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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!  (Read 9492 times)


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2010, 05:48:18 pm »

So here they are! All three estates ready to use (I hope).
It's like Lego bricks, but without mess on the floor.

Hub Estate
Made from scratch. Thanks to Wipe for finding errors.

Map file

San Francisco Estate
Redone map from random encounter, called e_city5.

Map file

Vault City Estate
Redone map from special encounter, called se_kotw_ground.

Map file

« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 05:49:52 pm by Wichura »
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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2010, 06:53:58 am »

  :o Wow those maps are great Wichura, i loved the Hub estate. Thumbs up to you.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2010, 09:43:01 am »

Yep they are really nice and suit the enviroment as much as possible. However keep in mind that these estates would at this moment be used solely on item stashing. So every estate should have at least one pure warehouse with many shelves close each other where players can keep their stuff shelved in orderly way.

Other thing are the doors. If there was a room with door and shelves, I'd just drop my stuff outside it for being too lazy to open the door every time. I'd kill myself if there was a need to open 3 doors to get somewhere in my own house. Opening doors in fallout isn't particularly smooth. Also cabinets with doors are stupid due to the fact you have to close and open them all the time.

For exmaple If someone bought this hub estate, he might just drop all his stuff outside it and never even go inside. This is the sad state of the game.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2010, 09:49:52 am »

Yeah these maps look really great, but correct me if I'm wrong, these are for a single player only eh?
So i know much guys would appreciate such wonderfull maps as their homes but for some they are just too big and complex.
Like avv said stuff would be planted on ground because of lazyness of running and running and opening and opening and running and opening - you get it.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2010, 10:12:47 am »

Adding containers and removing doors won't be a problem, it's just few clicks here and there. Opening/closing cycle is annoying for sure, but design was more important to me. Small map with 20 bookshelves placed in square hut is useful, but looks like made by 3-year-old retarded baboon.
I hope my maps don't look like this :>

Anyway if these maps have chances to get into the game as intended (private locations to satisfy players' vanity and greediness), I can try to smuggle moar containers on them.
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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2010, 10:15:48 am »

Yeah these maps look really great, but correct me if I'm wrong, these are for a single player only eh?
So i know much guys would appreciate such wonderfull maps as their homes but for some they are just too big and complex.
Like avv said stuff would be planted on ground because of lazyness of running and running and opening and opening and running and opening - you get it.

If those players are even too lazy for simple shit like this then it's their problem, not Wichuras.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2010, 12:11:14 pm »

If those players are even too lazy for simple shit like this then it's their problem, not Wichuras.

Its not like i say he should change it because of that. I would love to have such an estate as a loner because i always wanna house up nicely in games (I spend minimum 2 hour in games like Arx Fatalis or Oblivion to steal furniture from all places to get it into my house/room/whatever and place items in a nice way to get it a comfortable feeling.

My comment was said from a critic point of view. I dont want anyone saying he doesn't see any sense in adding a more beautiful tent into the game, but at the moment i dont see any sense, only sense is if you could keep 1 estate and 1 tent so tent is mobile storage and estate is "singleplayer base". Remember it would put pressure on the database if everyone has a estate that is stuffed with items (was already mentioned with the more-bases thing). Don't know if that will be done for the cost of a more visual comfortable map.
Sadly "Such a big map for just one player to store items?" is a contra argument too.

I support this suggestion in general so i hope it gets implied. Wichura did such nice work, that needs credit.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2010, 12:19:22 am »

I like you maps, wichura, but i there is one major concept problem.
At situation, where server has cca 200 daily playing players, adding of new invisible places where they will spend their time will never solve the problem with player empty cities. There exist many building in every city that could be bough and replace tent or de facto base (because of workbench in city,...). So you make a great work, but cities where you will be able to meet players will be still empty.

 What is hard on change hotel scripts (add new location, set base price, set minumum karma level to avouid rich gang abusing).

 I am always agaisnt adding new content that will not stimulate player vs player element (i dont men combat only). Even possibiliy of visibility of this locations on world map does not solve it (on TLA, there are visible bases, but there is nobody coming to visit each other, there is no reason).

