, 06:06:38 pm
This is not a custom interface, this is kind of an aimbot :) But acually, it doesint change anything exept that you press this eye button faster. Its just standard aiming exept letter are bigger. Hard to blame anyone exept current combat system.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on November 07, 2010, 06:09:57 pm
This is not a custom interface
It is.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: kttdestroyer on November 07, 2010, 07:01:06 pm
It is.

Yes, well it is, but its main feature are pretty obvious, not?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 07, 2010, 09:32:15 pm
Editing Interface and Imagefiles to net you a faster and easier shoot in senseless PvP ins not about RPG.
Hmm. First of all, I don't like RT PVP. As I'm not a fan of CS, MW and all other shooters, I don't have excellent mouse control skills.
I do prefer fallout. But if take a closer look at default aiming screen, it is obvious it is designed for TB. You have all the time to point what body part you want to shoot. But not in RT combat.
So about this RPG quote. In cRPG all that should matter in PVP is character build, but not your mouse control ability. All that this mod does, it makes sniping PVP less mouse skill dependent. Which is good for SPECIAL based game.
As for true Role Play: I became a member of BHH. So it is 2 roles both requre RT PVP.
1) BH police officer and mine patrol
2) in case BH fallen to enemy - guerilla warfare
So if i fight against sniper guy which has good mouse/mouse pad/mouse skill I'll lose. Because I dont have those.
(skip the fact all top PVP players use FOCD or even worse things)
And I don't want to be SUDDENLY banned. So Bantz' solution is what I needed.

For those who calling it aimbot - you know nothing about aimbots definetly.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: kttdestroyer on November 08, 2010, 05:37:02 am
For those who calling it aimbot - you know nothing about aimbots definetly.

Nope, never used. This interface gives however, advantage over players who dont have this interface. In comparence to them, it could be said to be act as one and thats all i ment. However, the creator have done good work, and had good idea. The problem that is here, is the combat system on itself, that leaves the deciding of shot to the reflexes (like CS or anyother FPS).
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 08, 2010, 06:13:30 am
This interface gives however, advantage over players who dont have this interface...The problem that is here, is the combat system on itself, that leaves the deciding of shot to the reflexes (like CS or anyother FPS).
Evreryone is free to come into this thread and setup it. So it's FAIR advantage. I advised to do so to all my friends.
So let's say, it is FAIR advantage. And it is solves some how 1 interface problem.
Aimbots - tools that let you aim and shoot automatically. With this enhancement you still need to 1) click your target, 2)choose body part and 3)click again - but make little bit more simple 2 part and you  don't lose tactical overview while aiming. No aimbot at all

Even FOCD aiming function is not aimbot. But it is anyway forbidden for obvious reason
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on November 09, 2010, 11:57:37 am
-minor fix with the percantages to hit, now you should see both digits.
-added notion about Doctor Eex version to the main article.

Editing Interface and Imagefiles to net you a faster and easier shoot in senseless PvP ins not about RPG.

So you want to say that you are somehow better roleplayer if you dont edit your interface? What does interface have to do with RPG? RPG is not about having default interface. Besides this is not RPG, its MMORPG. And that is a huge diffrence.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on November 09, 2010, 08:33:18 pm

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: JovankaB on November 10, 2010, 01:36:08 am

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :

very nice :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on November 10, 2010, 04:05:00 pm

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :
Give me please sources pictures of skull and other limbs
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on November 11, 2010, 12:31:03 pm
Source? Its in png file- if you can use photoshop, then you can just extract them from the png. if you cant: what would you need them for :D
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on November 11, 2010, 05:04:29 pm
He is asking for the source... That means, he wants to know, where did you take these pictures from if you didn't make them yourself?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Resp on November 11, 2010, 06:52:20 pm
Source? Its in png file- if you can use photoshop, then you can just extract them from the png. if you cant: what would you need them for :D
a cheap show-off
Photoshop is not good for this ( (
you can try to make himself at his same advice
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Eternauta on November 11, 2010, 07:14:20 pm
SCOPE-Old School Goth Wasteland Sniper friend
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: backora on November 13, 2010, 04:21:30 pm
( (

Uploaded with (
This seems nice. Do you also have it in 1024x768?
Because I have absolutely no skill in drawing programs and I don't know how to make it transparent :).
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on November 13, 2010, 05:59:38 pm
It's made specially for 1024x768
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on November 16, 2010, 09:52:17 pm

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Kirkor on November 16, 2010, 11:59:13 pm

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :
That looks just awesome.
Can you make similar art for eyeshooter? You know, with big eyes picture in the middle and with other, smaller, body parts at sides?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: dskpnk on November 17, 2010, 01:48:30 pm

1280 x 800  scoped interface for Crippler build

screenie :

What about a 1024*768 version ?

