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Author Topic: Bounty hunting  (Read 2032 times)

Bounty hunting
« on: September 08, 2010, 09:19:08 pm »

First I must say I have absolutely no idea how developers want to implement karma. ;D

But thing about bonus from karma and ani-pk. My suggestion is that you take a perk "bounty-hunter" (something like slaver). Then you can see which bounty is possible to collect (pk name + price on his/her head). After you kill this pk you loot a "dog tag" from him and bring it to bounty hunter's office.
Maybe also add a name colorizing or something to distinguish bounty hunter's target.

How to increase a bounty on your head? You need a negative karma and you must kill someone with karma > -100(?). After you do this bounty on your head will increase by 5-10 caps (I hope this ammount won't be farmable - not worth dying). After someone collect bounty on your head it will drop back to 0 and you can increase bounty on your head once again.

Please don't argue that if you shoot someone in desert there is no one who can report the crime. Because that is realy poor argument.

I hope this suggestion make any sence. This may be a chance for those who just don't want to shoot everyone on sight. ;)

I think something like this is working with Hub police but I am not exactly sure how.


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Re: Bounty hunting
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 10:13:54 pm »

unfortunately its still exploitable.

Someone will make alt which gone be total badass with -830000 karma and another alt: bounty hunter. 8300x5-10caps=a lot.

Idea is good but to implement such thing would be hard.
Polskie Pustkowia
Re: Bounty hunting
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 10:37:42 pm »

Still I think this will take hell lot of time to make this badass.
And as I said you can collect the bounty only once then it will drop back to 0 caps. Then tis pk can level his bounty to as badass level as he wants. But it will take time. For a decent bounty to exploit (I think) too much time.

Maybe I was too confusing. The bounty will increase only when you kill someone. I won't be calculated depending on your karma.
Karma is there only to decide if you are pk or not. Acoording to my example when you have more than 0 karma and your oponent have less than -100 karma then you are not considered as pk but as a pk-hunter thus there will be no bounty on your head.
When player A with for example -500 karma kills player B with +234 karma bouty on player A will increase by 5-10 caps.
1 kill = 1 increment of bounty.

That means even palyer with -10 karma can have bazillion caps bouty on his/her head.
This karma levels must be placed to right place. It could be done only when mechanism how karma will work is known.


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Re: Bounty hunting
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 09:54:33 am »

Aint gonna work as long as it's all the same for people whether they die or not. I'd definitely want to see bounty hunting too, but there's just too many issues in its way to work well.
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Re: Bounty hunting
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2010, 09:59:38 am »

Hmmm definitly not possible atm but i wanna share my idea too:

After X player kills you get bounty on ye head and after ure killed its gone and to become bounty you need to kill X player again. Not bounty vanish for dead by NPC/enviroment/suicide (If that can be tracked :-/)


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Re: Bounty hunting
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2010, 10:02:44 am »

Hmmm definitly not possible atm but i wanna share my idea too:

After X player kills you get bounty on ye head and after ure killed its gone and to become bounty you need to kill X player again. Not bounty vanish for dead by NPC/enviroment/suicide (If that can be tracked :-/)

X should be enuff that it takes too long to exploit it.
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