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Author Topic: Better Big Guns at hinkley  (Read 6147 times)


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Better Big Guns at hinkley
« on: October 06, 2010, 12:31:18 pm »

Hey, why snipers have sniper rifles, energys plasma and laser rifles, small guns burster P90, and Big Gun have only RL with explosive rockets and regular miniguns?
Si it would be good if Light Support Weapon, AP rockets, and Avenger Miniguns were available at Hinkley (damn, it's enough nerfed nah?). I don't see the point of giving highest tier for all kind of weapon except big guns.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 12:40:46 pm »

The outfitter NPC was made long ago, so at that time the balance was fair - and nobody would have taken a LSW when minigun was available for the same price. It is true that now, the balance isn't fair at all, and that anyway this NPC gives the highest stuff available all the time, except for big guns. So yep, that's why this NPC is outdated.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2010, 01:06:57 pm »

there is no support for energy pistoller build.som build have 3str and onehander trait. i feel that they should be supported. oh and throwing knives soon maybe?
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2010, 01:58:38 pm »

Well, the better would be to have the choice of all weapon you want (only availables ofc) with or without drugs.
The outfitter of TNM is a good example: you have a choice of all level of stuff, all kind of build for each level, and can choose to grab some drugs ot not.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2010, 02:55:24 pm »

Actually it would be nice to have more different weapons in all weapon classes. Assault Rifle, CAWS, FN FAL... and the list goes on.


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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2010, 03:35:16 pm »

Why dont you add all weapons/armors? Its arena lol, Even rare items could be there
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2010, 03:38:52 pm »

Read Izuals comment again. After that, read  your comment again and realize that you just wasted time in some post. :P
The outfitter was done long ago not with the arena in mind. New stuff to get from him needs to get overworked first.
Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2010, 03:50:57 pm »

I agree with adding all or at lest more items to Hinkley outfitter. BGs are highly nerfed and drug builds as well in arena.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2010, 06:12:41 pm »

 I am against.

 One more powerfull weapon will destroy variety of usable PvP builds and weapons in Hinkley

 Now you can use P90, 223 pistol, Sniper rifle, R, minugunL, Laser rifle, Plasma r., plasma nades, Supersledge..

 If you will introduce another more powerfull BG, you can erase half of previously named weapons. => PvP in Hinkley will not be about how you can use your weapons (player skill), but about more AP build.

 Also, i dont think that BG are bad there.. They have good RL = kind of sniper class with constant damage. Sniper (SG) cant use their weapon in the interiors and if they camp outside building, you can always go with your minigun/RL covered by walls to enough distance to burst or at least fire rocket to enemy => you need more tactics.

 Anyway, if one team is made by BG only and one from sniper only, BG has biiger potentioal to win (stonewall perk = ability to rush even in open space). So, please, dont add more powerfull weapons into the Hinkley.

 Players could always take their avengers and kill leather jacket Modoc militia, if they suffer that somebody else are killing them.
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  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2010, 06:24:42 pm »

I am against.

 One more powerfull weapon will destroy variety of usable PvP builds and weapons in Hinkley

You really haven't played big gun since wipe, did you?
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2010, 08:22:14 pm »

You really haven't played big gun since wipe, did you?

 If you will introduce Avenger, you will raise the damage of one bursting class. I use sniper build with secondar p90. I often change to P90, if i see (avareness) that enemy has enough HP that i could kill him in one hex burst. I am not the only one who do this. Avenger with its bigger damage will mean that big guns will win more often. I dont want gauss rifle in Hinkley. Lets Hinkley like it is now. Wide weapons type could be effectively used.
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  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2010, 09:33:30 pm »

If you will introduce Avenger, you will raise the damage of one bursting class. I use sniper build with secondar p90. I often change to P90, if i see (avareness) that enemy has enough HP that i could kill him in one hex burst. I am not the only one who do this. Avenger with its bigger damage will mean that big guns will win more often. I dont want gauss rifle in Hinkley. Lets Hinkley like it is now. Wide weapons type could be effectively used.

Ho! A minigun do better damage than your secondary weapon you use for finishing ennemies (you're sniper)! How surprising!
Big Gun is the bursting class of FOnline, sounds good to me if it is better than the P90 (and I am not even sure about that, P90 cost less AP to fire)
Actually big gun loose in Hinkley. I would be glad to see them win more foten. It's the point if this suggestion.
I didn't ask for vindic btw.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2010, 11:15:31 pm »

I understand hinkley as a testing ground for PvP builds so it should definitely include all guns available in game. It means available by crafting. Not special encounters.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2010, 01:58:44 am »

P90 vs minigun

well, sir, problem is that p90 is actually better than minigun. Tested out.
Also, 2x 1hex from p90 = death for sure. Also tested out.
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Re: Better Big Guns at hinkley
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2010, 03:29:20 am »

well, sir, problem is that p90 is actually better than minigun. Tested out.
Also, 2x 1hex from p90 = death for sure. Also tested out.

 Introduce Avenger and most of weapons will be obsolete in Hinkley. We dont need to test this. It was tested eras before.. when Avenger was n.1 gun in PvP.

  BG dominate in the inside of warzone. You can choose RL and minigun, 2 deadly weapons. No need to boost one of them.

 But ok, if we will introduce Avenger, we will need gauss pistol for snipers than. Then energy will need pulse rifles, BG vindicators.... neverendinf story.

 IMO it is okay now, rather than new big gun, i would like to see new mod, like capture the flag or something...
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