And rly good job to you all
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: jangling on November 18, 2010, 08:29:49 am
What about a 1024*768 version ?

And rly good job to you all


Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768

AimMain=0 0 1024 768
AimCancel=0 573 125 768
AimHeadText=0 0 512 210
AimLArmText=0 210 512 572
AimRArmText=512 210 1024 572
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=897 572 1024 768
AimRLegText=512 572 897 768
AimLLegText=125 572 512 678
AimEyesText=512 0 1024 210
AimHeadProc=395 90 435 110
AimLArmProc=180 325 220 345
AimRArmProc=805 325 845 345
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=700 650 740 670
AimLLegProc=285 650 325 670
AimEyesProc=565 90 605 110
AimGroinProc=910 610 950 630

Love your work buddy.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: dskpnk on November 18, 2010, 11:30:41 pm

Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768

AimMain=0 0 1024 768
AimCancel=0 573 125 768
AimHeadText=0 0 512 210
AimLArmText=0 210 512 572
AimRArmText=512 210 1024 572
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=897 572 1024 768
AimRLegText=512 572 897 768
AimLLegText=125 572 512 678
AimEyesText=512 0 1024 210
AimHeadProc=395 90 435 110
AimLArmProc=180 325 220 345
AimRArmProc=805 325 845 345
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=700 650 740 670
AimLLegProc=285 650 325 670
AimEyesProc=565 90 605 110
AimGroinProc=910 610 950 630

Love your work buddy.

No needs to d/l a PNG with a new size ?

EDIT : Effectively the PNJ seems too large, i will just try to resize it with photoshop

EDIT 2 : It's working by simply resizing the SCOPE.png, thx this is really a good job. Tell me if some of you need the 1024*768 SCOPE.png

download scope.pnj 1024*768
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Kirkor on November 19, 2010, 12:18:23 pm
I think I found a little annoying bug with the scope... Well I think it's because of scope, coz the problem appeared after I installed it.
So the problem is, that on worldmap my 'dot' going faster then it should be. So when I order him to go to other location, he appears far behind where it showed me before. Or when I want to get inside some location "Location suprisingly has moved". Soo... Any solution for this?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on November 19, 2010, 12:40:51 pm
I think I found a little annoying bug with the scope... Well I think it's because of scope, coz the problem appeared after I installed it.
So the problem is, that on worldmap my 'dot' going faster then it should be. So when I order him to go to other location, he appears far behind where it showed me before. Or when I want to get inside some location "Location suprisingly has moved". Soo... Any solution for this?

I call this lag. Not the scope fault.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Kirkor on November 19, 2010, 02:44:12 pm
I call this lag. Not the scope fault.
Oh, ok. It happened after installing scope, so I thought its the mods fault. Ok, nvm. Good program anyway :)
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Drakonis on November 19, 2010, 03:00:17 pm
That looks just awesome.
Can you make similar art for eyeshooter? You know, with big eyes picture in the middle and with other, smaller, body parts at sides?

When I have some more time... I'm kinda overhelmed right now.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bester on November 21, 2010, 11:42:39 am
I made a custom 1280*1024 scope since I only need eyes, two arms and two legs. I thought I'd share in case somebody else finds it useful.
You can download the scope image, the variables and the .psd with layers (in case you want to tweak it) here (
Real size screenshot here (

Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: RavenousRat on November 21, 2010, 01:10:43 pm
I call this lag. Not the scope fault.

Test #1:
Used art for for 1024x768 +map fix:
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 727 511 768
AimRLegText=513 727 800 768
AimEyesText=0 0 1024 700
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 739 35 768
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=518 739 548 768
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0

On world map it shows that you move faster than should.. and it's annoying sometimes.

Test #2:
Used art for 1024x768 without map fix:
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 727 511 768
AimRLegText=513 727 800 768
AimEyesText=0 0 1024 700
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 739 35 768
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=518 739 548 768
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0

I had black map (probably because I don't have TLA map), but I had no more that bug with too-fast-moving-cross-on-map.

