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Author Topic: The SCOPE-Snipers friend  (Read 42802 times)


  • Mao!Mao!
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The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« on: October 01, 2010, 01:41:01 am »


Hello wastelanders,
there is a lot of great combat interfaces around. Some changes the aiming screen to make it easier to aim,
in most cases they enlarge the eye area. The SCOPE takes that to the extreme.
The usual aiming screen is replaced by very simple picture, that fills the whole window. See the screen&video. You can click anywhere on screen and release the shot, so double click will release it almost instantly. You can also click on the bottom, where there are two areas for arm and for leg, so it doesnt strap you of tactical options. You can escape from aiming screen by clicking to the SCOPED or by pressing escape.

It decreases the time neccesary to aim and given its transparency it does offer full overview of the situation.

Currently, I have it for 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600. You can switch between 800x600 and one of the two others. But the version for 800x600 is not as simple to instal and buggy, so for the moment I present just the two hi-res version.

Default interface users have to first create folders art/intrface in the data folder in your game folder. Then create the faction1024x768.ini, that can be done through
default windows text editor with the following code
for 1280x1024
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768

AimMain=0 0 1280 1024
AimCancel=555 0 667 20
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 964 640 1024
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimRLegText=640 964 1280 1024
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimEyesText=0 0 1280 1024
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 1000 35 1024
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=650 1000 680 1024
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0
for 1024x768
Code: [Select]
# Changes for 1024x768
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=0 0 0 0
AimLArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmText=0 727 511 768
AimRLegText=513 727 800 768
AimEyesText=0 0 1024 700
AimLLegText=0 0 0 0
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 0 0 0
AimHeadProc=0 0 0 0
AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=5 739 35 768
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=518 739 548 768
AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0
AimEyesProc=5 12 35 37
AimGroinProc=0 0 0 0
If you are using any custom interface, just add the code to your current .inis. If there is already modified aiming, rewrite the ;===============Aim section with the code.

You need the aiming images that can be downloaded here for 1280x1024 and here for 1024x768. Paste them into intrface folder.

Now enjoy it by shooting some bad guy.
Feedbacks will be apreciated.

I would like to thank Pretor for help with writing the codes, VSB gang for help with field testing and Ned Logan, whose combat interface gave me the idea in the first place.  

-800x600 version is coming
-the folder is realy named intrface, not interface
-the name faction1024x768.ini works for both resolutions.
-Works well with combat interfaces.
-The best way to use it is in RT.
-It works with any weapon, even with fists.
-I realize that its bit controversial, but given its not against the rules and anyone can use (and I am sure there are other versions around) it without detection, I consider it only fair to post it here.
-Reccomended by 9 out of 10 pvp apes.

-If you want to have all aiming areas (groins, both legs etc.), check out a nice version Doctor Eex made.
-Crippler version by Drakonis, with cool designers touch.
-Hybrid version from Bester, try it out.

-My world map is the one from TLA->see reply no.13 for solution.
-I can see only one digit in aiming percentage->use new fixed codes.
-I have messed up world map speed->see reply no.127

« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 03:49:50 pm by Bantz »
Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2010, 06:00:40 am »

Very cool! gonna try it out.


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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 01:48:40 pm »

More fun for snipers :D
Looks great custom for FOnline.

John Ryder

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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 04:22:10 am »

Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)
 - It's intended!
Typical FOnline roleplayers


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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 11:24:51 am »

Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)

Here we are again. I would say something but I don't wanna be rude...


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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2010, 04:16:52 pm »

Those things should be either banned or installed for everyone by default. :)
You should be banned...
Every interface/modification of animations (like on my mod ;p) are allowed, becouse enigine of this game allow on it...
so don't type lies like this here...

Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2010, 10:47:12 pm »

this is useful, but to be honest, if you're already very practiced with the stock aiming model, this is really not going to help you AT ALL, because you're already clicking as fast as you can, the only way to get faster will be to completely automate it.

this will be of great benefit to those fools whining about the aimbots though.  it will help bridge the gap between cheaters and non-cheaters.
Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2010, 09:42:22 am »

works like a charm!


  • [TSAR]Sol & [TSAR]Ketur
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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2010, 06:41:18 pm »

it works fine but for some reason it messes with my Worldmap graphics, most of it is black glitch now )

Do you know what might cause this ? i play windowed, 1024x768 on windows 7.

i'll try to post a screenshot later.


  • Mao!Mao!
    • Gang VŠB
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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2010, 12:06:06 am »

See reply no.13 for correct fix.

I know the bug, its map from TLA. Its caused by missing code that exchange it for 2238 map. Fixing it was always matter of  trial-n-error aproach for me.

First, dont forget to backup the files I tell you to delete or manipulate with:-).

Do you have the faction.ini in your fonline folder? Then fill it with code
Code: [Select]

Did it help?
No? Try deleting the caches.

Let me now if it worked.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 10:23:20 pm by Bantz »


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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2010, 10:36:54 am »

I dont want to mess around with the files, so the thing here acts like aiming screen but all I can see is 2 columns on the bottom of the screen... ?

Oh I see, but how do you change aiming preset at the right column? Looks nice though, great job
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 10:38:29 am by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


  • Mao!Mao!
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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2010, 01:08:59 pm »

The left column is for arm and right one is for leg. Everything else works as eyes.
If you want something else in the right column, for example groin, switch the codes for arm and groin.
In the end, for 1024x768 it would look like that:

Code: [Select]
AimRArmText=0 0 0 0
AimRArmProc=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=0 727 511 768
AimGroinProc=5 739 20 768

I edited the description in the main topic so it should be clear what does it do :)


  • [TSAR]Sol & [TSAR]Ketur
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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2010, 06:58:38 pm »

hi bantz, thanks for advice !!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 10:18:37 pm by Lacan »


  • Mao!Mao!
    • Gang VŠB
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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2010, 10:17:52 pm »

Ok, the issue with the TLA world map has been fixed by adding following code to the faction1024x768.ini.

Code: [Select]

Thanks to Lacan for bug report.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 08:13:37 pm by Bantz »


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Re: The SCOPE-Snipers friend
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2010, 12:46:05 pm »

Finally a solution that is not cheat nor a little modification of the actual interface :) I'll gladly use it on my next sniper char.
My Youtube channel.

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- J.E. Sawyer
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