 But maps are fine, realy..
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2010, 02:48:51 am »

i think the maps and the idea are great.

i don't understand why people are so obsessed with crowded cities. in the game, people already avoid each other. you don't go for hunting with random people who you've just met in a town. when someone enters your encounter, either you ar the other player will instarun or instashoot. most of the player-to-player interaction occures as pk.

loners buy bases, although all they need is a workbench and a few lockers to keep their stuff tidy. if i go to a town to use the workbench there, i craft and run to exit grid like most of the players. i dont stop to chat people or role play (especialy when i see people roleplaying like calling you "jew, neegger" etc, for they think this is what roleplaying is). if i need to buy something, i simply use the radio to find someone willing to sell, and go to arrenged meeting town instead of standing on the entrance of a city and shout. most of the cities are deserted. even if a player goes into a town, he quickly does his bussiness and leaves. in guared towns, generally there are only shit shovelling newbies, trading alts, thieves and followers. in unguarded towns,there are generally only the members of the controlling gang, or almost no players at all.

cities crowded with people who know how to roleplay might be fun, but if this is to be achieved, it must be done by making both guarded and unguarded towns more attractive for players, not by making them have to go there.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 02:50:28 am by Nyarla »
Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2010, 02:52:40 am »

I personally never wanted a tent, I just wanted to live in a cave. I think a cave home should be added. I could make it as I've made maps before but I'm lazy. :P  And as for towns I too run in use the workbench and run back out again, I can't just craft something then stand around and chat with people because if I do that someone, some thief will run up and try to steal from me and usually keep pestering me trying until I leave anyway.
I have the patience of a chopping block...


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2011, 09:07:06 pm »

Really nice idea, can be pretty useful for garage since hub and san fran are some of the most commercial cityes. By the way i think it would be awesome if u could share them.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 01:32:58 am by Delta77 »
Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2011, 09:12:46 pm »

i think the maps and the idea are great.

i don't understand why people are so obsessed with crowded cities. in the game, people already avoid each other. you don't go for hunting with random people who you've just met in a town. when someone enters your encounter, either you ar the other player will instarun or instashoot. most of the player-to-player interaction occures as pk.

loners buy bases, although all they need is a workbench and a few lockers to keep their stuff tidy. if i go to a town to use the workbench there, i craft and run to exit grid like most of the players. i dont stop to chat people or role play (especialy when i see people roleplaying like calling you "jew, neegger" etc, for they think this is what roleplaying is). if i need to buy something, i simply use the radio to find someone willing to sell, and go to arrenged meeting town instead of standing on the entrance of a city and shout. most of the cities are deserted. even if a player goes into a town, he quickly does his bussiness and leaves. in guared towns, generally there are only shit shovelling newbies, trading alts, thieves and followers. in unguarded towns,there are generally only the members of the controlling gang, or almost no players at all.

cities crowded with people who know how to roleplay might be fun, but if this is to be achieved, it must be done by making both guarded and unguarded towns more attractive for players, not by making them have to go there.

Just about to reply but this guy said everything (and more) than I was going to say.


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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #42 on: June 06, 2011, 10:46:53 pm »

first of all, you can take stuff from lockers with the skill Steal, press 3 (or 4 i dont remember) and click in the locker with the yellow tick.

and i think the idea is good, we all hate tents, EVEN BETTER eliminate tents and brahmin killing, and set the wichura quest as default to get a home. dont tell me that handle riders would be harsh for newcomers, gathering brahmin skin is harsh for newcomers, randomly go trough the map searching brahimns can be really anonying.

Also i suggest to add a Workbench and fruits to the map. There are lone guys in the game, guys that dont want to be in a faction, and need a crafting place, and not a faction base with a random name. Yes i know most people will say "this is the factions mod, go play something else" but this game must be friendly with solo players too, i play it because is the most well balanced, and it had people from all the world not only from east Europe.
A house like this will be awesome for solo players independency, and if you dont want that we will get a base anyway, i have like 2 caves in the map wich get abandoned with the time and now are mine.

Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #43 on: June 06, 2011, 11:01:44 pm »

Reiniat, maybe eliminating tents is a little too... extreme?
Is thanks to tents that we slept knowing that our character wasnt going to be blasted off by a supermutant aournd NCR! Never forget this! Is thanks to tents that we can keep our stuff on the ground, guarded by a stupid that doessnt try to escape right after you exit the map! Invent some new ones cause i wont.
And for the unpopulated cities, i think it's for the fact that there arent many players... after all everyone who doesnt posses Fallout 2 and a minimum of patience will ragequit after fifteen minutes of game... i always try to bring some friend in the game, and i see the fact of poorly populated cities (We can say that i live in Junktown) as somenthing bad... and as Wipe said, players enter cities if they need a workbench or to trade, never to chat. I try to chat with someone in Junktown from time to time. Oh, i forgot a thing: Junktown is not NCR, so i need to head to NCR even for a chat. But hey Wipe, that's something that happened in World of Warcraft too... with the difference that WoW has a chat connected between all cities of a faction, so i think it's quite pointless  :-[
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Re: Wasteland Estates - for better tomorrow!
« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2011, 01:12:33 am »

But you can get a *free* tent or base doing a certain quest for NCR granted you don't complete it. Also it comes with free NPCs and low tier loot. ;}
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