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Author Topic: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!  (Read 5440 times)

So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:47:47 am »


Been playing since day 1 of the new wipe. After reading through the wiki and the forums I did indeed get alot of help!

But I have a couple suggestions of my own for us newbs.

Okay, in my opinion you should IGNORE the shit shoveling. It takes too long... some times its very competitive (as more shit shovelers are around and you are all waiting for the shit to hit the ground...).

Instead if you got "born" near Boneyard/Hub you are in luck! (If not you have to collect 100 caps, buy a ticket and get there).

After putting your game in turn based combat you should scour the waste inside the city and collect Junk and Wood (In order to collect wood you need a primitive tool or hatchet. You can get a hatchet by giving 2 junk to a girl in Audytum and you get some xp as well. So now you can collect wood and junk... well with a small amount of both you can make a 10mm pistol (and you get some xp for making it). Alternatively find a flint somewhere around before you enter boneyard area. Also there is a quest here with a girl for whom you need to collect more wood and junk and make 2 pistols... then you give her one and she gives you bullets and more xp... in the end you have money, a gun and some xp... and more fun than shovelling shit!

Make 3-4 pistols and you are a "rich" man. By selling the pistols you end up at around 500 caps. You can keep doing this till the merchant (the gun guy in Auditum) runs out of money or you have gotten everything you need. Personally I spend an hour or so and got myself a shotgun, an SMG, combat leather armor and a couple of stims...

Now you are kitted to actually survive... easy fights. (stay away from centaurs and floaters and raiders... stick to scavengers, rats, SMALL packs of dogs etch).

You should aim to have 300 caps in your pocket. With 300 caps you go and buy yourself a deans electronics book from the library and then you go to the train station and give it (you need to talk to people until you get this quest) to an administrator [purple robe guy]. He gives you 800 caps for 500 caps profit (which buys you tickets to go back to NCR or San Fran if you want).

Now with decent gear, bullets and a gun you can either keep getting junk and wood and selling them till you get 1000 caps. Then go to a well guarded part of town [hub or ncr] and yell that you are buying hides of brahmin for 100 ea. Presto 10 hides and you can make your tent with little worries. After that, you can make money and enjoy the game safe that if you lose your stuff you have more waiting at your tent.

Personally until I did this I died SOOOO many times looking for brahmin that I almost despaired. But Junk and Boneyard saved me.

Last tip.

While you are doing the above be on Turn Based AND RUN!

Always run away from any fight... boneyard encounters are pretty deadly and also avoid players. Generally until I built my actual tent I did not fight a single fight. Not a one! And keep in mind I met floaters and centaurs like 50 times in random encounters or even when I clicked in an empty point to search for trees or junk. If you feel a bit braver (I did this towards the end) you can into Real Time and still RUN as soon as combat starts... dont look back, dont wait to see if they followed you cause if they get to close you wont be able to exit the combat and when you have 30-40 HP you are 2-3 hits from these mobs... (if a guy has a gun you may even be 1 hit).

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unity through Faith.


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 12:01:58 pm »

That was a good read. It's nice to see that people are actually using the "newbie" quests and starter things. :)


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2010, 12:35:33 pm »

Good,but i can make better 'looking' guide later.
Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2010, 01:27:10 pm »

Shit shoveling:
Indeed only useful if there's no one around.
Do it for xp, especially at early levels.

You can't see train stations if you're freshly 'born', so you have to walk.
Unless you're near VC and have minimal 3 charisma in which case you can do Doc Andrew's quest.
You still need caps, but you can get those from shit shoveling and selling stuff like junk, flint, roots, flowers.
Better turn junk into brass knuckles or BB's to double the caps you get for them.
Turn flint into primitive hatchet (4x the caps) to gather wood (make sharpened pole for 2x the caps) or to sell it
If you have 40 FA turn flowers (1 cap) and roots (2 caps) into weak healing powder (40 caps).
If you're near NCR, go to Junktown and the Hub.

If you start around in the Hub, carry boxes at the main entry.
It will give you 200 caps and 50 xp.
You can use 100 caps to open a bank account in the Hub and put the other 100 on it.

As far as the mini quests go, at the early levels 300 xp is better than a tool.
Especially as you can use flint for a primitive tool and wood and junk aren't too hard to get.

You can get a free 10mm pistol, 47 ammo and +15% small guns skill from a guard at the Gunrunners.
Only once and only if you have a minimum of 3 charisma and small guns lower than 50%.

Personally I would always put the game on realtime when you don't want to fight in encounters.
Less chance of people entering, more chance to get out of range of enemies, especially if you click to run the moment the map is loaded.

Quests to start with (if you meet the requirements):
Talk to the guard to get a bonus to the Small Guns skill
A Man's Job
Get a Dean's Electronics Book
Convince Jargo to produce more howitzer shells
Bring items to Monte Carlo
Bring junk for Emma (Miniquest)
Scavenge for Lorraine (New Quest)
Give Nuka-Cola to Metzger
Bring booze for April (Miniquest)
Bring a shovel to Dan (Miniquest)
Investigate for the Sad Wife
Bring a shovel to Dan (Miniquest)
Bring radscorpions tails for Mark (Miniquest)
Get brahmin hides for Balthas
Grisham's Jerky Delivery
Bring radscorpions tails for Mark (Miniquest)
New Reno:
Check Orville Wright's contacts
Deliver Message for Elmer (New Quest)
Get Buster Cigarettes.
Pay back Mira's debt.
Bring junk for Emma (Miniquest)
Solve the Jet supply issue for Dangerous Dan McGrew
Convince Doc Johnson to stop selling jet to Redding
Bring a shovel to Dan (Miniquest)
San Francisco:
Bring junk for Emma (Miniquest)
Vault City:
Investigate for Dr. Andrew
Bring booze for April (Miniquest)

These quests combined with some crafting and encounters can get you to level 4 rather easily.
At that point you should have your main skill over 100.
However you might have to put some xp in the other 2 tagged skills as well and if not tagged perhaps in science (gunpowder, metal parts) and FA (weak healing powder) to get them to 40 if you want to be able to craft those.

