TB or RT? Solo or group hunts? Do you need to be a mule too to loot gear? You like to rush in close or stand closer to max range from target? Are you okay with doing more normal damage and less criticals...or do you want max crits at the cost of something else? Do you want to bring along any followers like a BG merc or human companion?Ok where to begin
Please prioritize these for me: crits, shear bursting damage, damage resistance, Sight., Fast Metabolism + Bonehead
HP 197+, CW 90+, Sight 38 (Weapon Range 35), 12 AP, Big Guns 216
Awareness, Adrenaline Rush @3, SnP @6, ET @9, BRD @12, BRD+ @15, BRoF, Action Boy x2
According to the planner, BG 216 will give you 95% chance to hit a CA2 target at 33 hexes, 92% at 34 hexes, and 88% at 35 hexes, the weapon's maximum range. Your Sight will be just beyond that. Should be able to dish out 68-88 points of normal damage per turn with an M60. ST 8 is overkill for the weapon, but will boost CW and hit points just a tad.
Author: Marko, started playing only 1.5 years ago, so try this build at own risk! lol
Yes but it doesn't change the fact that you only have 1% chance to score a critical on them AFAIK.
Also I like to tag something like throw as a 3rd skill since it gives me and option to attack with a crippled arm and FA and doc are unusable in TB combat, and throw is nice because it requires little skill to be effective with grenades. With 3 intelligence you can have something like 180 BG, 120 throw and 150 OD but i would check it in planner to be sure.
Heh I have killed up to 3 people in 1 turn with 4 plasma nades and using 1 luck you don't need crits for them at all, just need to know when to use them.
Since I suck at the character maker I figured I better just post here.
Nothing special just a no drug m60 build for farming NCR army and nothing else.
Any tips are welcome.
EDIT:I forgot to say,it needs to be TB,my bad
So no BRD but no reason provided. No SnP even though our only printed resource ties no connection to the shooter's Luck or crit chance. Okay. So i'll make the assumption...no BRD because M60 is only a 10-round burst. Thus a revised build:, Fast Metabolism + Bloody Mess
HP 248, CW 101, Sight 38 (Weapon Range 35), 12 AP, Big Guns 180, Throwing 136, OD 150
Adrenaline Rush @3, Tough @6, ET @9, Action Boy @12, AB @15, BRoF @18, Lifegiver x2.
Support Perks: Awareness, Gecko Skinning, Snakeater, Cautious Nature, Ranger, Scout, Explorer.
You'll travel smoother on the map. Just don't expect to be accurate from this weapon's max range.
Marko, u build is cool, but for Pve alt, we won't shoot Npc from max hex, especially for Bg, we will try to 1hex burst them. So bg skil no need to be 216%,180-199% should be enough .
Take drugs if you farm alone. (Jet,psyscho, nuka, buffout, cigarettes, and sure chem resistant)Farm drugs to farm equipment? That's so wastefull, better use another build and TB tactics (hiding behind textures etc.).
I have a big gun 2 shoot, with 60 damage res, 197 hp, 14 actions points, 2 BRD, and it works very nice.
Farm drugs to farm equipment? That's so wastefull, better use another build and TB tactics (hiding behind textures etc.).
Lol sure, i have see that you want take drugs. It was just a suggestion.
Then i can propose you:
ST 8
PE 5
EN 10
Ch 1
AG 10
Int 4
LK 3
Brof, action boy *2, lifegiver, brd, event tougher, adrenaline rush and even more criticals.
You will have 2 turn, 13 critic chance, a good resistance (min 50) 200 in big guns, 120 fisrt aid, and 71 doctor, or outdoorsman as you wish.
LK 1 sucks, if you dropped your weapon and lost your next turn with a fucking encounter with 10 ncr army, good luck!
Lol sure, i have see that you want take drugs. It was just a suggestion.
Then i can propose you:
ST 8
PE 5
EN 10
Ch 1
AG 10
Int 4
LK 3
Brof, action boy *2, lifegiver, brd, event tougher, adrenaline rush and even more criticals.
You will have 2 turn, 13 critic chance, a good resistance (min 50) 200 in big guns, 120 fisrt aid, and 71 doctor, or outdoorsman as you wish.
LK 1 sucks, if you dropped your weapon and lost your next turn with a fucking encounter with 10 ncr army, good luck!
Mike, as you can see, asking for build help gets many varied responses. The replies help refine it, making the forum a valuable tool...a tool that is often abused...which is why i am in favor of eliminating the forum lol.
Please, please tell me you're not serious...
EDIT: OK, this is my take at the build... Its supposed to be for farming, as well to be able to fight back at other players...
SPECIAL 6 9 10 1 3 10 1
Fast metabolism, loner (?)
Bonus move, strong back, even tougher, action boy, action boy, bonus rate of fire, lifegiver, lifegiver+
I guess you could switch even tougher for earlier sequence, and I personally would not take strong back for my character (I never farm alone), but since CW 100 seems to be requirement what the hell, take it.
BG 200, rest on OD... I guess you could tag Throwing as well, to make your leveling as much painless and cheap as possible.. Or you could tag Doc, but if youre crippled in TB fight, youre most likely dead already.
I know you said "NO DRUGZ" but with this build you can also use cigarettes to gain PE +1 and get better sight and sequence... In PvE it might not matter much but if a player comes in your enco it may be one thing that will save your ass.
U'll need moar PE if u wanna use it in TB :)
Ohh and....
No, no youre right, PE 5 is absoultely perfect! Magnificent! I take it as youre a masochist and like to get outsequenced by a molerat. ;D
Oh, and btw, 1 BRD for m60? You serious, dude?
Maybe its not about field of view but about sequence? You heard of sequence, right?
Maybe =)
But I wasnt actually thinking high PE weapon-wise... Each 1 PE gives you 2 sequence, and with higher sequence you get the turn earlier. For farming alone, lower PE may do you good, but what if a player comes in your enco and has significantly higher sequence than you?
I guess my problem is being paranoid, because every time I go farming I expect somebody to come in, looking for my blood =)
Spray and pray removes armour crit chance and severity reduction, what don't you understand about requiring crits to be possible for that to have any effect?
I would say this one, you can switch out toughness for bonus move so you can have the extra 2 moving hex
Not exactly,average CW should do it(about 100)
i would try this build
it has 140 AC what is very useful in TB if you decide to escape from fight, also bonus move helps getting out with total 12AP+2AP. There is option to one burst each turn and move 8hexes each turn what will provide your enemies with 140% malus to chance to hit during whole fight. You got only 217hp what will be enough for farming most encounters. carry weight is 90.
*NOTE: 2nd trait should be BONEHEAD but it doesnt work in FCP.
is your alt ranged or melee? is it RT or TB? is it troll,farmer,bomber?
Cyber Jesus ????
who do u talk to? ??? ???
Cyber Jesus ????
@cyber :is your alt ranged or melee? is it RT or TB? is it troll,farmer,bomber?Why does that matter? Its an hth troll with 140 AC. Spending so much perks for it is useless because I get hit almost every time I enter and start running, its like I don't have any AC at all(he originally had 220AC before the nerf).