Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Off-topic discussions => Topic started by: Ziven on June 02, 2010, 11:20:09 pm
Communism sounded good on paper too.
China is the worlds new superpower
China is the worlds new superpower
Because they opened up to free trade, yes
Because they opened up to free trade, yes
yeah but this wont last very long, at the moment all the poison theyve been exporting in everything they put out is finally starting to catch up with them. like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture, all in all china will be regulated out of its top spot, the only reason they make so much is because they use sub-par everything.
yeah but this wont last very long, at the moment all the poison theyve been exporting in everything they put out is finally starting to catch up with them. like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture, all in all china will be regulated out of its top spot, the only reason they make so much is because they use sub-par everything.
this. I hope to fucking god.
I didnt really get the point of this, but
like the cardboard in pills, the asbestos in the sheetrock that was sent to new orleans, the lead in the paint of the toys they manufacture
Yeah. This. Especially the last one. I recall having some scandal around where i live about lead and other heavy metals in baby toys from China.
I didnt really get the point of this, butYeah. This. Especially the last one. I recall having some scandal around where i live about lead and other heavy metals in baby toys from China.
People say America was ruthless...... China is fucking psychotic.
A political debate in the FOnline forum? Oh lordy. :-\
Better prepare.
Because they opened up to free trade, yes
It's more like free trade opened to them...
China has the 2nd biggest economy, has been expanding while america and europes economies crumble and is in the middle of creating a middle class. America owes "As of May 26, 2010, the Total Public Debt Outstanding was 88.9% of GDP, approximately $13 trillion" "In May 2009, the US owed China $772 billion.". No one can compete with their wages as they have a content workforce (factory work is better than toiling in fields) who get's paid almost nothing, not to mention an insane population. Everything you buy is made in china. As for them being crazy, yeah their gov't is disgusting but they also have less people in prison per capita than the US and half the murder rate. Plus the US can't really claim any kind of moral high ground they are on the same level as most of the dictators/terrorists they go after they put there to begin with.
they have less people in prison because most of the time people get executed.
As of May 26, 2010, the Total Public Debt Outstanding was 88.9% of GDP
As long as they can sustain their level of activity, and maintain the thrust in their economy, it will turn out ok. Most developped countries have such rates anyway.
"In May 2009, the US owed China $772 billion."
They owed about the same sum to Japan for years now... Anyway, that also makes China dependant of the US. No more US, no more money.
Everything you buy is made in china.
Yep. But how many things invented in China are we (the western world?) using? Please don't tell me the black powder. That was ages ago.
Well anyway, no one is going to contest China ain't a military and economic superpower. But it still lack a lot of maturity before it can pretend to the same level as the US. And if China achieve this maturity (mainly with a numerous, educated middle class and democracy), well they wont be able to pay the same wages to their workers, thus losing economic competivity. Well, that's how I see it anyway. As long as the two superpowers don't make me live in a fallout shelter, I guess I will be happy.
I'm just saying china is on its way up while the post ww2 prosperity in the states has fallen apart and the country is in decline.
Poland is new super nova ! :P
Poland is new super nova ! :P
Poland can into space? Supernova is a arriving light from star which exploded millions of years ago, btw.
As for China, i heard that their primary objectives are logistical infrastructures and heavy industry, since Mao destroyed agriculture pretty much back then. And Chinese are learning very eagerly from the West.
China is the worlds new superpower
China is communist ? That's new. Chinese people have a free economy, and the only aspect where they look like communists is the dictatorship they all live with. Though if you ask my opinion Staline's USSR wasn't communist, neither than Mao's China. True political communism is Trotsky's one, and has never been set up.
China is communist ? That's new. Chinese people have a free economy, and the only aspect where they look like communists is the dictatorship they all live with. Though if you ask my opinion Staline's USSR wasn't communist, neither than Mao's China. True political communism is Trotsky's one, and has never been set up.
Communism is a ideal state anyway, with SOCIALISM as a (very long) development stage. A mirage to strive for.
About dictatorship and free economy: Do China mix political and economical issues?
China is communist ? That's new. Chinese people have a free economy, and the only aspect where they look like communists is the dictatorship they all live with. Though if you ask my opinion Staline's USSR wasn't communist, neither than Mao's China. True political communism is Trotsky's one, and has never been set up.
I agree with you 100% there, it's a shame so many dictators have sullied the name of communism by twisting it to their own ends and making it unpalatable for populations.
''. Chinese people have a free economy, ''
Only in Hong Kong and second city.. Other citys and village is not free and people havent free television and thinks ::)
That's quite funny (not ;)) but Marks was right claiming that communism would firstly arise in the economically best developed countries. It's a process that we can clearly observe today in all of the western democracies. Here ( are 45 long-term goals declared by the Communist Party of the United States of America in 1963. Regardless of where you live, it's worth to read it and compare it with what we, as "free" societies, experience today. You may find some of these points quite shocking.
Communism is a ideal state anyway, with SOCIALISM as a (very long) development stage. A mirage to strive for.
About dictatorship and free economy: Do China mix political and economical issues?
actually, communism doesn't work at all. Everyone getting the same (or very close to eachother) wages system doesn't work. Think of it yourself.
A doctor earns as much as a waitress. Why would a person take the long and hard study of becoming a doctor if he can become a waitress and get the same wage?
It's the big problem with communism, people lack the motivation to study or work.
With the matter about China, they can't keep doing this for far longer. They are known to open a new Coal fueled power plant every week. And there are afcoarse all those scandals. And let's not forget the insane propaganda and censor. All those things are going to get back to China. Whetever it is by other countries or mother nature itself.
actually, communism doesn't work at all. Everyone getting the same (or very close to eachother) wages system doesn't work. Think of it yourself.
A doctor earns as much as a waitress. Why would a person take the long and hard study of becoming a doctor if he can become a waitress and get the same wage?
It's the big problem with communism, people lack the motivation to study or work.
With the matter about China, they can't keep doing this for far longer. They are known to open a new Coal fueled power plant every week. And there are afcoarse all those scandals. And let's not forget the insane propaganda and censor. All those things are going to get back to China. Whetever it is by other countries or mother nature itself.
cuba is communist and has the best doctors in the world
cuba is communist and has the best doctors in the world
And where did you hear that?
And where did you hear that?
It's common knowledge, people come to cuba for medical care from all over the world.
"Despite a 50-year trade embargo by the United States and a post-Soviet collapse in international support, the impoverished nation has developed a world-class health care system. Average life expectancy is 77.5 years, compared to 78.1 years in the United States, and infant and child mortality rates match or beat our own. There’s one doctor for every 170 people, more than twice the per-capita U.S. average."
Read More
"Cuba has a highly advanced biotechnology industry. It is working on many important problems, such as finding a cure for AIDS. However, the refusal of the US to allow Cuba to import many medicines it needs slows down research progress and hurts the local health care system."
China's new army isn't battle proven and its economy is based on half-slavery.
You do realize that cuba having more doctors per person than the US does not mean they are "better" doctors.
You do realize that cuba having more doctors per person than the US does not mean they are "better" doctors.
They have some of the best doctors in the world and they set up hospitals in third world countries all around the world and do a lot for medical research considering the limited resources they have due to the embargo. But that is besides the point there is no dispute over whether they are good it's a known fact, hell Americans sneak into Cuba for medical care. They also don't have the problem in the states where all the doctors specialize to make the most money and there aren't any family doctors. There are motivators in life other than greed, people who go in to medicine generally want to help people (Not in American culture but there greed has been deified).
and they do it for 15$ a day