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Author Topic: a pretty toy gun...  (Read 4364 times)

Re: a pretty toy gun...
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2010, 07:19:15 pm »

about plasma rifles - many times u have close combat battles by corners or through doors, and this is where plasma simple rox, avenger or any other bg cannot 1 ko kill ur opponent even if u are the lucky one and hit ur critical (140-170 dmg) ur enemy can simple hide behind a cover and use 1 or 2 SS, u waste ur ammo and tell me how much u can take 500 ? 800 ? its only a few burst during longer battles most of the avenger users is out of ammo in no time and all they do is wasting opponnents super stimpacks, at the same time even if ur opponent have the stonewall perk u can 1 hit 1 kill him with ur plasma rifle if u hit ur 2xx max bypass hit or any knockdown or knockout, through the doors most of the time u have 1 hex against the other hex battle and game mechanics dont allow other people shoot at the guy inside, so most of the times knockout means death,
oh and ammo its easier to take 50 mfc on you than 30 x 50 5mm ammo

plasma is as great is it was before the wipe, i wouldnt call it useless


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Re: a pretty toy gun...
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2010, 12:04:39 pm »

vs 1*toughness too
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If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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