Exactly. It's not like I don't like Russians but mostly all what they can say in english is "fuck USA" or "you nazi". Anyway, insults give the game more wasteland feel. Wasteland is nothing like today's world.
I would like (if at all possible) by a member of the Fonline team to also expain "hostile language" from the game rules section.Are curse words hostile language? And to what degree? Should I call a GM if someone says "fuck you"?Is saying retard a "racist" or "hostile" remark since it refers to the mentally or physically handicapped in a derogatory way?If somebody tells me "that was so gay" does it fall under any of the above categories since it is used in an offensive way towards an act that the offender finds to resemble the behaviour of a homosexual?Is "stupid idiot" a hostile remark?How about if they use a foreign language which I dont understand but suspect they are being aggressively hostile? Shall I report them then?Lastly, if you dont accept "our word" would a post with screenshots work? Or the only way to get an offender is if you happen to catch him on the act?
If someone never roleplayed, always talk in game out of character about people from real life, stats, game mechanics etc. who do you think does he calls a "retard", "fag" etc? Yes it is hostile speech directed towards other players and has nothing to do with so called wasteland feel.
Those avatars are the players ingame so yes of course its directed at them/whoever, there are humans in Fallout 1 and 2, there are:Retards, racists, genocidal maniacs etc...
For the 142948295th and LAST time: Racism playing a character in a fallout world (racism towards mutants, ghouls etc) is allowed and welcomed if played well. Don't you get that there is a difference between that thing and insulting players on a personal not in character manner?I can show it to you, but I can't understand it for you, that's your job.