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Author Topic: I need a m60 build  (Read 9069 times)

Mike Crosser

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I need a m60 build
« on: January 14, 2013, 12:49:58 am »

Since I suck at the character maker I figured I better just post here.
Nothing special just a no drug m60 build for farming NCR army and nothing else.

Any tips are welcome.
EDIT:I forgot to say,it needs to be TB,my bad
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 01:28:36 am by Mike Crosser »


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 01:19:21 am »

TB or RT? Solo or group hunts? Do you need to be a mule too to loot gear? You like to rush in close or stand closer to max range from target? Are you okay with doing more normal damage and less criticals...or do you want max crits at the cost of something else? Do you want to bring along any followers like a BG merc or human companion?

Please prioritize these for me: crits, shear bursting damage, damage resistance, Sight.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.

Mike Crosser

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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 01:31:08 am »

TB or RT? Solo or group hunts? Do you need to be a mule too to loot gear? You like to rush in close or stand closer to max range from target? Are you okay with doing more normal damage and less criticals...or do you want max crits at the cost of something else? Do you want to bring along any followers like a BG merc or human companion?

Please prioritize these for me: crits, shear bursting damage, damage resistance, Sight.
Ok where to begin
Not exactly,average CW should do it(about 100)
More normal damage
No followers,no mercs

I hope that helps.


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 01:35:24 am »

Tag Big Guns, Doctor and First Aid then? Or do you want OD instead of FA and use stims?
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 01:50:17 am »

what is a tb build going to do with fa or doc?


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 01:54:03 am »

I would say this one, you can switch out toughness for bonus move so you can have the extra 2 moving hex
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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 01:56:48 am »

7 7 10 1 3 10 1

pick bonehead and loner。

Big gun , science , od

Make big gun skill to at least 180%, rest sp up to u.

So this build reach level 24, bg skill 180%, u will still have 101 free sp.

Well, I think I should give u perks that u should select in my builds.

Bonus move, toughness , even tougher, action boy X 2 , life giver X 2, BOFR.

Good luck, solider !
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 02:14:08 am by shenbei8 »


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 02:08:27 am », Fast Metabolism + Bonehead

HP 197+, CW 90+, Sight 38 (Weapon Range 35), 12 AP, Big Guns 216

Awareness, Adrenaline Rush @3, SnP @6, ET @9, BRD @12, BRD+ @15, BRoF, Action Boy x2

According to the planner, BG 216 will give you 95% chance to hit a CA2 target at 33 hexes, 92% at 34 hexes, and 88% at 35 hexes, the weapon's maximum range. Your Sight will be just beyond that. Should be able to dish out 68-88 points of normal damage per turn with an M60. ST 8 is overkill for the weapon, but will boost CW and hit points just a tad.

Author: Marko, started playing only 1.5 years ago, so try this build at own risk! lol

Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2013, 02:16:25 am »

Isn't SnP pretty much useless without luck or crit perks? I'm not too sure you need brd's either Personally I don't use them for m60 builds. High strength is nice for looting CA, and unless u wanna get owned everytime you encounter a player in turn based I would recommend a higher perception
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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2013, 02:18:13 am », Fast Metabolism + Bonehead

HP 197+, CW 90+, Sight 38 (Weapon Range 35), 12 AP, Big Guns 216

Awareness, Adrenaline Rush @3, SnP @6, ET @9, BRD @12, BRD+ @15, BRoF, Action Boy x2

According to the planner, BG 216 will give you 95% chance to hit a CA2 target at 33 hexes, 92% at 34 hexes, and 88% at 35 hexes, the weapon's maximum range. Your Sight will be just beyond that. Should be able to dish out 68-88 points of normal damage per turn with an M60. ST 8 is overkill for the weapon, but will boost CW and hit points just a tad.

Author: Marko, started playing only 1.5 years ago, so try this build at own risk! lol

Marko, u build is cool,  but for Pve alt, we won't shoot Npc from max hex, especially for Bg, we will try to 1hex burst them. So bg skil no need to be 216%,180-199% should be enough .


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2013, 02:32:54 am »

Hey good point about the gun skill. My build allows him high hit chance at max range if he needs it, but yeah if he's going to dive in head first every time and try 1-hexing NCR Army soldiers solo, then maybe swap out a BRD for Toughness. Maybe it's possible to go with IN 2 and put that point into PE, then use cigs for PE 8. cigs are the easiest drug to get in large batches of 40 per run, for free.

wiki says this about SnP:
"Spray and Pray reduces to zero both critical chance and critical power modifiers of one's target's protective covering whenever you attack him/her with either a single unaimed shot or a burst."

From that i get it's a perfect perk for fighting guys in strong armor. Experts can confirm or correct me please
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2013, 02:38:22 am »

Yes but it doesn't change the fact that you only have 1% chance to score a critical on them AFAIK.

Also I like to tag something like throw as a 3rd skill since it gives me and option to attack with a crippled arm and FA and doc are unusable in TB combat, and throw is nice because it requires little skill to be effective with grenades. With 3 intelligence you can have something like 180 BG, 120 throw and 150 OD but i would check it in planner to be sure.
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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2013, 02:49:42 am »

+1 to the Throwing idea. With IN 3, you can get BG 180, Throwing 120, and OD up to 132. Drop Bonehead and get it over 150 i assume. But i can't do anything about the no-crits problem. He said he pref'd more normal dmg so i went with that.

UPDATE: Drop Bonehead and get OD to 150 and Throwing to 136.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 03:00:58 am by Marko »
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2013, 03:00:11 am »

Yes but it doesn't change the fact that you only have 1% chance to score a critical on them AFAIK.

Also I like to tag something like throw as a 3rd skill since it gives me and option to attack with a crippled arm and FA and doc are unusable in TB combat, and throw is nice because it requires little skill to be effective with grenades. With 3 intelligence you can have something like 180 BG, 120 throw and 150 OD but i would check it in planner to be sure.

He needs Bg, that enough, u select throwing, and u don't have 25% critical chance, and critical perks, it sucks seriously. Actually u just make a professional BG PVE for him. That's all. If he interested in professional thrower, then make for him.


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Re: I need a m60 build
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2013, 03:10:16 am »

Heh I have killed up to 3 people in 1 turn with 4 plasma nades and using 1 luck you don't need crits for them at all, just need to know when to use them.
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