Why you don t use small frame a +1 is not bad and you may carry some weight from the slaves
On a closer inspection, the small frame trait is overrated, technically, a character whose ultimate weapon would be a plasma pistol which needs 4 Str deserves a character with 4 Str. if it waas a smallgunner I'd take small frame, because of the .223 pistol's 5 Str req.
Here's a comparison between 4 Str and 5Str+Small Frame.
4 Str:
+4 HP
+56 Kg CW
5 Str + SF:
+5 HP
+45 Kg CW
So, 4 Str without Small frame Trumps the 5 Str + SF every time you need an Energy Gunslinger build...
Yeah, take small frame, lower you IN (less FA and doc... even 100 FA 90 doc is good) and raise EN 2 points
That's one nice point really, that +23 HP will do well in the long run, Replaces the second lifegiver quite nicely.