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Author Topic: Dead State  (Read 1569 times)

Dead State
« on: August 27, 2010, 11:58:22 pm »

What are the other skills?
The skills for the game are:
Survival - Training in wilderness/military survival. It allows players to travel quicker on the Area Map, avoid random encounters, survey greater distances, and harvest wild sources of food.

Mechanical - Mechanical aptitude. Governs ability to pick locks, upgrade the Shelter, modify weapons, and ability to strip more parts from objects.

Melee - Proficiency with melee weapons/close combat.

Ranged - Proficiency with firearms/ranged weapons.

Medical - Knowledge of medicine/treatment of wounds. Skilled characters  can heal more HP per character and use fewer healing items to do so.

Science - Knowledge and application of scientific principles. Allows the player to craft new items, equipment, and upgrades.

Negotiation - The ability to manipulate and reason with people. Used in dialogue and helps reduce Morale penalties. 

Leadership - The ability to inspire and intimidate people. Used in dialogue and increases effectiveness of allies in combat.

Sounds familiar? It's being worked by Obsidian Vets, who are making this game.
FOnline id: xPoncex
Re: Dead State
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 05:32:29 pm »

yes very nice, turn based zombie rpg (with fallout connections) i will buy! or atleast try and look forward to!
IF only this was a FP Zombie Survival Rpg with iron sights and a sand box feel to it...One day when my hair is grey this will be released, in the mean time let's all wait for Dead State!

I saw this months ago and it looked like SHIT, now it looks GOOD! Kudos.
Owner of FOnline 2258! A true Fallout inspired adventure!
Re: Dead State
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 07:53:41 pm »

I had heard about a ZRPG and i was like :D few months ago and this poped up on about Dead State and i was like :O

can't wait for this, im what you call a zombie expert.
FOnline id: xPoncex
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