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Changelog 08/09/2010

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--- Quote from: Hayabusa on September 18, 2010, 05:04:01 pm ---And here is average hit from plasma rifle

then write me you great bg build with at least 9 PE and (if i understand well its needed over 220 bg skill to all bullets shoot the target from max range). Its not sniper dude ;]

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I prefer keeping my builds to myself.

Johnny Nuclear:
adins just dont likle BGuns.
solar were you also testing it with psycho ?

So first test was Avenger + 2xBRD to person who had only BA.

Second test was LSW + 25 crit chance to person who had only BA.

Can you test LSW with 25 crit chance AND 2x BRD ? Also you can do this test with Avenger. Then type and you will see ...


--- Quote from: Bulldog on September 18, 2010, 04:59:14 pm ---The hell, why do you make BG builds that need 15-20 hexes to be efficient? I play BG right now and they are good enough if built right.

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You probably don't understand the fact that the range of avenger minigun is 35 hexes and the range of the sniper rifle is 50 hexes. So basically, you need to run through 15-20hexes while a sniper can shoot you straight into your eyes without risking shit. In my opinion, last changes (AP ammo change, fast shot change) made big guns (especially minigun/avenger) something like water guns.


--- Quote from: Kilgore on September 19, 2010, 04:43:15 am ---In my opinion, last changes (AP ammo change, fast shot change) made big guns (especially minigun/avenger) something like water guns.

--- End quote ---
Cool! Water guns!

But seriously - I liked Fast Shot trait a lot. Now it's like a Bloody Mess trait - almost useless.


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