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Author Topic: Give map positions / Faction wars  (Read 1928 times)

Give map positions / Faction wars
« on: September 26, 2010, 09:37:25 am »

I think, there is problem with non-fullfeatured model of FvF (faction to faction) wars. The missing point i think, is attacking and guarding faction bases.

1) Faction base (or tent) can be found as random encounter with high skilled outdoorsman. the faction base position is saved into map. This will be motivation to better guarding factions not only to followers but to player enemies.

2) Found/followed faction base or tent is remembered in map. Why for hell i lost the position? I don't have so bad memory!!! :-)

3) NPCs randomly enters faction base map regarding to city area (NCR army around NCR, etc...)

2) Map positions can be exchanged with other players using special dialog window. By this way, the new players ca be learned where all cities are, train stations, faction bases and tents. By this functionality sharing of own tent is solved. Off course, you can sell position of enemy faction base to other players, and the faction war begins :-)

3) Allow to build/destroy tents, crates, walls and storage containers in faction base map
Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 09:28:27 am »

Very bad idea.
Perhaps nice for the few big and strong factions like TTTLA and Chosen Soldiers, but not for small factions like most.
Mostly large factions will find and attack other faction's bases.
All this will lead to are the big and strong factions becoming even bigger and stronger while the smaller factions cease to exist.
Than what? Will you next suggestion be that we can encounter other people's tents?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 10:38:21 am by HertogJan »
Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 09:30:42 am »

This idea sucks. The aboose following implementation of this suggestion would be horrible


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Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 09:46:19 am »

Like everyone else in this post i don't support this suggestion.
Big factions just take everyone down and no one can stop them.
Kinda suck..
Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2010, 03:22:31 pm »

sounds nice,  atleast how i see it,. > a few locations on map ( dont have to be faction base ) but some sort of a controllable location wich gives you resorces, like a ammo factory and if u controll it the workers make some ammo for you, you could even tell them what kind you want,.

these places could become playgrounds for small-gang pvp who dont  like militia, if u place them close to some major towns 

-would have to be fixed places on worldmap, i think the random encounter thing wont work
,.  so why is this souch a bad idea?


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Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2010, 03:50:54 pm »

These are probably the reasons why this is a crap idea...

1) Faction base (or tent) can be found as random encounter with high skilled outdoorsman. the faction base position is saved into map. This will be motivation to better guarding factions not only to followers but to player enemies.
2) Found/followed faction base or tent is remembered in map. Why for hell i lost the position? I don't have so bad memory!!! :)
3) NPCs randomly enters faction base map regarding to city area (NCR army around NCR, etc...)
4) Map positions can be exchanged with other players using special dialog window. By this way, the new players ca be learned where all cities are, train stations, faction bases and tents. By this functionality sharing of own tent is solved. Off course, you can sell position of enemy faction base to other players, and the faction war begins  :)
5) Allow to build/destroy tents, crates, walls and storage containers in faction base map

1) Alts will be created just for this purpose.
2) Provides even further griefing opportunities by the general assholes here, and there are many... Won't be surprised if you're one of em...
3)The problem here is that some areas have more/less overpowered mobs, and I have no idea how the fuck the devs would code that in, so,
a)Too much work
b)imbalanced mobs... (you know who I'm talking about, the Khan raiders, god, those are just pure evil, if 3-4 squads persist in taking your base as a camp you'll need to hire a large gang as exterminators, too bad they'll exterminate you as well...)
4)Too much work, and isn't that just useful for griefing purposes...?
5)Ain't gonna happen, the maps are NOT dynamic...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 04:07:18 pm by gordulan »
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2010, 06:07:34 pm »

the Khan raiders, god, those are just pure evil
The southern ones with mausers and spears? ;D Because as far as I know those are Khans; north belongs to Bishop's Mercenaries (in FOnline called raiders as well).
But imagine BoS or Unity taking over your base.

To rfordinal: When large faction can spam entrace with 50 supermutant mercs the small gangs can't do this. This will only cause that large gangs will plunder small ones and no one would be able to counter-attack.
There was already way better suggestion about visible bases. Read this:

,.  so why is this souch a bad idea?
Because he is not talking about some "neutral zone/playground". He is talking about your base/tent. Imagine that you build a tent and then sudenly 5 players apears there kill you and loot everything you have there.
Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2010, 08:30:04 pm »

-skip the sidenotes, just look at the general idea of new controllable locations :D sounds good to me


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Re: Give map positions / Faction wars
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2010, 09:07:47 pm »

I think this should work, if and only if it applies to large bases. We'd obviously need more large base options, but the general idea is there.

After buying a large base like the vault, you have one week IRL to set up your defenses/whatever you need to get your base together. After that time, the location becomes visible when the player gets near it (possibly with some kind of ODM roll to make it less of a guarantee and force players to search the area), and disappears once they are a specific distance away. (Let's say that these bases are pretty well hidden and just a general idea of where it is doesn't guarantee you'll find it again.) This way, larger factions can actually promote trade and things like that at their base, but also allow for faction wars.

To prevent absolute raiding of the bases, each can have a room or two that needs a key (or an extremely high lockpick skill). This way, if your base is being raided, you can run away with the key, and hope your valuables remain untouched.

On the WM, the name of the faction would appear over the base, just like cities have, and the faction can edit the message under the name to whatever they like. It could be anything from 'open for trade' or 'recruiting new members' to things like 'trespassers will be shot on sight'. Unnecessarily offensive messages could be removed, and on repeated offenses the faction would lose the privilege of editing the message.

This system would also require some kind of member limit on bases. Let's say a cave could have 15, a medium sized base could have 30, and a large base could have 60 (there could possibly be locked areas of the base like a staircase behind a locked door which, after unlocked through some challenge/quest, would allow for a few more members and give the base a little more space). This way, the faction would have to limit the number of alts added into the computer, and would also force larger factions to buy large bases and subject themselves to this system. Base upgrading/buying multiple bases with one faction name would probably be needed here.

In order to support this, some type of militia system would be needed as well, which could work several ways. It could be that you get a recruiter NPC with your base who works the same way as the guy that gives you militia in an unguarded town (We could say you get one for free every 2 ingame days, and the others cost you money or other resources). You would have x number of slots for militia, but you could replace some with stronger mercs and slaves (maybe even turrets and robots, but that might be going too far). To prevent abuse, mercs/slaves would have to log off when you do (which may or may not be the case, I'm really not sure).
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