Other > Suggestions
Increase XP for basic crafting
With the new gathering system you can gather a whole lot more materials.
xp for crafting stuff like sharpened poles is fine as you can gather more wood than you can carry in 1 crafting run.
For me crafting is working fine the way it is.
That the OP seems to do nothing but crafting to level is his problem.
Do quests, take on critters and craft to level.
Not having any other skills but crafting skills to level is a player's choice.
I tried to play non-combat oriented character wipe ago and all I can say is that people (not talking about alts now) who like to create/build instead of killing are being kicked in groin. It's impossible to get reasonable amount of XP via crafting/quests and you need levels/skill points placed in skills to be good at what you are doing. Leveling character with tagged First Aid and Doctor (even not really specialized in those skills) or character with Steal by using only those skills is much easier than leveling character with skills like Repair or Science without using combat skills.
Getting 20 XP points for Repairing item and 20 XP for putting it into parts with Science compared to XP that you can get by using other skills is not really fair... I vote for more XP from crafting and re-thinking amount of XP you get from repairing items.
--- Quote from: HertogJan on September 09, 2010, 11:06:10 am ---That the OP seems to do nothing but crafting to level is his problem.
Do quests, take on critters and craft to level.
Not having any other skills but crafting skills to level is a player's choice.
--- End quote ---
That's not my point at all. I'm saying that in relation to every other source of XP, and proportional to time taken, basic crafting is way off. It should be a viable source of experience points, and it isn't. I can kill five rats near NCR, who have uh, 6hp if I remember right, and get 25xp each. That takes me a couple minutes if I'm playing in TB, less in RT. I get 80xp for murdering a cow.
Killing one rat is apparently a more constructive learning experience than constructing a handgun out of logs and junk. It doesn't matter that it's the worst handgun in the game. Especially when you take into account that building a mauser isn't useful for actually shooting anything. You'd be better off throwing it at them, Superman-Bad-Guy style.
Mausers are useful for people with high critical chance to xp on mutated mole rats.
I'm estimating that depending on the encounters with small critter you can make at roughly 300 xp per encounter at most.
That's about equal to what you can make with 1 trip gathering resources (depending on your carry weight and the stuff you gather).
XP were lowered few seasons ago, because people just camped their hideouts and crafted all night long. Gathering was static and highly abused.
It was not a big deal, because we had diminishing XP, so it was more or less equal. But then XP for killing were drastically improved and making a lvl 21 character was a matter of days(hours). Alas, crafting XP remained the same.
Im for improving XP for crafting in order to match them with XP for killing.
Moreover, Im for improving XP for using skills. Its ridiculous to receive 5 xp for steal, how can someone lvl up with it ? Same goes for lockpick, science, repair. I dont want to have only one viable option to lvl up a character - through fighting :'(
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