Test #3:
I removed this art and played with default.
Again, as in Test#2 I had no problems on world map.

So, the problem is there:
Code: [Select]

*Outoodrsman 32%
**It counts my speed on WM regardless on what kind of surface I walk, it means, that this bug is unseen (because there's no bug) when you're walking on plain desert, but if you start move on mountains, your red cross on WM still move with the same speed, so you need to click everytime to refresh it to see where you're really now.

Edit: If this bug is too annoying for you, then you have to use TLA map. Or else just.. ignore it.
Btw you can do really nice pictures on WM with red dots with this bug, it's interesting!
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Phallus Erectus on November 26, 2010, 12:26:36 am
How exactly do I create the faction1024x768.ini?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on November 26, 2010, 12:40:13 am
Just open notepad and name the file faction1024x768.ini and save it not as *.txt but as *.all files. The last part is important.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Phallus Erectus on November 26, 2010, 05:18:24 am
I'm using the code for the 1280 X 1024 interface and the REPLY #13 fix for the world map glitch, but now I notice that my speed on the world map is faster than it actual is which causes my character to under shoot distances to locations even though it appears he has reached them and when I get an encounter, the encounter lightning bolt mark shows that my character was not as ahead on the map as he appeared to be.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: backora on November 26, 2010, 03:18:55 pm

Just delete the last line ("GmapReliefMask=wmbig.msk"). My first test indicated that it is working properly without it. ;)
I am still not sure what "GmapTilesX and Y" are for and if these lines are essential.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on November 26, 2010, 03:21:14 pm
If there are no line, it's default value used, so you should be able to delete it safely.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Floodnik on November 26, 2010, 03:22:02 pm
Just delete the last line ("GmapReliefMask=wmbig.msk"). My first test indicated that it is working properly without it. ;)
Works! Thanks!
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Bantz on November 30, 2010, 03:53:42 pm
Changes 30.11.
-Linked all SCOPE versions on the first page. Hope the authors dont mind :). If I forget anyone, let me know if you want to be up there.
-Linked solution to traveling speed bug.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: LagMaster on January 09, 2011, 03:29:23 pm
i am using a custom rezolution: 1024:600, for me for the .ini and the cripeler version ( and if you can to upload it via megaupload, please
i can pay in 50 MFCs in game(negociable), pay in Redding
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: MisterFack on January 28, 2011, 12:04:48 am
Hi guys :)

Since last update this plugin doesn't work anymore, i checked the files and they're still here ..
Anyone could help ?
Thanks a lot in advance wastlanders  ;D
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Crazy on January 28, 2011, 12:09:26 am
The SCOPE is totally useless since last update, since you can bind hotkey to auto aim, without having to click two times.
Anyway, to have interface working, juste rename "faction1024x768.ini" (or whatever is your resolution) as "faction.ini"
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Doctor Eex on January 28, 2011, 12:10:58 am
Full body parts versions still useful in TB. Drinking tea, shooting bluesuits.
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: MisterFack on January 28, 2011, 12:16:24 am
The SCOPE is totally useless since last update, since you can bind hotkey to auto aim, without having to click two times.
Anyway, to have interface working, juste rename "faction1024x768.ini" (or whatever is your resolution) as "faction.ini"

Could you please explain how to bind keys to auto aim i didn't notice that ..
Would be appriciated ! :)
And thanks for the solution !

Found the solution : Game Path ==> FO2238Config.exe :)
Thanks a lot guys !!
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Phallus Erectus on July 15, 2011, 07:46:44 pm
Howdy! Does this still work for the recent update?

How do I install this? Where do i put the graphix file and what do I need a text file for? What do I write into it?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Phallus Erectus on July 15, 2011, 07:53:44 pm
The SCOPE is totally useless since last update, since you can bind hotkey to auto aim, without having to click two times.
Anyway, to have interface working, juste rename "faction1024x768.ini" (or whatever is your resolution) as "faction.ini"

Can someone explain how I make this hotkey to shoot eyes immediately when attacking?
Title: Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
Post by: Lacan on August 15, 2011, 05:12:49 pm
you can bind keys to shoot different parts of bodies (aka autoaim) using Fonline2238config.exe., in your fonline folder. This mod was created before autoaim was implemented.