Have the Man's job quest from the Boneyard and Doc Andrew's quest active at the same time.
It will safe you some caps for the train.

As far as trains go, you can travel cheap if you carry boxes at NCR station and in SF.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 01:32:41 pm by HertogJan »


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2010, 02:58:02 pm »

Finaly, This should stop the "OMG I'm newbz, I read all the starter guides, but they are level 21, how can I do something that what does an expert player" shit. This was a good reading too, didn't know all these quests and easy exp. BTW, new guys - don't forget to later join a gang if you want to play the game fully! :)
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2010, 03:35:43 pm »

Well I was one of the people that felt it was getting toooo hard on me! And it really is not...

if you just step outside NCR and try to get brahmin skins YES its hard... and after a few hours when you have... 8 someone will kill you and you kill curse and get angry.

Even worse you can be collecting shit for hours to buy a gun (about 190 caps) and bullet (incredibly expensive from vendors) and then go for brahmin.

I believe my suggestions are relatively easy to do and not as time consuming... and as I said it beats collecting crap hands down. Even if you get robbed or killed while collecting junk and wood you go out after 10 minutes (no weakened and u can do a FA on yourself even with low skill) and you collect them again... its much easier.

And by the way, if you are recruiting Heraldx, I am game :D. You can find me as "The Master" and "Mr Tulip".
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2010, 04:21:34 pm »

Finaly, This should stop the "OMG I'm newbz, I read all the starter guides, but they are level 21, how can I do something that what does an expert player" shit. This was a good reading too, didn't know all these quests and easy exp. BTW, new guys - don't forget to later join a gang if you want to play the game fully! :)

Quests are on linked to on the wiki's main page.
These are just the quests which are easy/doable for new characters.


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2010, 05:16:41 pm »

It's not detailed. Someone who launch the game for the first time won't have any idea what the hell are you talking about.
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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2010, 05:50:44 pm »

I linked to the wiki page in my reply.


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2010, 07:11:23 pm »

Try to get a group of 5 friends buy a cave and make some flamers and fuel go lvlup on floaters and centaurs with radio signal, find encounters where centaurs and floaters are against each other. Don't join gangs, better play with real-life friends, you'll have bad experience playing with fonline community. I did.
And watch when traveling people will follow you and try to steal, you can just kick them out of group on world map.
There I'm helping people, now I'm Mother Teresa...

You can easy lvlup with sniper on molerats near v13, with a mouser aimed shot in eyes, it does instant kill, or it used to do.
Take 10PE and sharpshooter, you want to plan your character based on perks he'll take, and no charisma to pvp character unless you want to lead mercenaries.

The strongest thing in this game is to make a bad luck big gunner with 9 charisma and magnetic, then you can buy 5 super mutants with rocket launcher. So the number of people you have + 5x mutants, people say this is cheating, but I know they are just lazy to gather all the caps for those muties. Put it like this, you have 5 people in faction, thats 30 rocket launchers in action, no one ever did that because "lazy".

Mercs with sledge hammers can take out robbers raiders and other mobs easily and even more effective if you give them super sledge. They don't waste any ammo and you gather all the loot, so you get shit stuff to sale for $$.

Drugs are pretty bad now except beer-buffout-nuka? combo for some character which lacks in strength (special builds..)

Since I'm not in any faction on 2238 now I'm giving away character builds, pm me what type of character you would like to have and I'll send you my build.
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2010, 08:14:26 pm »

And by the way, if you are recruiting Heraldx, I am game :D. You can find me as "The Master" and "Mr Tulip".

Don't really know, if we are recruiting "newbies" as I'm not the leader :P When I joined the only reason they took me is because I was from the same country - I was very newbie that time and had a tendency to use resources to make low tier stuff for my self. I'm not sure, I will ask my leader and then I will send you a PM.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Ned Logan

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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2010, 09:40:33 pm »

If you want some serious advice, forget about gear, first run around as a bluesuit doing quests, that should get you first lvls + FAing people is good source of exp too...
If you get killed, the exp remains...

When you think you are bored of that, you can go hunting out... if you are alone try to find a peaceful spot, but I recommend teaming up...
Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 10:45:44 pm »

I am living a good life at the moment. I die occasionally, but that's OK, i can recraft my equipment. But I find trouble of finding caps in shops, I cannot "selll" items for caps, if I'm lucky, the shop has a maximum of 200 caps.
Known in-game as Komeet (Small Gunner with Fast Shot)/Reinforce (Small Gunsmith). Don't taz- shoot me bro!
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Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2010, 10:51:50 pm »

Try less used shops like shops in northern towns, VC, SF.
If you got stuff eithers might like, like certain ammo types, stash them till you have a few hundred and than offer them on the forum.
Re: So you are new! Some advice from another newb!
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2010, 02:09:05 am »

new players living in the boneyard that speak english decently well are welcome to join radio 8023 -- its an unofficial "gang" of sorts, but more often people just join it to let us know not to kill them because they're only gathering, etc... it is a good way to avoid some of the assholes like us :D
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