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Author Topic: Better Big Guns at hinkley  (Read 6149 times)

Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2010, 03:40:13 am »

i see so many people who havent got a clue about this game and they keep posting and suggesting something, the worst thing is that most of the things this guy { lordus} is talking about was/is/will be implemented in game,


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2010, 04:05:26 am »

I think every single weapon in the game should be available at Hinkley's (Every weapon that can be gotten in the game through normal stuff, no Gauss rifle, etc).

It doesn't matter how overpowered or underpowered it is, it's just for fun, and people could always just agree not to use the highest-tier guns, and both use BB guns, for fun...
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2010, 04:41:27 am »

i see so many people who havent got a clue about this game and they keep posting and suggesting something, the worst thing is that most of the things this guy { lordus} is talking about was/is/will be implemented in game,

Yeah, you know everything about the game, you know it all. etc. pp.
We've seen it in other topics.



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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2010, 12:58:53 pm »

Introduce Avenger and most of weapons will be obsolete in Hinkley. We dont need to test this. It was tested eras before.. when Avenger was n.1 gun in PvP.

  BG dominate in the inside of warzone. You can choose RL and minigun, 2 deadly weapons. No need to boost one of them.

 But ok, if we will introduce Avenger, we will need gauss pistol for snipers than. Then energy will need pulse rifles, BG vindicators.... neverendinf story.

 IMO it is okay now, rather than new big gun, i would like to see new mod, like capture the flag or something...


Could you stop saying so much stupidity?
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2010, 01:45:27 pm »


Could you stop saying so much stupidity?

 I know how strong is avenger. I just think that if you will introduce it, minigun will be obsolete, p90 will be obsolete, pancor wil be obsolete, sledgehammer will be obsolete, all pistol class will be obsolete .. in Hinkley. Because there will be one, more powerfull gun in Hinkley.

 Your premise is that Big guns are weak in Hinkley.

 Hinkley has two parts:

 1) The pit

 BG: choose RL and you can do instant 70 dmg, knock and rest of your team could kill this one targeted player in first few seconds => i dont think that BG are weak in pit

 2) Warzone:

 try to use sniper in buildings.. no chance.. bg burst could go from wall, burst and hide and sniper class are at this moment clicking on the body part and reading "aim is blocked" in their text window

 p90 is best from hex, because you can use it more often than BG.. but try to get on one hex.. i also think, that P90 bursters are good, because they are using Awareness and they simply see, how many HP victim have. If you have BG burster without Awareness, dont cry that p90 kill you, if they can choose the low HP enemy player...

 I was fighting against Rogues in Hinkley .. VSB snipers x Rogues BGunners,with small exeptions. I dont think we are bad snipers, but Rogues were very good there, using tactics, hiding behind walls to get to their weapon range and they were better than us. At this moment, i think that Rogues are best PvP players (sorry CA swarm), so i think that if good players use their weapons well, they dont need more powerfull weapons.

 Crazy, i though you are member of respectfull team, with no need to use vulgarism if someone have another opinion.

I think every single weapon in the game should be available at Hinkley's (Every weapon that can be gotten in the game through normal stuff, no Gauss rifle, etc).

It doesn't matter how overpowered or underpowered it is, it's just for fun, and people could always just agree not to use the highest-tier guns, and both use BB guns, for fun...

 If you add every single weapon to Hinkley with aim to raise variety of offered weapons, you will paradoxically kill the variety of used weapons/builds in Hinkely. We saw this for few eras before.  Proof? Tell me, who use leather armors in Hinkley? Nobody. Who use metal armors? Nobody. Who use Tesla? Nobody. Who use basic CA/CAMK2 .. one or two players. Who use Brotherhood? EVERYONE. And you have variety choice from every armor in wasteland.

 If n.1 priority in Hinkley is variety of used weapons and builds, there should not exist weapons that could break this. Current situation among weapons is that there are few weapons that are not used, most of us is.

well, sir, problem is that p90 is actually better than minigun. Tested out.
Also, 2x 1hex from p90 = death for sure. Also tested out.

 p90 is better? and what about range of minigun? Same like p90? if you are BG, you cant take secondary weapon RL? Did you tried it? Try shoot one rocket to your enemy with p90, he will not get to you on distance of one hex.

i see so many people who havent got a clue about this game and they keep posting and suggesting something, the worst thing is that most of the things this guy { lordus} is talking about was/is/will be implemented in game,

 I can talk about evolution of builds/pvp weapons from first era to this last one. About raising number of powerbuilds in second era, about massive using of drugged powerbuilds in third era, about neccesity of drug powerbuild and avenger in 4th era... i have good overview, but i admit, that i could be wrong. I dont know you and i dont think you have this kind of knowledge, so please, calm down boy.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2010, 01:55:24 pm »

but Rogues were very good there, using tactics, hiding behind walls to get to their weapon range and they were better than us. At this moment, i think that Rogues are best PvP players

