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Author Topic: [Forum] Opening a "General Fallout Discussion" and a "Roleplaying" Subforum  (Read 6353 times)


  • Homeless wastelander
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Problem is dual log rule, because i will need 2 computers for most actions of that.

maybe got some friends... omg
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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maybe got some friends... omg

 Another troll post: you dont understand it, i will not explain details of my idea :P, but for some parts of my idea one player have to use 2 computer. In general!, it is because of overview of this player made quest process, if the process should not fail.

 But it is only one example of role play support from developers (GM). Another example: one our member needed robe for some kind of social experiment in the game. It had to supercede the absence of devs made content..  the result = no support, even that project had more than 30 members.

 So idea about role play subforum is nice, but without anytnig more it could be usefull like condom machine in Vaticane.


  • Homeless wastelander
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Another troll post: you dont understand it, i will not explain details of my idea :P, but for some parts of my idea one player have to use 2 computer. In general!, it is because of overview of this player made quest process, if the process should not fail.

I am sure you heard about voice communication and cooperation with other players... if it can be used for PvP, I am sure it will work for RP the same way... dont look for excuses, try to figure out way how to do it...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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I am sure you heard about voice communication and cooperation with other players... if it can be used for PvP, I am sure it will work for RP the same way... dont look for excuses, try to figure out way how to do it...

 You dont get it. Absolutely. But because you did not tried to create something like this, you dont have to apologize for your smallness :P


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If you need more then one player character in a certain quest ( like the valves in the tanker quest) or want to roleplay more then one character then grab a friend and do it.  ::)

This discussion has btw nothing to do with the topic, please return to the original one.

Winston Wolf

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Uh yeah. Guys like you are surely welcome at the roleplay section.  8)

I hope Surf Solar or someone else will elect who has access to the section and who has not. If we ever get such a section...


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If you need more then one player character in a certain quest ( like the valves in the tanker quest) or want to roleplay more then one character then grab a friend and do it.  ::)

This discussion has btw nothing to do with the topic, please return to the original one.

 Solar, Izual, this suggestion thread is useless because  there is no real reason, why not open another 2 subforums (and ask players, who have minimal rights to make a choice in 2238)

 Example of quest mechanics i need 2 computers:

 Imagine stituation, than NPc chars are replaced by players = PC. There is classic quest system: you go to PC 1., some chat, questions,.. then you go to PC 2.,... . I need 2 computers for reason, that i need to control, if every players who are talking to PC2 were already talking to PC1.. Imagine situation, that there will be 20,50,100 players names, you will have to ask again and again. Also there are russian nicks...

 And many more, if you did not tried this kind of content replace, you dont see the problems and you say, use friend. It is not possible. Howgh. So your llimiting antialting have side effect in this ways.


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Solar, Izual, this suggestion thread is useless because  there is no real reason, why not open another 2 subforums (and ask players, who have minimal rights to make a choice in 2238)
I openend this thread to see if there is a niche for this interest and if enough people are interested, nothing more.

And at your "special excuse" todual log - all you need is a friend and some outsource communication program. Nothing more. Did such things countless times and never needed alting/dual logging. And now stop derailing the thread.


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I openend this thread to see if there is a niche for this interest and if enough people are interested, nothing more.

And at your "special excuse" todual log - all you need is a friend and some outsource communication program. Nothing more. Did such things countless times and never needed alting/dual logging. And now stop derailing the thread.

 Russian nicks? No way. And there is a lot of another ones i did not explain. If i wll have time to realize it, i wil ljust log 2 computers and hope that i will have enough speech to succeed with this quest.


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We should also have "settlers 2238" (crafting) and "PvE" subforums. Would be great actually
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 05:30:52 pm by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


  • 'Insanity'
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rp sub forum sounds great :D


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this sugestion sounds great!!!

Great idea, especially for improving RPG experience in game, which honestly I will say doesn't exist. Maybe this will encourage players to RPG projects
Polskie Pustkowia

Maybe it will be the best way to find people interested in roleplay on this server. So i vote for "yes" :)


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Resurrecting this topic as we're considering to maybe open one right now. Rereading the post here again, it has come to my attention, that some people maybe got a wrong idea what will/could happen in that certain subforum. It is not meant to be a place where you post your roleplay projects you are leading ingame, it is kind of a "storyboard". Usually in most fora's roleplaying boards, there are 1-2 gamemasters, a thread to pin all the participants character sheets in, and GM controlled 1-2 threads were the actual story takes place. The GM provides the story, the enviroment, the players post incharacter in said topics, where everything can happen etc. An english example may be the NMA RP Boards, however they have many different threads/stories at the same time going on and lack Game Masters as far as I can tell. Now, I'd like to know, if some people still would be interested in said forum over here, or not. If interest isn't too high - then it's ok too - it's an experiment after all and an alternative for people who may have a hard time to do proper Roleplaying in the game.
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