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3d character contest

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You are right! Following Yours insight:


--- Quote from: baaelSiljan on January 20, 2010, 04:39:20 pm ---You are right! Following Yours insight:

--- End quote ---

That looks much better, imo. ;)


--- Quote from: Reconite on January 20, 2010, 06:58:18 pm ---That looks much better, imo. ;)

--- End quote ---

looks better but it`s still not good
you need to improve position of knees, torso proportions, arms and shoulders, without a good blueprint or reference image it can be difficult, but not impossible
also perspective is wrong and lighting
i have some experience in 3D graphics (modeling and animation) and also i study computer science with computer graphics specialization, so i will try to help in my free time, when not playing of course :D

Help us :) we need You !

Mr Feltzer:
What Programs are you using for these Models?


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