Well thank you:)


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2010, 02:05:14 pm »


the truth is dont know what to do with bigguns at hinkley, becouse if you playing well bg, you can kill a lot of enemies , another problem is i have no chance against plasma snipers when we exchange fire on open space, even with my 2 burts

minigun is dealing really bad dmg - 40-60 but im afraid lsw can be to powerfull in right hands @ hinkley


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2010, 02:26:39 pm »

Avenger and LSW should be defninitely added to Hinkley, they are used in normal PvP environment so I dont see any reason why they shouldnt be included. As was pointed by Crazy, other builds have every gun they need. On the other hand, big gunners might be somewhat stronger, but its more of a map problem.
Im for adding every existing weapon and armor, so its up to contestants what they will take by using filters. Drugs wouldnt be bad either.
Lastly, Lordus I dont understand why you judge big guns, when you never used them. At the moment, miniguns/avengers are little bugged and LSW is not so powerful against BA CA. Only RL is pretty nasty, but so is sniper rifle
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2010, 03:05:03 pm »

Lastly, Lordus I dont understand why you judge big guns, when you never used them. At the moment, miniguns/avengers are little bugged and LSW is not so powerful against BA CA. Only RL is pretty nasty, but so is sniper rifle

 I dont judge BG, i want current form and gameplay in Hinkley. I post a proof, that if you have more powerfull stuff, it will make others obsolete = Armors. And same will be if you add better BG.

 Idea that some weapon should be added because it exist in real PvP is wrong, if we dont know the reason of existance of Hinkley.

 a) variety across builds and weapons? it si now. take RL and dont cry that BG are weak
 b) testing all weapons and armors? ok, lets make monday low tier stuff testing, tuestady best stuff...
 c) BG domination .. ok, introduce avenger, LSW, RL and say goodby to all other builds : sledgehammer, p90, plasma r., pistols, nades..

 I dont play BG, but i have good overview about those builds. Actualy, i dont think that exist something like BG class, there is burst class (avenger, minigun, LSW, P90, FN...) and sniper class (sniper, laser rifle, plasma rifle, 223,..). So dividing into BG and SG weapon class is obsolete.

 If you are BGunner, you can use well sniper (RL) 40 hex and average 70 dmg and burster (migun). If you create non classic build, you can tag 2 main weapon class, or at leat put some skill points to sg and use P90 even if your main skill is BG.

 So if you crying that your BG build is weak in Hinkely => you are weak in Hinkley. Thats all.

 P.S.: Rahter than same type of gameplay weapon, but more powerfull, i will see new mod (capture the flag, last man standing,...) or new map in Hinkley. It will be more entertaiment than few more bullets shooted from the barrel.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 03:12:58 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2010, 03:13:49 pm »

Never been in this place but as somebody said it s made for testing guns ingame yes? So there should be all guns here because you can check is gun "X" is the best weapon actually ingame or not, and which guns are poor or to test builds. But in this way there will be only more players spending there time because of free stuff and free pvp which dont fit with whole other idea of this game...Maybe devs will finnaly think about something like to pay some caps to get into hinkley.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 03:25:50 pm by MeganFox »


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2010, 03:28:42 pm »

Well the armors are realy bad example for obvious reasons that armors doesnt give you any tactical option, having better armor simply is advantage (with exception of tesla, which is used when there are a lot of EW preety often.)
Adding Avenger/LSW would obsolete only minigun. As somobody pointed out, with plasma you are effective against BG on every range except one hex. P90 is decent addition to Sniper rifle, people wont stop taking it if Avenger is introduced.

In Hinkley, all classes have two weapon options- long range and close contact range. Classification burster/sniper makes no sense.


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2010, 03:30:42 pm »

In Hinkley, all classes have two weapon options- long range and close contact range. Classification burster/sniper makes no sense.

 Burst = one click
 Sniper = click + second click on target area (except RL, you need only one click)

 => burst is tactical benefit in buildings, where you can hit and run
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2010, 03:32:53 pm »

Not much of an issue with SCOPE.


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2010, 03:34:49 pm »

Not much of an issue with SCOPE.

 Scope is not always solution. I have many aim is blocked text messages.

 And of course, SCOPE is a cheat in material aspect (it gaves you benefit that Vanila interface does not have).
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2010, 03:36:41 pm »

Make 2 Hinkleys :p 1 balanced one and the second all having one :p

As for me, of course some guns are better than other but you and your team should be mature enough to decide what weapons they take
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