Other > Suggestions

Increase XP for basic crafting

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--- Quote from: Sius on September 08, 2010, 11:28:51 pm ---Whole character development is rotten and it needs some serious rethinking.

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I agree. Crafting has been given too much focus. It should be a secondary gameplay element, and one of several options to equip yourself. The others being stores, quests and general PvE. Right now most stores stock a load of crap people don't want to buy. Traders barely get purged, and the hundred primitive tools and dozens of radios you see are proof.

All the same really, xp doesn't mean anything to lvl21 dude.

--- Quote from: Badger on September 09, 2010, 12:17:45 am ---I agree. Crafting has been given too much focus.
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It's the second fastest way to get stuff after all (first one is farming encounters and selling their crap) and directly related to economy. Economy decides what sort of stuff we move around with. Surely crafting isn't fun, but it's rather balanced. I'm glad that it got the attention it needed to become balanced, now it just needs to made fun.

Pancor Jackhammer now : 1015 xp

before 2 wipes : 4500 xp

I lvld my Smallguncrafter from 8 to 15 with crafting only in 2 weeks and i wasnt playin that much.

Why should you decide what a person gets out of a game?

So you like PvP... someone else likes questing (tough luck to few quests with no real decent rewards), someone likes to only go for PvE... some other poor fool likes to actually RolePlay his character... and bob the builder likes to craft stuff and sell it. Why should he be barred or hindered from enjoying the game?? Its his right as much as yours to do what he wants with his real life time and enjoy it!

You get kicks out of shooting blue suits (you being general and not specific) they get kicks out of making stuff, selling them and then foraging for more materials. Unlike you they actually HELP the game by providing more high end gear in the long term!

Its like this in the majority of online games... even the shitty ones have some of crafting AND reward the crafters either with incredibly powerfull craftables that need the skill to be used (ie you can put on power armor unless you have science and repair 200 and armorer 3 for example) so as not to make these characters targets.


--- Quote from: Sius on September 08, 2010, 11:28:51 pm ---Because whole crafting is the cancer of 2238. Crafting should always come as 2nd but here its "craft or die". Its crafting requirements that make half of the community impotent in combat because they have chosen to be good gunsmiths. The other half have alts for this job but they play with their main chars.

Whole character development is rotten and it needs some serious rethinking. The original fallouts should serve as great example how it should be done. You choose your primary skills but its possible even in the middle of the game to switch to something else OR boost your secondary skills through books/quests/training...

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FO i multiplayer game. There is no another players in F1, F2 or FT. If you die in those games it's end and load game so it's not good exapmple. In FO some players can kill you and you lost everything. How do you get new stuff if you don't have any stuff in your tent? If you have 1 charisma (combat char) you can't trade. And even you can you don't have anything for barter.


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